Spark 32

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"Hi.." Bea whispered to Jia as soon as Jia opened her eyes. They were looking at each other, lying on each of their own bed, with the mere distance of the aisle separating them.

"Morning.." Jia replied, she smiled, but then immediately hid under the pillows.

"Hey.. I can't see you.."

"That's the point.."

Bea walked over to Jia's bed and sat beside her, gently stroking her hair. "You're beautiful... Even when you've just woken up.. Even when you haven't combed your hair or brushed your teeth. You can come out in rags or tattered shirt, and I still wouldn't be able to take my eyes off of you.." She leaned down to kiss Jia's hair.

"Stop.. You're making me blush" Jia reached up to touch Bea's face. She couldn't help the smile that crept up in her face, knowing that she could be free with her feelings now. Free to be with Bea, free to admit her true feelings. Yes, she still wasn't sure how she'll come out to her family about them, but she wanted to forget that for now. What is important to her is that she could at least be true to herself now, and she can finally be honest with Bea. She caressed Bea's cheeks as she was lost in her thoughts.

"Hey, what are you thinking of?" Bea asked when she noticed Jia's silence.

"How stupid I was in running away from you, when I can be THIS happy. I love you Bea, so much.." but suddenly, her expression changed. "... But I don't know how to love you. How to come out.. How to tell my family, the team... How to explain to everyone who will not understand..."

"Hey.. Ji.. We don't have to think about all the answers to that now, ok? Let's just take one day at a time. I wont pressure you to come out if you're not ready. As long as I have you, then I would be content with that.."

Jia sat up and locked Bea in an embrace. "God, you don't know how many times I wished to hold you this way in my arms.."

Bea gave her a peck on the lips, "as much as I'd love to stay here and cuddle with you, unfortunately, we need to be in training in 15 minutes.."

"Aaarrrgghhhh" Jia slumped back on the bed, venting her frustration.

"I know!" Bea laughed. "Let's just deal with training and then we'll have our first breakfast date, ok? My treat"


Jia was doing her own drills with Coach Tai as Bea and half of the team were resting on the sidelines. Bea had her eyes fully trained on Jia, and she had a sheepish smile, trying to hide the butterflies in her stomach.

"Hey, you can blink you know and she'll still be there when you open your eyes.." Bea's thoughts were broken when someone sat beside her, handing her a bottle of gatorade.

"Madz.." Bea couldn't bring herself to look at Maddie and instead stared at her feet, feeling the guilt immediately creeping through her.

"Hey.." Maddie held out to touch Bea's face and held her cheek to urge her to look up. "We've already talked about this. This is my choice as much as it is yours. And that glow in your eyes when you look at her? I could never give you that much light or life no matter how I tried."

"I'm sorry.."

"For what? For being true enough rather than lying to me? Trust me Bei, it hurts now, but it would have hurt more if you faked loving me."

Bea felt herself tearing up and she grabbed Maddie in a tight embrace. As she pulled away, she placed their foreheads together and whispered in her ear, "I wish someday you'd find the love that you deserve", their lips barely inches away from the others.

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