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"14, quick!"

Coach Tai screamed from the sidelines, telling me to give a quick set to Bea.

It is our last game in the preliminary round of the SEAgames and this is a do or die game. One more win and we move on to the quarterfinals. One loss and we bow down from this competition.

I quickly glanced to my left and caught Bea's eyes. She smiled back at me, and just like every other time that we run this play, she slightly nods her head and gives me a lopsided smile. Her innocent swag makes me chuckle.

"I got this." I see it in the fire in her eyes, as she makes her approach, eyes locked on the target like a prey.

I jumped and set the ball sideways to her, exactly the right height that she wants. I watch her as I am falling back down; watch her as she makes the perfect kill and  hear it drop with a resonating boom.

She roars with the point, pumping her fists up, and jumps in celebration. Beadel the BEAst had scored another point, winning the set for us.

I can't help but feel my heart swell with pride as to how much she's grown in the last year.

From that shy, lanky, awkward teener who had all the doubts about herself, she has become this confident lady ready to take on new challenges.

From being scared of being judged and insecure about her abilities, to being the youngest member of the squad carrying the nation's flag.

From being a child stumbling with the notion of love, she had learned to love... And to live.

How could we have come so far in 1 year?

I shook my head as I tried to wipe away the smile forming in my lips.

A little over a year ago, I was forced by circumstances to share a room with a stranger. Who knew, 1 year after, I would be standing here, sharing the fulfilment of my biggest dreams with her... Holding her hand?

"Hey, come here" she motioned to me as she pulled me towards the huddle, handing me a bottle of water.

"You ok?" She asked as she rubbed my back, kissing the top of my head.

I just gave her a soft smile as I listened to coach for instructions. She then stood behind me and hugged me from the back, placing her chin on top of my head, cradling me.

When the whistle was blown signalling the start of the next set, she turned me around and gave me one big hug, before clasping our hands and pulling me to the court.

I watch our hands as she leads me. My big baby protecting me against the fear of what lies ahead.

A year ago, I thought I needed to teach her how to survive in her new world, little did I know that she would end up teaching me the greatest lesson. To accept myself.

"Ready?" She quips at me right before the set starts

"Yup" I smiled as I slowly walk away to take my place.

The whistle blew, for the first ball to be served in what could be our last game in this arena.

"Hey!" She called out, making me turn quickly. "Huh?!?" I asked.

"I love you.. Let's do this." She gives me her trademark smile and a flying kiss.

I had to cover my face to hide the blush forming.

"Crazy!" I shouted towards her while laughing.

"I love you too" I replied as I jumped to make contact with the ball to set it towards her.

People say there is a reason why we meet every person in our lives.

I taught her to gain control
She taught me to be carefree

I showed her not to live with reckless abandon
She showed me how to take risks

I guided her to live
She guided me to love

And everything started with a spark.

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