Spark 33

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"I knew I'd find you here.."

"Oh.. Hi Mich" Jia gave a sheepish smile before scooting over the bench to let Mich know that she was welcome.

Mich nodded her head after being acknowledged and took the seat. Sensing Jia's heavy mood, she followed her gaze as they both stared out into the skyline, watching the last minutes of the afternoon before the sun finally sets.

"Ji.. You can tell me anything.. You know that right? I'm still your oginal besty.. Remember? Panda and Michifu?" Mich shifted her head so that she could catch Jia's eyes, letter her know that she meant every word.

Heaving a sigh, Jia leaned her head on Mich's shoulder, as her tears started to fall.

"Hey..." Mich wrapped her around Jia's shoulder to comfort her.

"Mich.. Why does it have to be so difficult? Why is everything so complicated? Why can't just things it is...without asking..without explaining..without reasons.."

"You don't need to explain yourself to anyone Ji. The only person who's opinion should matter is yours. You first have to accept who you really are... To know who you really are."

"I wish it were that easy..."

"It's not.. Nothing ever is. But the question is, what would you rather have.. An easy life without Bea, or one with trials but with her holding your hand through it all?"

Jia stiffened and sat straight up, nibbling her lips as she cried harder. "You know?"

"Ji, I'm not stupid.. We're not stupid. We all know that there's something between you and Bea, but of course, we wanted it to come from you when you're both ready."

"What if I'm still not ready and she gets tired waiting for me?"

"Are you willing to risk that? Are you willing to loose her?"

When Jia still did not respond, she held out her hand and clasped Jia's hand in hers, letting Jia feel that she wont judge her.

"Look Ji, I'm sure you know that Bea loves you.. Deeply. But you're both young. If you're not ready to be with her, then don't be unfair to her.. Let her go. And when the time comes that you're ready, and fate decides that your paths crosses and you're both single.. Then maybe..maybe.. You can try again."

Jia burst out crying as she threw herself in Mich's embrace. "I love her so much Mich, but I'm so scared! Of the judgments, the hatred.. My family?!? What does it even mean to be gay?"

"Hey, nobody's asking you to put labels on. It's not like you turn out to be gay and you grow a tail or horns overnight. You're still you.. And the world will continue to turn.. Except that this time, you have someone you love to hold your hand with every turn."

"Am I gay?"

"You're a intelligent, kind, beautiful person inside out. A damn good volleyball player and one of the best friends one could ever have. Who just happens to be in love with Bea..."

"I'm a girl.. She's a girl.."

"And one hot fine girl I must say!"

"Hey!!" Jia shot up and slapped Mich's shoulder

"Ouch!!!" Mich laughed and playfully pushed Jia. "See? You can't even stand anyone else checking her out; how can you even consider letter her go?"

"I'm scared Mich.." Jia turned serious again

"I know.. I didnt say it was going to be easy. You just have to make a choice.."

"Can I choose not to hurt my family?"

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