Spark 25

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Jia was seated on the couch in Ella and Ly's room, with Ella hugging her as she bawled her eyes out.

After Maddie arrived, Jia left her room with nothing, not even her phone or her keys. She just had to get out of there as she felt the walls closing in on her. Wandering in the halls, she ended up in front of Ella and Ly's in door, barefoot and catatonic. As soon as they opened the door, her tears started falling. 15 minutes after, she was still slumped on the couch, sobbing uncontrollably, as they desperately tried to comfort her.

"Ji, just let it all out. Let's talk when you're ready.."

Their kindness and understanding made her cry harder. NO, I don't deserve their kidness because I'm a bad person. I am the reason why 2 people have been betrayed today. Bea with Maddie and I with Miguel. Her mind screamed at her

"I'm a bad person.." She choked as she sobbed harder.

"Why do you say that?" Ly asked as she sat beside her and stroked her hair.

"This is all my fault. If only I've been true, then we shouldn't have hurt anyone else." Jia clutched Ella's sleeves as she tried to find an anchor as she felt herself plunge deeper in her guilt.

"Is this about Bea?" Ella asked and Jia snapped her head to look at them, scoping their reactions, afraid of any judgment she might find in their eyes.

Ella nodded her head as if she understood from the silence that the answer was Yes.

"Jia, aren't you with Miguel? Do you love him?"

Again, silence.

"Ok, let's put it this way.. Do you also love Bea?"

Jia rubbed her eyes as she felt another onslaught of tears coming.

"Shhh... We're not here to judge you Jia. All we're saying is that you 2 need to fix this and stop hurting other people" Ella said.

Ly touched Jia's arm gently. "If you love each other, then come clean with it. But you both need to sort out your baggage before you can be together."

"Ate Ly, how did you do it? I mean, you and Ate Den?"

"I'm not going to lie, it was difficult, and we fought hard against our true feelings for each other for a long time just because we were afraid of the judgments. But you know what? I really love her, and the fame and fortune don't matter if I can't share it with her."

"You're so brave..."

"No, it's not about bravery Jia; It's about love. How much would you give up to fight for that love."

"But you have to remember that both of you are in relationships now, Ji. Loving is never an excuse or a justification for cheating." Ella's tone was very calm and comforting, and it made Jia cry harder, feeling as if she's the bad person in this equation.

Maddie is their friend, and she betrayed their friendship and her trust. Maddie trusted her to watch over Bea while she was gone, and yet, she found herself on enemy line.

"It just happened! We didn't plan it. We were just both probably lonely and stressed..."

"What are you trying to justify Ji? The kiss or the fact that you're in love with someone other than your partner?" Ella asked.

"Sort this out Ji. If you two really love each other, then be honest with your partners. You can't go behind their backs, fight fair" Ly patted Jia's back as she kissed her temple.

"But for now, you need to focus on our games. Push that aside, you can't let this affect your games" and Jia allowed herself to be hugged by Ella and Ly as she tried to empty out her tears.


"I didn't know you were coming.." Bea sat up on the bed and Maddie followed suit.

"Exactly, that's why it's a surprise right?"

"Yah.. Well I just was.. Well.. Ahh.. Surprised.." Bea nervously giggled.

"Then good! That means I was successful then" Maddie smiled at her as she leaned closer to kiss Bea. After a few seconds, she had to stop when she felt that Bea wasn't responding to her kisses.

"Is anything wrong Babe?"

"Huh.. NO!! I'm just really nervous and a bit out of focus. I'm anxious about the games." She excused.

"Ok" Maddie pulled her to lie on the bed as they cuddled.

Bea placed her arm under Maddie's head so that she can scoot over, as Bea rested Maddie's head on her chest. She kissed the top of Maddie's head as she looked straight up at the ceiling. She tried to block all thoughts of Jia, but the memories of their kiss still lingered in her head. She shook her head, as if doing so would erase her thoughts.

"Babe? Where's Jia?" Maddie caressed her chest, before entwining their hands.

Bea had to swallow hard. "She probably just went to Jho's room or something.."

"Ok, I need to thank her for taking care you while I was gone" she leaned up to kiss Bea, and Bea had to close her eyes to shun off the guilt.

"I love you Bea, I missed you so much."

"I'm sorry..." Bea's tears started gushing.

"Hey.. For what?" Maddie leaned up and wiped her tears.

"For not being a good girlfriend.."

"I understand.. You were just really busy with U23. It's also my fault for leaving you when you needed me most"

"I promise, from now on.."

"Shush.. Don't make any promises Bei, that's usually where problems occur. Just love me the best way you can, and I'll be happy." Maddie kissed her.

Bea could taste her tears as it touched her lips when they kissed... tasting her guilt burning her lips with every kiss.

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