Chapter Twenty-Four: Supergirl

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It was four in the afternoon when I came into CatCo from school. When I walked in, I noticed how empty a handful of the desks were. A frowned formed on my face. Usually, male employees of CatCo used those desks. I quickly surveyed the office floor. From what I could tell, there was only two: one that I had barely ever worked with before who had been working for CatCo at least a year more than I have, and Ben.

His usually dark skin was incredibly pale. I lowered my glasses and used my telescopic vision to see him from across the floor. Beads of sweat lined his forehead. His body trembled lightly. Chills.

I brought my glasses back up to cover my eyes and walked over to Ben's desk. "Ben?"

He looked up. "Oh, hi Kara." His voice was hoarse. Suddenly, he let out a loud, raspy cough.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"


"But you're sick!" I replied, "you should be resting."

"Thanks for looking out for me," Ben said, "but trust me, I'm good." He let out another cough. "Besides, my case isn't as bad as my friends."

I frowned. "That doesn't matter. You're clearly sick." I sighed. "I really think you should rest."

Ben's coughing started to grow worse.

"I do wish I could help," I said, "but...."

Suddenly, an office door swung open. Cat strutted out before stopping suddenly. She wore a small cringe on her face. "Oh my God." She sighed. "Where the hell is everyone?" she asked, raising her voice.

I turned my head to look at her. "Um...sick?"

Cat exhaled through her nose and rubbed her fingers against her temple. "Why is it whenever we have a story that can make or break us, everyone just disappears? First, it's when Superman fought Doomsday. Then, it was when Lex Luthor turned the sun red. And now, it's this."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Miss Grant..."

She glared at me. "I really don't need your input right now, Kiera."

"But your employees are sick," I replied, "don't you care about their well-being?"

"Well, I care about my story's well-being, and it's not going to get written itself." Cat scoffed. "It's literally just the equivalent of the flu. They're just over-reacting."

Suddenly, there was a thud. I looked over to see Ben on the floor. He had collapsed from his chair. My eyes widened at this. People rushed around him. The area were Cat and I were seemed to get smaller and smaller with the female employees rushing toward where the three of us were.

I frowned. "Excuse me." I left the room before flying through the window as Supergirl a few moments later. "I heard panicking."

"He collapsed!" one of the female employees explained.

I looked down at Ben. He was still unconscious. I picked him up."

"And just where are you going with him, Supergirl?" Cat questioned.

I looked at her. "To a hospital." With that, I flew off.

I flew Ben into the National City Hospital and to the reception. "I need a room. It's urgent!" I called out.

The redhaired receptionist looked at me through her red-rimmed glasses. "Supergirl..." She sighed and bit her lip. "We...we're not vacant."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

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