Chapter Ten: Batgirl

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"You're really not sure?" I asked.

"Not a thing," Harley answered.

I shook my head. "No. That...that's not like her."

Harley let out a huff as her eyes pierced through me. "Ya really thought I'd be workin' with him ta let out a disease, B-Girl?"

"If you want me to be honest; yes."

Her eyes widened, as if she were caught in headlights.

"You have a track record."

"Ya eva thought that maybe, just maybe, I'm tryna ditch that shit?"

I sighed. "I...I guess not."

Black Canary sighed as she untied the Lasso of Truth around Harley.

"What was that for?" Wonder Woman asked.

"It's a dead end. We're not gonna get anything out of her."

"Thank you!" Harley replied, grinning from ear-to-ear.

"But we still need her," Batwoman added.

Harley's jaw dropped at that. Her eyes widened. "What?!"

"She could be of use to us trying to figure out what is going on. She knows how criminals think."

Wonder Woman nodded. "I agree."

"Nah, nah, nah." Harley shook her head. "I ain't havin' any of this!" She stood up, only for Huntress to push her back down. She gritted her teeth when she landed on her kneecap. "Ow!"

"You're not going anywhere, Quinn!" Huntress hissed.

Wonder Woman put her hand in front of her. "We don't need to be hostile to her."

"What exactly do we plan on doing with her?" Supergirl asked, "we can't just lock her up here for no reason. She told us the truth."

"She did," Batwoman said, "but she knows how a criminal can act."

"And...?" I asked.

"We don't know for sure if Joker really let out the disease," Batwoman replied, "I say we use her as a mole."

My eyes widened. "A mole?"

"Nuh-uh," Harley grunted, "I ain't going back ta that maniac!"

"You will if we tell you to," Huntress shot back, "or it's back to Arkham for you!"

Harley growled. "Fine!"

Huntress pinned Harley's wrists together while Black Canary handcuffed her.

Supergirl turned to me. "Hey, meet me on the roof of Wayne Enterprises in a bit."

I nodded. "Okay."

With that, Supergirl flew off.

I watched as Black Canary and Huntress dragged Harley to a holding cell in the Batcave. With that, the former clown princess of crime was out of sight...for now.

The sound of footsteps approached me. I turned around.

"Barbara," Batwoman said, as she took off her cowl and red wig.

"Yeah, Kate?" I took off my cowl as well.

"I didn't mean to hunt down Harley with you," she replied.

"I know. If it wasn't for that brawl—"

"I was looking for you," Kate said.

My eyes widened. " were?"

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