Epilogue Four

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The cavern was dark and the air was damp. A young, brunette-haired woman walked behind a much older man, who wore a long, green cape with gold trimming. She carried a deceased female over her shoulder.

"Are we almost there?"the woman asked.

"Almost, Talia," the older man answered.

"I can't lug this carcass around forever." Talia sighed as she kept walking. The dead female was weighing her down. "Father, why are we bringing this...girl to the pit? And this pit specifically? It's not even ours."

"Many of our fighters died during Brainiac's invasion," the older man explained, "most of which we can't find. But from Roulette's underground fight club and the makeshift graves near where Brainiac's ship crashed, we have been able to find some...possible recruits. This pit, though not mine, was the closest to the body. Time is of the essence in this circumstance."

"You want to recruit this girl?"

The older man nodded as he and Talia kept walking. "She is just the beginning."

It wasn't long before the two of them entered a larger part of the cavern. Neon green light emitted from below. As the older man and Talia walked further in, they could see a pit of the neon green waters. It bubbled and steamed.

Talia placed the girl down. The girl's hair was in a dirty-blonde ponytail. A red shirt and yellow shorts that was coated in dried blood covered her torso. The girl's abdomen had been pierced, as dried blood covered the wound. Her closed eyes were covered by a red domino mask.

The older man looked at Talia. His graying brown hair had a white streak on both sides of his head. His silver-blue eyes were watchful of this before he nodded. "It is time."

Talia nodded back at the older man. She rolled the deceased girl into the pit. In that moment, the girl's body fell into the waters of the pit with a splash.

Talia watched as the pit continued bubbling. "This better work, Father."

"If it has worked on me for centuries," the older man assured her, "it will most definitely work on someone as youthful as her. All the pit needs to do now is revive her."

"I hope you're right."

For moments, the pit only ever bubbled like before. There wasn't any visible movement fron under the green water. Moments felt as though they stretched into hours.

Talia huffed and tapped her foot against the earth of the cavern. "This is a waste of time, Father. It's impossible to resurrect--"

The older man raised his hand. "Look."

Talia turned her head to look at the pit. Slowly, her eyes widened. "It can't be."

The bubbles intensified. Warm steam emitted from it. Suddenly, a head of wet, dirty-blonde hair emerged from the pit's water. The girl panted as she stood up, letting the water line her waist. She looked up at Talia and the old man. "Who are you?" Her eyes darted around the cavern. "Where am I?" She looked back at them and glared. "How did I get here?"

"That will come in due time," the older man answered, "though as for the first question, my name is Ra's al Ghul." He gestured toward Talia. "And this is my daughter, Talia al Ghul." He paused for a moment and looked back at the girl. "We have seen that your power is quite impressive, but needs formal training."

Talia nodded. "There is great potential."

"And we can provide that for you." Ra's smiled. "What do you say, young hero?"

The girl nodded. "I'd like that, but please, don't call me 'young hero'." She got out of the pit and walked closer to Ra's and Talia. "My name is Jesse...Jesse Quick."

End of Book One

*Author's Note: This is the end of the first book of Justice League Femme! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is by no means the end. My next project will be announced soon on my Instagram (@amethyst.jewel.writer) relatively soon. Thank you for your support!

-Amethyst Jewels

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