Spark 23

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The U23 training have intensified for the past weeks leading up to the opening of the games for May 1, 2015. The team has been training 6 hours a day, 7 times a week and they couldn't go home to their families anymore. As much as this was a great sacrifice for the players, this was necessary to create rapport in the team.

Jia plopped herself on her bed and she closed her eyes, she was too tired to move. Bea was behind her, and she did not even make it to her own bed as she sat down on the floor beside Jia's bed as she stretched out her legs. Leaning her head on Jia's bed, she stroked Jia's hair, which made Jia sleepy.

"Too tired..." Jia whispered and Bea leaned her head closer to Jia's, staring at her face while she continued playing with her hair.

"I'm hungry" Bea replied

"You're always hungry" Jia snickered still with her eyes closed. She grabbed Bea's hand and placed this under her head, clutching it as her pillow

"Do you have any plans of giving me back my hand any time soon?"

"Not really..." Jia almost whispered as she stiffled a yawn. Bea couldn't help it as she also yawned.

Jia was already starting to lose consciousness when the weight on her bed moved and she felt her head being gently lifted. Bea took her hand that Jia held previously, and instead, laid down beside Jia and placed her head to rest on her arm. She gently pulled Jia so that her back can rest on Bea's chest as she placed her other arm over Jia's waist.

"Ok, let's get some rest" Bea breathed heavily as she kept yawning.

Jia let out a chuckle as she turned in Bea's arms so that she can face her. Bea already had her eyes closed as she was starting to doze off. Jia couldn't help but smile as to how cute Bea was, she really looked like a baby. She lightly kissed the tip of Bea's nose and Bea scrunched her face as she scratched her nose. "Jiaaaa, stoooppp" she whined, as she still kept her eyes closed and wrapped her arms tighter around Jia and she pulled their bodies plush together.

"Sleep" she ordered, as she kissed Jia's temple and placed Jia's head on her chest, her arms protectively wrapped around her body to prevent her from falling off the small bed.

They fell asleep in this position, and neither of them could remember the last time they slept this soundly.

Jia woke up as she felt her tummy grumble. Checking her watch, it was already 2pm which explains her hunger as they haven't had lunch. Opening her eyes, she still found herself in an embrace with Bea, their arms and legs entwined with the other's.

She stirred to get out of bed.

"Shhh, I'm still sleepy" Bea mumbled as she shifted her weight to her side and wrapped Jia in a tighter embrace.

Jia smiled as we brushed Bea's hair away from her face. "I know, but aren't your little monsters hungry?" She joked and rubbed Bea's belly to make her point.

"They are.. But the big monster still needs some sleep and more Jia hugs" she replied without opening her eyes and hugging Jia even tighter, if that was even possible.

"Bei... Can't breath.." Jia joked

"Sorry.. But you're just too huggable..." Bea was slurring her words and Jia knew that she was dead tired and sleepy.

"Ok, let's just eat in, I'll prepare something from the pantry"




"You kinda need to let me go so that I can prepare our food.."

"No! No eating then.. Let's go back to sleep..."

"ISABELLE BEATRIZ DE LEON.." Jia gave her the warning tone.

Bea shot her eyes open pretending to cower in fear "MOM?!?!" and Jia laughed, pulling Bea off of her. She finally stood from the bed and leaned over to touch Bea's head, "get some more sleep, I'll wake you when food's ready"

Bea grabbed her hand and kissed it, all the while with still her eyes closed. "Thanks Love"

Jia's heart skipped a beat, but she just ignored it as she lightly pinched Bea's cheek before turning to leave.


"Wakey wakey" Jia whispered to Bea's ear.

Bea peeked through one eye then shut them again tightly as she was blindened by the glare coming thru the window, and snuggled her pillow tighter.

"Come on Bei, we need to eat. Ahh, no ene-ji no po-weh" she said immitating coach Tai.

"Jiiiii..." Bea laughed as she pulled Jia towards the bed and hugged her waist. "Cuddle time?"

"Ok, just 5 minutes and then we eat. I'm really hungry"

Bea sleepily smiled as she pulled Jia to lie beside her and locked her in an embrace.


"Wow!" Bea exclaimed as she sat on the table and started getting the plates and utensils to set the table.

"Shut up! that's just adobo. That's all I could manage"

"Are you kidding?? Can't you see how yummy this looks??" Bea ran to her and kissed her cheeks "thank you".

Bea pulled her to sit down and excitedly sat beside her. She started putting food on Jia's plate and tending to her every need.

"Bei, you haven't even started eating"

"It's ok. Here.." Bea scooped food on Jia's plate "say aahhh" and Jia accepted the food that Bea fed her.

"Go on, I can manage.." She smiled at Bea as it was her turn to place food on the latters plate.

"I'm so happy!!! Mwah" Bea kissed her shoulder and happily started eating. "You make me so happy Ji" Bea said while munching and even gently bumped their shoulders.

Jia just shook her head and focused on her food.


"Ji, wait up!" Bea ran towards her as she was leaving the gym after training.

"How's your knee?" She gently touched my right knee, the one that I slightly twisted earlier during training.

"Still kinda twitchy" I said quietly, a bit worried of my injury when we are just 1 week away from the games.

She took my bag from me and slung it over he shoulder as she held my hand with the other.

"Can you walk?"

"Yah I guess.." I said glumly. Honestly, it hurt a bit and I am not excited for the 15 minute walk back to the dorm.

I was surprised when she stopped in front of me, as she slung both our bags around her body, and squatted.

"Hop in"


She turned to look at me, when I didn't move, she backpeddaled a few steps and tapped her back.

"Hop in princess, your chariot awaits"


She rolled her eyes at me and then lifted me, and I screamed and laughed at the same time, worried that she'll drop me.

She winked at me before I hopped on to her back on a piggy ride, with my arms around her neck.

"Don't be afraid to fall Ji, I'll catch you" she said as she walked while carrying me.

Will you Bei? Will you catch me if I fall any deeper?

I rested my head on her back, feeling safe in her arms as I closed my eyes.

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