Spark 29

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"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Bea asked Jia as she was fixing her overnight bag.

"Bei, it's your monthsary, of course I don't want to go with you!" Jia said laughing, as she lay down on Bea's bed and helped her fold her clothes.

"But, will you be ok here? I can just cancel our reservation in tagaytay, and we can just have dinner somewhere near.."

"Hey! Shsh, Bea de Leon! You will not cancel your plans because of me. Maddie has been looking forward to this celebration since she came back. And, considering that you didn't spend your first monthsary together, your second should be special."

"But Ji, I don't want to leave you now! You think I don't notice... That at night when our lights are out, I hear you crying." Bea sat on her bed beside Jia, and Jia rested her head on Bea's shoulders.

Bea held Jia's hand and started playing with her fingers. "It hurts me that you're hurting and I can't do anything about it.."

"Well, my fairytale turned out to be a nightmare. But at least I've proven that the knight in shing armor is true and he will rescue the damsel in distress" Jia rubbed her cheeks against Bea's shoulder.

"You're crying again.." Bea kissed the top of Jia's head.

"I'll be ok.."

"No.. I'm cancelling this trip" Bea quickly stood up to her phone. Jia caught up with her and grabbed her phone.

"NO! You are going on this trip and you will celebrate with Maddie!"

"But you need me!!!" Bea whined.

Jia hooked her arm with Bea's as she dragged them back to the bed for Bea to finish packing.

"I told you, I'll be ok.."

Bea placed her arms over Jia's shoulders. "Do you promise to call me if you need me, and I'll come rushing back ok?"

"You are so stubborn! Go on, go, shoo! Enjoy your date!" Jia laughed as she picked up Bea's bag and threw this to Bea. She then started pushing Bea towards the door.

"Jia!!" Bea fought back and they were laughing as they bantered towards the door, with Jia trying hard to pish Bea who was double her size.

"Ok, bye!! Drive safely! Watch the road. Focus! Don't text and drive! Don't drink and drive.." Jia chanted while continuing her play fight with Bea until they reached the door. She just kept blabbering senseless words which made Bea laugh harder. "Shoo shoo, go away! Leave now... Uhhh" Jia heaved as she pushed Bea harder.

Bea, who was now at the door, mocked Jia and held on to the door jamb with her long arms.

Jia then pushed on her like a door. "Take care... Coz I care" She continued pushing and heaving while blabbering, and Bea was just enjoying this.

She widened her eyes at Bea and slapped her shoulders playfully. "Go now... Be safe..."

"I love you"

Both of them stopped cold on their tracks after Jia said the last words. Bea straightened up and let go of the door, while Jia just stared at her.

"What did you say?" Bea started walking towards Jia, and Jia had to take a step back.

".. Besty.. I love you Besty Bei. Ok, bye!" Jia turned around and walked quickly towards their beds.

"Ok, I guess, I need to go?" Bea was making meaningless hand gestures, pointing to nowhere, as she started backtracking towards the door. Just as she was about to close the door behind her, she stopped and called out

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