Chapter Six: Supergirl

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The document was blank on the screen as I heard the tapping of my colleagues typing away at their computers. I sighed at this and slumped my cheek into my palm.

"Supergirl," Kal said in the back of my mind, "you've been excessive."

A pit formed in my stomach as I bit my lip. I had done good before, right? I stopped a runaway bus from slamming into students from National City elementary. I've stopped the occasional mugging in the alleyways at night. I even got the chance to fight a few petty metahumans. Well, the last one always seemed to get Kal's attention somehow. I could only get about halfway through each fight before he broke us up. I bit my lip at this consideration. I had a pattern, didn't I? Maybe Supergirl was just too reckless to be...

"Kara!" a voice said loudly.

I jumped in my chair and turned around. I was greeted by Ben's warm, brown eyes. A sigh escaped me. "Oh goodness," I said, with my hand over my chest, "you startled me."

"Pretty deep in thought, huh?" Ben asked.

I nodded. "I guess you could say that." Another sigh escaped me.

"You okay?"

I shrugged before playing with the end of my blonde ponytail.

"You seem upset," Ben added.

"I...I got into a fight with a relative," I explained, "long-story short."

Ben pursed his lips slightly. "I get that. I used to get into quite a few fights with my mom. It used to frustrate me so much."

"What would you two fight about?" I asked.

"Just about everything under the sun," Ben answered, "grades, girls, jobs, colleges, house rules, hell even the idea of supers running around National City."

I bit my lip lightly at that.

"And those fights used to frustrate the crap out of me," Ben added, "like, I wish I could put some sense into her." He paused for a second. "But after a while, I'd understand where she was coming from. You know?"

I shrugged. "Kinda." Even if it was safe to tell Ben that I am Supergirl, he wouldn't get these fights between me and Kal. They're too specific. Having a fight with Kal wasn't the same as having a fight with your mom over house rules. It was stronger than that. "Thank you."

Suddenly, Ben let out a strong cough. He bent over slightly and covered his mouth with a balled up hand. His eyes were squeezed shut for a couple seconds.

I knitted my eyebrows together. "Are you okay, Ben?"

The coughing fit lasted a few more moments.

"Ben?" I asked again.

After a few seconds, Ben stood back up straight up and nodded. "Yeah," he answered, "I'm okay."

"It didn't sound it."

Ben shrugged. "The other boys back at National Tech having been have been coughing like this, too."

"That bad?" Suddenly, I could hear the sharp sound of heels clicking against tile. It came from a few floors below. My eyes widened. "Cat's coming."

Ben furrowed his eyebrows. "Huh?"

It was only a few more moments before I heard the ding of the elevator doors. I turned my head to see a woman in her early thirties walk out. Her short, blonde hair was in curls. Round sunglasses covered her eyes. A tight, navy blue dress hugged her torso with a golden bangle wrapped around her wrist. The black heels on her feet continued to click as she walked.

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