Chapter Twenty-Eight: Batgirl

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I sighed as Kara and Mon-El flew off. I turned to face Diana. "Well, what do we do now?"

"Well, unlike Superman, I have never fought Brainiac before."

Courtney furrowed her eyebrows through her mask. "Wait, I thought you did, though? Or am I thinking of Darkseid?"

"Fighting Darkseid was a lifetime ago," Diana replied, "but all I know is that Brainiac is nothing like Darkseid."

Courtney looked up for a second. Her mouth opened slightly. "Yeah...I think that was Darkseid." She chuckled. "My bestie would know more about it than me."

Kate raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you're actually tolerable enough to have a best friend?"

Courtney turned to her. "And you're so much of a buzzkill to not believe me?"

Dinah covered her face with her hand. "Guys, c'mon."

I looked back at Diana. "Well, it'd be nice if someone stayed another ten minutes or so to help us with this."

Diana walked over toward me. Her stance towered over me as she put her hand on my shoulder. "I understand your stress, Barbara. But I understand why Kara is upset, too."

I pursed my lips. I remember watching Kara tremble before flying off. "Do you know of any reason why that could've been?"

Diana shook her head. "The only thing I can think of is that Superman fought Brainiac once. That being said, we must be tolerable with her about this. We don't know why she was triggered by Brainiac."

Helena looked over at Nia. "You said that Brainiac has like his own ship, right?"

"Yeah," Nia replied, "a skull-shaped one."

Helena smirked at that. "Do you know where you saw it?"

Nia shook her head. "I was honestly too stunned to get a good look."

Helena scowled now. "Nice one, Dreamer."

"Hey," Nia replied, "I was still train--I mean, I'm still new to this."

Helena rolled her eyes. "I was going to say that if you knew, we could have Jesse and Jessica on that."

"Jesse and Jessica?" I asked.

"What? A speedster and a Green Lantern can't find its location?"

"We could still do it now," I said, "with their combined flight and speed, they'd probably find Brainiac's ship no problem."

Caitlin bit her lower lip. "Is that a good idea? We already don't have two of us here."

Helena glared at her.

"I think Caity's got a point," Cisco replied.

I turned to face him.

"Yeah right," Helena shot back, "like we can trust a supervillain." She gripped onto her crossbow tighter.

Cisco glared at her. "Yeah, well, can you trust a doctor? Because she is one."

She almost laughed, as if she was trying to hold it back. "A doctor of what? Criminology?"

"Bio-engineering, smartass."

My eyes widened at this. I had never heard that tone from him before.

Helena smirked. "Huh, I guess you and Quinn aren't brainless villains after all."

"So maybe listen to me," Caitlin growled.

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