Chapter Nine: Supergirl

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The air was cold and damp when Wonder Woman and I arrived at the Batcave. It was dim, with only a few fluorescent lights, but it was enough to see what was there. The Batcave was vast. The batmobile and a few motorcycles were parked further in the back. Gadgets were hung up. A surveillance system was right in the center, with the whole view of Gotham City.

"Now I get why Batman is so vigilant," I said as I looked around, "he's got eyes everywhere."

"The whole Batfamily does," Batgirl said as she walked over toward us. She looked to Wonder Woman. "You are really a sight for sore eyes, Diana."

"Nice to see you, too, Barbara," Diana greeted.

Batgirl's bluish-green eyes looked down at the Lasso of Truth. "More so to see that lasso you have there." She face forward and started walking. We followed.

"Anything more from Harley, Batgirl?" I asked.

"Besides her kicking and screaming," Batgirl answered, "not much."

"Typical Harley," Wonder Woman replied.

"Well, what else did you expect from a former criminal?"

After a moment, we walked up to Harley. She was in handcuffs, sitting with her legs crossed on the dingy, concrete floor. Black Canary, Batwoman, and Huntress stood beside her, with Huntress placing her crossbow up against Harley's temple.

Huntress smirked at Wonder Woman. "You have the so-called Lasso of Truth, huh?"

"Indeed I do," Wonder Woman replied. She held it in both of her hands. "I don't fight crime without it."

"I ain't a criminal!" Harley shouted.

Huntress slammed her crossbow into Harley's head.

Harley's eyes squeezed shut on impact. "Ow!"

"Quiet, Quinn."

Harley looked up to me. A pout was on her face.

"No need to jump to violence, Huntress," I told her, "for all we know, she may not have even done anything."

Wonder Woman walked over to Harley with her lasso in hand. "Well, we'll find out soon enough."

Harley's eyes widened at this. "Hey, whatta ya doin', Wondy?"

Wonder Woman wrapped it around Harley's wrists as tight as possible. "Making sure you tell us the truth."

"I ain't tellin' ya anything!" Harley shouted, "I wanna lawyer!"

"You're not getting one, Harley," Black Canary said.

Huntress furrowed her eyebrows, despite the mask covering her face. "How do we know this thing even works?"

"I've used it many times," Wonder Woman answered, "I can assure you that it works."

"If it's just you using intimidation on your target, it won't work on us. We know you."

"I don't rely on intimidation."

"Alright." Huntress put her hands on her hips. "If you're so confident about your lasso, why don't you try it on one of us?"

I looked over to Wonder Woman. "What about me?"

"You sure?"

"I mean, everyone knows about me. Ask simple questions about me, and I can answer. I'll try my best to lie, too. That way, I can help show that the lasso works."

"Ooh! Ooh!"

I looked over to see Harley with her eyes wide. "Can I ask the questions, SG?"

"No, Quinn," Batwoman answered in a sharp voice.

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