Chapter Thirty-Eight: Wonder Woman

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**Content Warning: There are quite a few mentions of gore throughout this chapter.**

The air was cold to the touch. "Is everyone alright?" I asked. I took out my lasso. From its glow, I could see a handful of the team: Barbara/Batgirl, Dinah/Black Canary, Harley, Cisco/Vibe, Courtney/Stargirl, and Mary Marvel. I turned to look at both sides of me. There was no sign of Brainiac, but I saw something else. There was a soft blue aura coming from around the corner. I walked closer toward the light.

"Diana," Barbara called out, "where are you going?"

"Finding answers." I kept walking. The blue light shined brighter. I turned the corner. My eyes widened at the sight. "Great Hera..."

I stood before a room shining from sky-blue lights coming from the hundreds and hundreds of shelves that lined the wall. My eyes were wide at the sight before me. I could feel my mouth open the tiniest bit.

"Wonder Woman!" Batgirl called for me. Footsteps came from behind me. They stopped suddenly.

"Look at this, Barbara," I told her.

Silence fell over us for a moment as we studied the room.

"What is it?" Batgirl asked.

"I...I don't know." I walked toward the shelves. They were lined with illuminating bottles. Inside, there was what seemed to be a whole world in there. I looked closer. I could make out the landscape: the beaches of Coast City. I looked over at the bottle to its left. It was like looking at the city of Blüdhaven, the new home of Nightwing. Beside it, I could see the Gateway City Museum of Antiques, my place of work when I was just seen as the average Diana Prince. "They're in here," I thought out loud.

"What's here?"

I turned around to see Black Canary in front of me. She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked past me.

"The cities," I answered, "the cities Brainiac has bottled. Some I did not even know that he had captured."

Black Canary ran past me. She searched the shelves up and down. After a few minutes, she stopped and looked at a specific bottle. She rested her hand against it. A frown drew on her face. "Hold on, Ollie," she murmured, "we're gonna get you out of there soon."

I frowned back at her. Black Canary was looking back at Star City.

I barely had time to recognize this before cold, metallic tendrils wrap around me. I felt a rapid pull back. It was only a matter of seconds before the team and I were pulled toward the bridge of the ship. There was a throne in the center, bolted into the ground, with the green Coluan with magenta plugs coming from his head sitting there. His black, almost dead eyes stared at us.

"Brainiac," I announced, glaring at him.

"I am not surprised that you and your team of so-called heroes would come my way." He stood up from his throne and approached us. "I see I have gotten ahold of a most fascinating collection." Brainiac began to examine each and every one of us.

I looked over at the others. Much like myself, they were bound by Brainiac's metallic tendrils and held high above the floor of the ship.

Stargirl rolled her eyes. "Seriously? We already went through this 'capturing us, then us kicking your ass'. Multiple times."

Brainiac turned his head to face her.

My eyes widened. "Stargirl, stand down!"

"What's it gonna be this time? Are you forcing us to fight to the death, or are we going to have to slog through yet another bad guy monologue?" She scoffed. "What? You get your villainous plans from Evil Depot, or something?"

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