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We've just finished our morning training and I am wasted. I haven't slept more than 4 hours everyday for this entire week as it is already finals week. Add to that, training has also intensified as UAAP 77 volleyball season is only a month away.

At the lockers, I stretched my back which feels sore from all our comditioning and training. Looking at myself in the mirror and seeing my eyebags, I exclaimed to myself, "Jia, you look like crap."

From behind me, I heard a loud chuckle, "well, if you look like crap, then I pity the rest of us mere mortals."

I turned around and hit her arm while I laughed with her. I pointed to my eyebags, "see this? Ah-huh..." and this caused her to laugh harder.

"Ok, sorry... Sorry" she said, holding on to her tummy to contain her laughter. "Seriously, you should check the mirror more often. Those eyebags are probably the only proof that you are human after all and not a goddess."

"WHATEVER Bea de Leon!!" I smacked her arm as we were both laughing so hard.

"Hey, you 2" Mich called out to us. "Want to have breakfast with us? J and G want to go to pancake house."

"No, I'm good" Bea replied. "I need to cram for my Math finals later, I'll just eat at the dorm."

"What about you Ji?"

"Thanks Michifu, but I'll just eat at the dorm as well."

"Okie guys, we'll go ahead!"

When Mich left, Bea turned to ask me, "do you also have finals today?"

"Nope. But I hear that my buddy has a Math finals which, I remember, she is worried about. So, I want to help her review for it."

"Oh, I see. She's one lucky friend."

I picked up her towel from the bench as she was finishing packing up her bag. I looked straight into her eyes, "I'm glad she thinks so" I said and bumped her shoulders with mine.

She laughed at the realization and placed her arm on my shoulders and pulling me into a side hug. She smiled and said thank you before zipping her bag which she slung on her shoulder. As has been second nature to us, she took my hand and clasped it, as we walked out of the BEG.

"What are you having?" She asked as we lined up for food at the Cervini Caf, with her ahead of me.

"I'll just have bacon and eggs" I replied.

As she reached the front of the line, unfortunately, the last order of bacon and eggs was ordered by her batchmate, Thirdy Ravena of the basketball team.

"Uh-oh.." I heard her say

"No, it's ok. i'll just have whatever is left." I replied, touching her arm. She looked at me and smiled, letting me know that she'll work something out.

In a very sweet voice, she said loud enough for Thirdy to hear it, "Manang, do you still have bacon and eggs?"

"Sorry, no more" the lady answered.

I was trying to supress my laughter as Bea was totally acting super girly, even brushing her haid and pulling loose strands behind her ear. "Awwww, I was really hoping I could have my favorite coz I'm having a bad day" she pouted while throwing glances at Thirdy who seemed oblivious to her antics.

I pulled the edge of her sleeve, "Bei, seriously, it's ok."

She shrugged her arm and gave me a stealthy look that meant 'just go with the flow'.

"Soooo sad" she exaggerated, now shifting her body to face Thirdy, as if waiting for him to offer the plate to her. When Thirdy was still not minding her, I saw her eyes widen and loosen her stance. "Uh-ohh.." The girly-girl Bea act is gone and the swag is back.

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