Spark 20

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I went up for the quick set like all the other times we practiced this shot.

A quick B set, the one that brought us closer together, first as a task, but then without us knowing it, opening us to a love that neither of us realized until it blew up right in front of us.

"Jia!!" I screamed as she tossed the ball, but I was surprised when, instead of setting the ball towards me, she tossed the ball over the net.

It felt as if the ball was falling slowly as I watched it's movement. And then, it hit the floor with a soft thud, and it was over.


We did it.

For a moment I thought I'd go deaf with the screams and the sound of the confetti exploding on the sidelines. I jumped and screamed as my heart swelled with so much happiness.

I rushed towards Jia and hugged her. Lifting her, I twirled her around as we laughed and cried at the same time. Bringing her down, we encased each other in a hug to savor in the moment.

I didn't know it was possible to feel this much happiness in one moment. I could literally feel my heart ready to explode, pushing itself against my chest, that I couldn't form any words.

She pressed her head close against my chest as her hands wrapped tightly against my waist. Her tears staining my shirt. I cupped her face as I kissed her forehead, before pulling her in again for an embrace. Closing our eyes, we settled into the peace that we felt in each others arms.

But then I felt a slight pull on my shoulder, as I was set aside by arms that then reached out for Jia. She herself seemed to be momentarily surprised by our separation as her eyes searched mine for answers, turning to her side, she found him there.

"Hon!" He said, stepping in between us, and pulling Jia for a kiss.

I quickly turned away, and that's when I saw Maddie rejoicing with our teammates but her eyes were trained on me. I break into a smile as I made my way towards her.

She was smiling, but it didn't reach her eyes. I silently berated myself, knowing that I caused her pain again. Stupid me, sharing the glorious moments of this win with Jia instead of her. That in that moment, my heart searched for Jia before her.

"So.. I believe I made 12 points?" I raised my eyebrows at her as I broke into a coy smile. I teased her, trying to overcompensate for my earlier error.

Laughing, she slapped my arm, and I pulled her in for a hug. Standing side by side, I placed my right arm around her shoulders as she wrapped her hands around my waist. We looked up at the crowd and basked in this feeling.

"I'm so proud of you baby" she whispered to me, and I felt a small tug at my heart.

This girl loves me unconditionally
Even if I can be so careless and hurt her
Even if I cannot reciprocate the things she does for me
Even if sometimes she has to close her eyes not to see the truth
That there is still a small part of me that is held by Jia

I sighed deeply as I felt disappointed with myself. How can I not see how much she loves me? How can I neglect everything she does to make me happy?

With my free hand, I cupped her face to urge her to look at me and I kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes and I could see tears brimming in her eyes.

"I love you Bea, so much" she said, eyes tightly shut as her tears now fell uncontrollably.

I pulled her in for an embrace. "Love you Madz", I replied as I wiped her tears and cradled her head against my shoulder.


"Madz, do you really need to go?" I whined as we were walking around campus.

"Bei, you know I haven't gone home since Christmas. I miss my family.." She held my hand and stroked it to comfort me.

I pouted like a baby... Well, a 6-footer version of a baby throwing a 6-footer level tantrum. She has just told me that she's going home to Davao for the summer break, 2 months, while I have to stay in Manila due to my U23 Philippine team training.

"But it's our first monthsary in a few days! We won't even get to celebrate that..."

"Baby..." She cooed at me as she fixed my hair and hooked the loose strands on my ear "you'll be busy anway, you have trainings remember?"

"Exactly! And you won't even be here to support me.." I sat on the bench and placed my chin on my hands as I dug my shoes on the grass.

Sitting beside me, she got my hand as she clasped our hands together, and she bumped our shoulders so that I would look at her.

"You know I really want to be with you, and I want to be here to support you. But I also miss my family, please understand that Baby"

"Guilt trip..." I rolled my eyes at her "fine!" I pouted again and she burst out laughing.

"Fine, I guess we can just celebrate over facetime or whatever" I said irritably, sending her laughing harder. She always finds it cute when I have tantrums, which irritates me honestly. So, the more irritated I get the cuter she finds me.

She pinched my cheeks and I glared at her "ouuuuuccccchhhh". She let me go and I patted my cheeks which has now turned red.

"I'll miss you Bei" Kissing me on the cheeks, she hooked her arm in mine. Closing her eyes, she rested her head on my shoulder as I stared out across the Gesu church.


"Bacolod???!" Jia screamed incredelously at her phone

"hon, come on, I'm sorry ok. I didn't know my parents booked this trip for the whole family..." He said apologetically


"Hon! I know I promised you that we'll spend time after your championship. Why don't you come with us even for just a few days?"

"I can't I have U23 training" She plopped on her bed and rubbed her face to let out some steam.

"I'm really sorry Jia, I'll make it up to you when I get back. I love.."

Jia hung up the phone even before he could finish. She dropped her phone beside her on her bed as she grabbed a pillow to cover her face and screamed on it.

While everyone else was already resting for their summer break, she has to stay in the dorm as she was drafted for U23 along with their team captain Alyssa. As much as she's happy to represent the country, she can't take away the fact that she's just a regular teenager who wants to get some break. But now, she's stuck in the dorm, all by herself.

She heard the door click and she immediately sat up. The door opened revealing Bea

"What are you doing here?" She asked confused and surprised at the same time.

Bea took out her earphones as she made her way to her bed, throwing her bag on it.

"I'm staying here"

"Why??" She was still confused

"Newsflash" she said sarcastically "I got drafted for the U23"

Jia's eyes widened in shock and she jumped off from her bed to hug Bea. "Oh my gosh! I'm so happy we're teammates!"

Bea burrowed her eyebrows as she looked from side to side. "Ah yeeaahhh. What's new?!"

Jia hit her on the arm. "Ouch, you are kinda strong you know, even if you are small. Hello, weights training?"

And Jia punched her again, laughing at her. "OUCHHHH!!!" Bea exclaimed, rubbing her arm where Jia hit her.

Jia laughed harder, "come on. Let's go have lunch at UP town, training's still at 4pm"

"Ok" Bea stood up and grabbed Jia's hand. "Let's go"

They left the dorm hand in hand, sharing stories and laughter as they made their way to the mall. 2 friends walking in solitary in an otherwise barren campus, with only each other to keep them company. In that lonely afternoon, neither of them felt alone.

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