Spark 21

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Jia opened the dorm room and found Bea sprawled on her bed, lying flat on her belly, chatting with someone on her laptop.

Bea turned a bit to waive at her, and pointing to her laptop said "it's Maddie, come on, say hi" before promptly returning her attention to the screen. "Jia just arrived" she smiled like a kid, hugging a pillow under her chest.

Jia walked silently towards her bed, careful not to make a sound to disturb their chat. Bea looked up at her and signalled again for her to come to Bea's bed, even patting the space behind her.

Jia whispered, "No, I don't want to disturb you.." shaking her head to resist. Bea widened her eyes at Jia and lightly growled at her pretending to be angry, sending Jia laughing hard.

"Hey, do you need to go now?" They were both broken from their short banter when they heard Maddie speak.

"Oh sorry, no babe. I was just telling Jia to come over and say hi to you. But apparently, she hasn't taken a bath yet and she looks like trash, so she's too ashamed to show herself.. OUCH!!!"

Bea rubbed her head where Jia smacked her with a pillow, and found herself being harshly pushed aside on her bed.

"Hi Maddie! Don't believe Bea.." Jia said, taking the laptop to focus on her, and pushing Bea further off the bed. Bea sat up and playfully tackled Jia, "give it back!" They were both laughing as Jia was no match for Bea's long arms and legs, as they struggled with each other to win solo rights to this bed.

Bea ended up hugging Jia in a bear hug, trapping the much smaller girl with both her arms and legs, and Jia surrendering in laughter. "I give up" Jia said, laughing uncontrollably, tears in her eyes.

"Winner!!!!" Bea screamed like a gladiator before letting Jia go, even slightly pushing her back to get off the bed. Jia stood up but not before giving Bea a hard slap on the shoulder, and Bea roared at her.

Returning her focus on her laptop, Bea smiled at Maddie. "See babe, me got some mean UFC fighting skills wooo-poooowww" she said while doing some karate chops.

Maddie was smiling but Bea could sense that she was a bit down. "Hey, what's wrong babe?" Bea suddenly turned serious.

"I just miss you.." Maddie replied.

"I miss you too. Sorry if I don't get to text or call you often. I'm just really busy with training."

"I know, and that's why it sucks. Because I know you're sacrificing a lot, doing something for the country, and here I am sulking because I miss my girlfriend. I feel so selfish.."

"Ey Madz, this is just until the next month. I promise after that.."

"It's ok Bei, I understand.."

"Babe, think of it this way. We're like heroes or something, fighting for our country. So, I'm like Clark Kent and you're my Lois Lane!"

Maddie burst out laughing and Bea felt relieved at seeing her smile again. "Awww, there's that smile that made me fall in love with you."

"You're crazy Bea. Anyway, have you been a good girl?"

"Of course!!"


"Jia! Can you come here and help me?" Bea stood up from her bed and dragged her laptop towards Jia's bed, plopping herself beside Jia.

"Come on, tell her I've been a good girl!!" Bea kept slapping her shoulder.

"Owwwww. Hi Maddie, no Bea has been evil. OUUUUUCHHH" she screamed when Bea hit her harder.

"Jia, tell her the truth!"

"I saw her with another girl yesterday... OUCHHHH" Bea bit her arm

"Babe, I swear Jia is lying!!! JIA!!!!"

"Ok ok" Jia pushed Bea off of her. "Yah, she's been good, just busy with training and stuff" she said, while rubbing her sore arm, hitting Bea with one hard slap on the shoulder

"See babe? I told you I'm good" she smiled at Maddie but immediately glared back at Jia.

"Hey Jia" Maddie said. "Mind looking out for Bea while I'm gone? You know how that big baby always needs someone to take care of her."

"Hey!!" Bea reacted.

"You are a baby, Babe. Seriously."

"Fine!" Bea crossed her arms and pouted. Both Jia and Maddie laughed, and she said through gritted teeth "FINE!!"

"Jia, keep an eye on her, would you? I don't want any one trying to take her away from me while I'm gone."

"As if Bea has admirers. Feeling!!"

"Well, I just want to make sure that if ever that happens, I'll be there to fight for her, and not when I can't do anything all the way from here. At least give me a fair fight."

Jia had to swallow a lump on her throat, as she felt that Maddie's statements had a bit of double meaning. No, impossible, her mind told her. She had to force a smile.

"Ok, thanks Jia. Babe, I need to go. I love you"

"Love you Madz" Bea said while pouting, arms still crossed on her chest.

"What's wrong babe?"

"I mish you.." She said the words slowly.

"Hey Ji, can you give my babe a hug for me"

"No Ma..."

But before she can object, Bea already hugged her with eyes tightly closed "can't wait to feel you in my arms again Maddie" Bea whispered and Jia felt her heart stabbed and trashed to pieces.

"Ewww let me go.." Jia pretended to be irritated and immediately got off the bed. "bye Maddie" she waived at the camera before making her way to the washroom.

"Bye Babe, love you. Get back to me soon?"

Jia heard as she closed the door, before she collapsed on the floor. She lifted her knees to her chest as she hugged these, placing her chin on top of her arms. Taking in deep breaths, she tried to stop herself from crying.

Just be happy for her Ji that she finally found the love that you were so afraid to give her. Just drink your bitter pill and suck it all in. Just watch as a spectator a love story that should have been yours, but you were stupid enough to let go.

Just accept that these are the consequences of the choices you made. Of letting one Bea de Leon get away.

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