Epilogue Three: Supergirl

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I walked down one of the semi-crowded hallways of National City Technical High. I kept my head down as I walked past my peers. There had been a few rumors going around. Kara Danvers had died of the outbreak some kids thought, but that was debunked the second I stepped foot back just yesterday. Others thought I had been admitted to some psychiatric hospital or got knocked up and the family had to leave the city out of shame. I wasn't surprised. But what did surprise me was the showcase memorial of all the students and faculty that had died from the outbreak placed near the main entrance. There were at least thirty names and all, to my knowledge, identified as male. While I didn't know all of their names, I did see one that caught my attention: Ben Rubel.

Every time I walked past that memorial, I could feel my stomach drop. Walking past it on my way from homeroom to my first class today didn't change that feeling. If the first hospital I brought him to wasn't at full capacity, could he have made it? Maybe if I had recoginzed he was sick sooner, would the early care have saved him? I didn't have romantic feelings for him anymore, but I still let a friend down that day.

"Kara?" a familiar voice asked.

I turned my head to face the sound. Lee stood a bit further from me before they came over. A smile appeared on their face as they hugged me.

"I didn't see you yesterday," I said as I hugged them back.

"And I didn't see you for a whole month," Lee added.

"Touché." After a moment, I pulled back.

"Where were you? People were spouting all these rumors online last month about why you were a no-show."

"My family and I were out of National City," I fibbed, "so I was in a place where the outbreak couldn't affect me."

Lee nodded, believing me. "That's pretty smart, actually. My family should've done that before I got sick."

I frowned at that. "You got sick?"

"I'm fine now, but." They paused for a moment. "Supergirl visited me while I was sick."

My eyebrows shot up. "R-really?" The pitch in my voice went up. I cleared my throat.

"Yeah," Lee answered, "she visited me one of the nights when I was sick. She brought a friend with her."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "She did?" I was praying to Rao that I ws convincing him that it wasn't me. I had done this for a year now, yet it always felt like the first. "Which of her friends was it?"

Lee made a tiny shrug. "His name was Valor. He said he was from the future."

"Valor?" I asked.


I let out a sigh. I looked over to see a janitor's closet. I could have easily pulled them inside and told them. Lee was already friends with both Kara Danvers and Supergirl. It would have been the best case scenario, the best of both worlds. Before I could even grab ahold of Lee's arm, there was a faint, but shrill shriek. It sounded like it was in the center of National City. I pursed my lips for a second. "Hey, I gotta get to class. But uh..." I flashed them two finger guns. "I'll catch you later." I gave them a smile as I started walking backwards. "I'm glad that you recovered. See you." I kept walking as Lee before dashing toward the girls' bathroom.

After a few minutes, I flew out of National City Technical High. I found myself in a large, bluish-gray office space, with cubicles spread throughout the space. People in dressy clothing were bound to their chairs by thick rope. Some of them were gagged, and facing a small group in heavy, black clothing, with machine guns holstered around their waists. Some pointed them at the hostages. I shook my head as I approached them. "Really picked the wrong city to do dirty."

The terrorists swiftly turned to face me.

"I second that."

I turned to see Valor fly in beside me. "Ready?" I asked as I looked back at the terrorists.


Bullets shot at us as we flew toward them. They bounced off my chest as I shot toward the shooter. My fist slammed into the shooter's jaw, knocking them to the floor. I turned my head to look up at the other shooters. I snapped on my heat-vision and aimed for their guns. Immediately, their handles heated up. The shooters instantly dropped them. Some of my heat-vision struck them, but only to burn their arm. I turned over to the hostages, freeing them from their ropes. At that moment, they started to flee.

I looked around to see Valor deflecting the bullets with his cape, which ricocheted back to the terrorists. Some of them fall to the ground, incapacitated, but nowhere near dead. Our eyes met for a moment before there was a loud boom.

"DEO! Put your hands up where I can see them!"

My hands shot up in the air as I turned around. A dozen of what looked to be military agents stormed the office. They were heavily armed, with military-grade guns. In front of them stood a woman with short, blonde hair. Her eyes were a greenish-silver. Her face was stoic as she surveyed the area. Her glare softened as her eyes landed on both Valor and I. She raised her hand. "Stand down!"

Instantly, the other agents put their guns down.

The woman approached us. "Supergirl, Valor."

Valor's eyes widened. He pointed at his chest. "You...you know my name?"

She nodded. "My team and I have been studying both for a while now, including sifting through files we find from the Justice League."

I pursed my lips and put my hands on my hips. Kate or Diana must've informed her and her mystery team somehow.

"Which brings me to why I'm here." The woman pulled out a badge with her photo. "My name is Cameron Chase, director of the Department of Extranormal Operations. We've been watching you for the past couple months, ever since Brainiac tried to infect and destroy us. We've found that your help to stop any threats, especially alien ones, could be incredibly useful to us."

The second I heard that name, my stress melted. Eliza and Jeremiah were agents when I was adopted by them.

"You want us to help you?" Valor asked as Cameron put her badge away.

"We'll keep your secret identities safe and provide you both a place to train and a guaranteed team of allies, and in return, you help us nab any extra-terrestrial terrorists threatening any area of the United States." Her stoic face turned into a small smile, almost a smirk. "What do you say, Supergirl and Valor?" Her heartbeat was steady, so there was no indication of her lying to us.

I turned to Valor. I smiled at him. Considering he would need anything to adjust to stay in the present, Valor/Mon-El would desperately need it, and I could only do so much on my own. Then I looked back at Cameron. "If we agree, we'd need it under one condition."

She nodded a bit. "Shoot."

"Valor receives housing by one of your agents, much like how Eliza and Jeremiah Danvers gave me a home when I first arrived on Earth."

Cameron Chase stuck out her hand. "Deal."

With that, I shook her hand.

Author's Note: Hey guys! I apologize for going MIA on you all for the past month. I am back in college and this particular semester has been incredibly busy. Hopefully, I am able to finish the last epilogue very soon so I can announce my next project for this series via my Instagram (amethyst.jewels.writer). The story will still be posted both on here and on my Wattpad. I hope you enjoyed this epilogue as well as enjoy reading the final epilogue when I am able to publish that. Thank you for your support! Stay tuned! ;)

-Amethyst Jewels

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