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I swiftly turned around and the next thing I knew, I was down on the floor with a massive headache and my teammates hovering above me.

"What happened?" I asked, as Mich tried to pull me up and guide me in walking to the benches.

"Uhmm, I think you were daydreaming in the middle of the set.." Kim was laughing while helping me.

"You've been loopy the entire day. Where's your focus?" Mich asked as she handed me the ice pack for my head.

We started our training without the rookies. They management is meeting with them and their families to discuss their grades and standing for their eligibilitity to play in UAAP 77. This will be the day when they will find out if they will be cleared to continue with the team.

"Aren't they done? They've been in that room for the past 2 hours" I pointed to Mich while trying to soothe the forming bump on my forehead.

"You know how that goes. It took us almost 3 hours last year for ours."

"I hope they make it" I sighed, feeling my heart palpitate with worry.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll make it" Ana said, joining our group.

"Who?" I asked

"As if!" Mich teased me. "We know you're actually praying for Bea!" And they gave each other high fives.

"Of course not! I hope they all make it!" I said defensively, jolting abruptly that it made my head spin again, so I leaned back again to rest my head. I stared at the ceiling and placed the icepack on my forehead.

"But most especially Bea" they continued teasing me.

"What about me?"

I quickly jolted on my seat upon hearing Bea's voice, but I immediately regretted my decision "ouch!!" I hissed, holding on to my head.

"Hey" she said, taking the seat beside me as she put one arm on my shoulders. With her other hand, she held my chin urging me to face her, as she inspected my face.

She lightly kissed the bump on my forehead. "What happened to that?"

"Nothing" I said, holding on to her arm. "How did your evaluation go?"

But she wasn't listening to me. She got the icepack and started patting it on my forehead.

"Did you have this checked at the clinic already?"

"Bei, it's just a bump. What did Management tell you?"

Turning to Mich, "Mich, what happened to her?"

"Let's just say, she took a service ace to her face."And she blurted out laughing with Kim and Ana.

"Maybe we should go to the clinic" she stood up quickly as she held my hand, gathering our things.

"Can you answer my questions!" I was surprised that I said it a bit loud that the people around us became silent. "Bei, how was your evaluation?" I repeated.

"We'll talk about that AFTER you get checked by the clinic." The way she stressed her words let me know that I was not going to win this conversation until she gets her way.

"Fine" I said, as she carefully held me as we made our way to the clinic.

The nurse checked me and said that everything was ok. The whole time, Bea was just standing in front of is and biting her nails to divert her concern.

"It's just a small bump. Just rest for the day though as you might be dizzy if you move too much. I'll leave you to rest here." The nurse exited the room.

Bea breathed in a sigh of relief and walked to the bed where I was resting. She propped herself on the bed, lifted my head, which she carefully placed on her lap. She gently stroked my hair, lulling me to sleep.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"Uh-humm" I mumbled, as the pain reliever and her soothing hands has started to make me sleepy.

"Don't do that again"

"What? Receive a service with my face?" I laughed.

"No. Scare me like that. I hate worrying... about you"

I gor her free hand and placed it on my tummy, to wrap her arm around me.

"You're so sweet Bei" and I could feel losing my consciousness to sleep.

"You haven't told me about your evaluations."

"Shhh, just go to sleep Ji. We'll talk after."

"You can go now"

"I'll wait"

"You're stubborn"

"And you're cute"

Bea laughed as Jia finally fell asleep. She was stuck in an awkward position, her long legs dangling on the edge of the bed, and her back stiffly against the wall. But she didn't mind. She closed her eyes to make herself confortable.

"I hope you made it coz I'm not willing to let you go yet."

Bea was surprised when Jia spoke. Checking on her, she smiled when she realized that Jia was sleep talking.

"You don't have to. I made it Ji, I passed" she whispered, before she too fell asleep.

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