Chapter Twenty: Wonder Woman

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"Is this necessary?" the man asked.

"This lasso will compel you to tell us the truth," I explained, "and we need the truth now more than ever."

Huntress slammed the head of her crossbow against the man's temple. She gritted her teeth. "You play any games with us or try to dodge questions, I will send a kryptonite bullet straight into your goddamn brain."

The man didn't flinch.

Huntress glared at him. "Did you hear me, or are you deaf?"

"Kryptonite won't work on me," the man muttered.

She scoffed. "Yeah, right. I can see right through your bluff. You can't fool me."

I sighed. "Huntress."

She looked up at me. "What?"

"He's telling the truth." I looked down at the lasso.

Huntress's eyes followed mine before looking back at him. "You got lucky." She pulled the crossbow away from the man's head.


I looked over to see Supergirl fly toward the front of the other heroes. "If kryptonite won't work on him, he's not Kryptonian."

"I'm a Daxamite," the man said, looking at Supergirl. He sighed before looking back at the others.

Supergirl smiled lightly. "Another alien..."

I looked back to him. "Can we get your name?" I asked.

The man looked back at me. "Mon-El." He paused for a second. " Also known as Valor in the 31st century."

"So I'm assuming you're a superhero like us, correct?"

"I came from the Legion of Super-Heroes," Mon-El said.

"So that's why the side of the ship said it belonged to them," I said to the others. I looked toward the back. "He's one of us."

"I..." Dreamer replied, "I kind of figured." Her voice was shaky. "I mean, with the cape, the...the suit. You know."

"Plus," Vixen chimed in, "I wouldn't think that a legion of superheroes would bring a threat onto innocent people, past or present."

Huntress smirked. "Mon-El, quick question: Daxamites have a weakness, right?"

The man's head nodded, but was stiff. "Ye...yeah."

Supergirl looked to Huntress. "Oh Rao. Please don't go this way."

Huntress smirked. "And what would your weakness be?"

His voice trembled. "Le...lea...lead."

Supergirl's jaw dropped. "What the hell? You really had to pull that shit on him?"

"You don't get it, do you, Supergirl?" Huntress retorted, "how do you know we can trust him? We need a fail-safe in case he turns on us."

I looked over. "Huntress!"

She put her hands up in the air, her crossbow pointed up. "I'm just saying what we're all thinking, Wonder Woman."

"I came to help!" Mon-El shouted.

I looked back at him.

"The Legion sent me in the pod to help stop the crisis before it begins to alter the future."

"What would the altered future look like?" I asked him.

"We..." Mon-El replied, "we aren't sure. If this crisis worsens, we believe that the future may not even exist."

My eyes widened at this. I blinked a couple of times and took in a deep breath. "Do you know who created the disease and unleashed it?"

He shook his head. "It's a dark period. We don't know anything about how the disease came to be."

I untied Mon-El from the Lasso of Truth. "Thank you for your cooperation."

"That's why we need Harley as bait, Wonder Woman," Huntress said. She shrugged. "If the crisis is as bad as this time-traveller says it is, well, what other choice do we really have?"

I sighed. " are right, Huntress." I pursed my lips. "We will have to use Harley since ambushing him right on the spot has proven dangerous in the past." I looked over at Stargirl, Dreamer, and Mon-El. "And in order to do it successfully, we have to work as a team." I looked back at Huntress. "That being said..." I walked over to her and tied her wrists together with the Lasso of Truth.

Huntress's eyes widened at this. "Hey!" She struggled against the rope.

"What is your real name, Huntress?"

"Helena Rosa Bertinelli," she blurted out. Her eyes glared at mine as I untied her. "The hell is wrong with you? Outing me like that?"

I held the Lasso of Truth tightly in my palms. "I am Princess Diana of the Amazons, but I am better known in man's world as Diana Prince." My grasp loosened lightly. "In order for us to work together, we must be truthful and open. And if we can do that, we can find more options." I unspooled the lasso and passed it out for everyone to hold. "No more secrets." I sighed. "Who are all of you truly?"

"Barbara Gordon," Batgirl said first, "Babs for short. I'm a student at Gotham State University."

Jesse looked to her. "Hey, you're in my Intro to Bio class!" She chuckled. "I had no idea you were Batgirl." She cleared her throat. "Jesse Chambers, student at Gotham City University.."

"Kate Kane," Batwoman stated.

"Dinah Lance," Black Canary said, "lead singer of Ashes on Sunday."

"Zatanna Zatara," Zatanna said, "mistress of magic."

"Courtney Whitmore," Stargirl said, "high school sophomore."

"Jessica Cruz, female Green Lantern of Earth."

"Mari McCabe," Vixen said, "fashion model."

"Nia Nal," Dreamer replied, "trans rights activist."

"Francisco Ramon," Vibe replied, "but everyone calls me know, when..when I'm not Vibe. Mechanical engineer intern at S.T.A.R. Labs."

"Mon-El, Daxamite hero of the 31st century."

"Kara Zor-El," Supergirl said, "better known as Kara Danvers."

The others turned to her.

"Wait, Kara Danvers is Supergirl?" Jesse asked.

Kara nodded.

Cisco's deep brown eyes widened at this. "Holy shit! This is so cool! I've heard so much about your work at CatCo."

"I'm just an intern who sometimes gets her work published," Kara admitted.

"That's so cool, though!"

"What is it like when you have to write negative articles about Supergirl as Kara when you're her?" Courtney asked.

I frowned as I spooled the lasso back into my hands from everyone's grasp. "We don't need to bombard her with questions." I sighed. We had bigger questions to answer.

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