Chapter Twenty-Nine: Wonder Woman

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My heart sank as I looked over at Dinah. I could see the tears welling up in her eyes. "Dinah," I said, "I'm...I'm so sorry about Star City." I let out a sigh. "I hope Ollie got out in time."

A tear escaped her eye. "I don't know, Diana," she said, "I hope so, too. But it's not like he's the Flash."

"Wait a second!" Harley interjected. She looked to Dinah. "You an' the Emerald Archa are still a thing?" Her eyes widened. "I thought y'all called it quits not too long ago!"

"Can it, Quinn!" Helena shouted. She glared at her. "We don't need your input!"

"Helena!" I called out. I watched as she looked away from Harley. I let out a sigh. "Okay." I cleared my throat. "Everyone, we need to regroup."

Several minutes later, the cortex was calm. Barbara had set up Bruce's world satellite on the largest monitor. Already, the satellite detected that Star City was longer there. Where it would have been was replaced with a dark gray dot. I looked back at Barbara. "Can the satellite detect Brainiac's ship at all?"

She shook her head. "Not accurately."

I sighed. "Okay." I looked back to the others. I saw Kara and Mon-El fly back in. "Where were you two?"

"Out," Kara answered.

"You really shouldn't have left, you two."

"I just needed some air," Kara replied.

I sighed. "Just join the others."

Kara and Mon-El merged with the rest of the group.

"So Brainiac captured Star City," I reiterated, "why he wants to is beyond me. Now, we need to find Brainiac's ship before he gets the chance to bottle another one."

"Where do we go from here?" Jessica asked.

"We need a plan," I explained, "one that can efficiently take down Brainiac." I turned to Barbara. "Pull up the data on Brainiac from the Justice League database."

She nodded. "On it."

"Batman has that on his Batcave computers?" Harley asked.

"Batman has a knack for keeping track of information besides Barbara," I said, "so why wouldn't he?"

On the screen, Brainiac's profile appeared. His green face appeared beside a file of his information. I could see the pink plugs on his bald head.

Kara looked at the screen with an air of contempt. "That's him alright."

"As Kara said," I announced, "this is our target. His name is Vril Dox, but he calls himself Brainiac. He's an alien, as his homeworld is Colu. But he's more than just an alien. The best way to describe him would be an extraterrestrial android."

Harley's eyes went wide. She shot her hand in the air. "Ooh! Ooh!"

I sighed. "Yes, Harley?'

She put her hand back down. "I know how we can destroy this Brainy characta!"

"What do you suggest?"

"Okay, so we hijack his ship, right? We hunt him down and throw him in water. Boom! His circuits would be demolished! From there on, we'd be able ta save the world, Wondy!"

Helena turned to Harley. "Do you know how fucking brainless you sound?"

"Oh c'mon, Huntress," she replied, "ya know I gotta point."

"While I see where you're coming from, Harley," I replied, "it's half-baked."

"But like, tech an' water don't mix, right?"

"Normally, no, they don't. But Brainiac is more complex than our technology."

Harley pouted at that.

"How advanced?" Mari asked. She put her hands at her hips.

"Brainiac has a twelfth-level intellect," I answered, "for reference, we typically have a sixth-level intellect."

"So we can't outsmart him when he's like ten steps ahead of us," Mary replied.

"We can try to, but it is incredibly difficult."

"I could try to breach him to another dimension," Cisco suggested.

I looked over to him. I gave him a small smile. A plan that could work if we just elaborated on it more. "How do you think we should go about it?"

"We get to his ship, find any information on how to revive Star City or any of the other cities he captured, and I can create a breach to send him through."

"Do you know what dimension would keep him from coming back?" I asked.

"As long as Brainiac can't find another breacher," he responded, "he'd be stuck there."

I nodded. "I see great potential in that." I looked back out to the others. "All in favor of Cisco's plan, raise your hand."

Almost every hand went up. Harley pouted. "Aww, c'mon, guys," she said, "my idea wasn't that bad."

Helena rolled her eyes.

I smiled. "I believe our decision is as unanimous as it can be."

"Diana," Kate said.

I turned to her. "Yes?"

"So we have a plan in mind," she added, "but how are we going to actually find Brainiac and his ship?"

I put my thumb behind my chin, with my index finger laying above it. "Hmm, I see." I quickly pointed at her. "You bring up a very good point."

"Well," Barbara said, "if the ship's last known location was Star City, we might as well head there, right?"

I nodded. "That makes the most sense."

"I think I could still be able to make an educated guess where Brainiac is remotely while heading to Star City as Batgirl," she assured me, "if there's a certain pattern in Brainiac's picking, we can estimate where he'd strike next."

I nodded at Barbara. "Your job is to keep an eye on that, okay?"

She nodded.

"So we go looking for Brainiac's ship?" Courtney asked.

"We find him and his ship," I clarified, "and then we defeat him." I turned back to Cisco. "How many people can you fit in a breach?" I asked.

He scratched his neck. "Not many. I'd say two people at a time right now, but I think I could still fit Brainiac in it."

I frowned. It was clear he was still trying to learn about his powers. "Okay, how many of us can fly?" I saw only a few hands go up, with my own included, but it wouldn't be enough to take the entire team. "Alright," I said, "I believe it's settled. We may need to travel by non-powered methods of travel. Plus, it will help us remain undetected by Brainiac if he feels that we are a threat and starts looking for us."

Harley gasped, with her eyes wide and her mouth gaping open. "Oh my God!" Suddenly, she flashed a smile on her face. "I LOVE roadtrips! We could take selfies, have a sing along, play games. Ooh! I could tell my best jokes!"

Helena turned to Harley. "Would you shut the hell up for five fucking minutes?!" she shouted.

"This is a business trip, Harley," I explained, "we need to take every part of this mission seriously." I paused for a moment. "The second we lower our guard, we may risk our world as we know it."

Author's Note: Hey guys.  As some of you know, I went offline for about a month or so.  My mental health was in a really bad spot because of the outside world.  My anxiety was so bad, I couldn't write at all outside of my online classes.  But now that I'm back, I hope to be more consistent.  It may not be a weekly as it used to be, but it should be more frequent.  Thank you for all of the support!

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