Spark 17

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12 noon, Maddie stepped out of her classroom and was surprised to find Bea waiting outside at the corridor.

"Hey, what brings you here?" Maddie greeted her and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Well," Bea said as she got Maddie's bag and hooked their arms together, "I was wondering if you're free to spend the afternoon with me?" Bea beamed at her.

"Wow Ms. Beatriz de Leon, it has been a while since I've seen you smile that way."

"Let's just say that horses have better perspective when the blinders are off" Bea laughed

"Who knew you were a horse?" Maddie chimed in, and Bea playfully slapped her shoulders.


"Where are we going?" Maddie asked as Bea made her way towards her car, leaving Maddie to follow her.

Maddie couldn't see what Bea was doing, but it seemed like she was reaching for something inside her car. Turning around, Maddie saw Bea holding a bouquet of flowers as she made her way back to Maddie.

"That's beautiful! Wow, you finally had the courage to tell her how you truly feel. I'm happy for you Bei!."

"Walk with me Madz" Bea replied seriously, holding out her hand to Maddie.

"Bei?" Maddie asked raising her eyebrows, suddenly bothered at the tone of Bea's voice. When she didn't move, Bea walked beside her and clasped their hands, leading her to walk.

They silently made their way to the back of Eliazo dorm, to the small patch of garden there, overlooking the skyline. Bea asked Maddie to sit on a bench, as she paced around.

"Bei, what is it? Look, if you're scared, I can go with you when you tell her.."

"Shhh, wait.. Wait" Bea was wiping her hands on her pants and shaking her hands, trying to relieve her anxiety. She kept walking around in circles making Maddie dizzy,

Maddie stood up, "You don't need to do it now if you're not ready, nobody's forcing you.."

Bea kept pacing around and Maddie was getting frustrated with her.

"Hold on.. Quiet.." Bea was taking deep breaths and exhaling loudly, like she was in labor. Her hands were wet and clammy.

"Just tell her how you feel and get it over and done with!!!" Maddie screamed.

But she was stopped in her tracks when Bea grabbed her shoulders and kissed her straight on. She felt herself getting lost in the kiss, as she held on to Bea's nape for support. When they detached from the kiss, she had to blink several times and inhale sharply to get oxygen back in her brain.

When she came back to her senses, she smacked Bea in the arm. "What the hell Bea de Leon?!?! I thought we were talking about Jia???"

Bea stepped closer and held both of Maddie's hands in hers.

"Madz, I've been begging for love and pining for someone, that I have been too busy to recognize the things around me. That all this time, there was someone who never left my side, someone who always made me feel special even if I couldn't give her anything in return. I failed to see the beauty in her because I was too focused on someone else.."

Bea kissed Maddie's hands as she took a step closer. "I was to busy running after someone else that I didn't know what was in front of me.."

"But.. Jia?"

"Jia, was a dream. But I have my eyes finally open now, and it's you I see. It's you I want to be with.."

"Look Madz, I'm sorry if I'm totally risking everything here and I know I am totally ruining our friendship by doing this. I'm afraid we can't be friends anymore, coz I don't think I can stop myself from falling in love with you.."

Bea was surprised when her tears started falling. Maddie wiped her tears as she placed their foreheads together as she closed her eyes.

"This is really stupid Bei. I have all the reasons to run away, and only one reason to stay.."


"The heart knows reasons which reasons alone does not know" and Maddie kissed Bea back as their tears mingled with their kisses.

They hugged each other until their heartbeat mellowed.

"Madz, sorry it took me a long time to see you.. Thank you for not giving up on me" Bea hugged Maddie and kissed the top of her head.


Jia was in the lockers as she was getting ready for training when
she heard someone walked in.

"Oh, hi Jia" Maddie said awkwardly as she made her way to the locker.

Jia couldn't help but glance at the large bouquet that Maddie was holding.

Silence befell the two of them.

"Nice flowers.. I'll go ahead" Jia said, and she briskly walked away, trying to escape the situation.

"Babe, you in there?"

Jia bumped straight into Bea's chest and Bea was stunned as she blocked the doorway.

Maddie turned around and found them frozen on their spots.

"Bei.." Madz called out to her, almost in a whisper.

Bea snapped out of her daze and walked towards Maddie "there you are, I missed you.." she kissed Maddie's cheeks.

They were surprised when the door slammed and they heard Jia's footsteps fading towards the gym.

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