Chapter Two: Wonder Woman

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The deep orange sunrise leaked through the workshop windows. I held out my sword beside the sharpener. Gold embers flew out as the silver blade grew sharper. I smiled at this sight.

I remember seeing these same kind of sparks back on Themyscira when my sisters and I sharpened our swords and arrows. The sharp sound they made rang in my ears.

"With sharp weapons," Aunt Antiope would say, "we can conquer our enemies."

It is true. With our weapons sharp, we were able to fight any threats that came toward Themyscira more easily. Training was made easier.

Outside of the blacksmith studios, I remember walking among the marble streets that were surrounded by white marble buildings and lush, green grass. We had statues to honor two of the goddesses above Themyscira: Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, moon, and wild animals; and Athena, the goddess of wisdom. The air was always in spring. I remember the training grounds being just as lush. My sisters would train with bows and sharp swords.

It was one day of training when I saw the plane land on Themyscira. Nothing from man's world had come here before. When my sisters and I found Steve, he was bruised and bleeding. He managed to tell us about the war outside. We held a contest to see who would escort him back, but we would all know that whoever left would never be able to return.

I was her, the champion of Themyscira, despite my mother, Queen Hippolyta, wanting otherwise.

From then on, I would fight for justice and truth, as what the people of man's world would call me: Wonder Woman.

I looked up from my work when the door creak open. I turned to see a muscular man. He had a fresh tan on his skin and his short, but shaggy hair was as yellow as the sun. I smiled at him. "Nice to see you, Steve."

Steve smiled lightly. "Nice to see you, too, angel." He covered his mouth with his hand, clearing his throat.

I put down my sword on the anvil. "How was that mission to Urzkartaga?"

"Surprisingly smooth," Steve responded. He slumped over in a chair across from my anvil. He let out a raspy cough. "Then again, I guess you would've known if my squad and I were in trouble."

"Why do you say that?"

Steve chuckled. "You're Wonder Woman."

I smirked. "Not even Wonder Woman can do everything, you know."

Steve cocked his head slightly. "The public would disagree, Diana. I mean, if you can fly, deflect bullets, be incredibly strong, run amazingly fast."

I smiled as I shook my head. "That," I replied, "is just my training on Themyscira showing."

"If you can save me after my plane crashed on your island."

"You give me too much credit, Steve," I added, "the Amazons worked together to nurse you back to health."

"But you're the champion of Themyscira."

I bit my lip at that.

I remember the last round of the games. My mother took Steve's weapon, a handgun, aimed it at my sisters. "Parry my shot," she would tell them before she pulled the trigger. When the bullet cut through the air, my two other sisters would try to deflect their shots, but they would miss a single shot, puncturing their chest, but not a vital organ. After my sisters had their turn, it was mine. As my mother shot at me, I quickly shielded myself with the gauntlets that covered my forearms. The bullets bounced off my arms. Not a single part of my body was wounded. With tears in my mother's eyes, I was hailed the champion of Themyscira and became Steve's escort to man's world.

I snapped back into reality. I blinked a couple times.

Steve leaned forward. "You okay, angel?" he asked. "You looked like you spaced out."

"Oh." I nodded. "No, I'm...I'm good."

Steve nodded and leaned back in the chair. Suddenly, his eyes squeezed shut as he let out another cough. This one was stronger, louder, raspier.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Are you alright, Steve?"

He nodded. "Yeah. It's probably just something I got back in Urzkartaga. Nothing crazy, though. I'm sure."

"But you should get it checked out," I suggested, "they would know better than I."

"Tomorrow," Steve said before he was interrupted by his own coughing.

"Whatever it is, I hope you recover soon."

Steve gave me a small smile at me. His gray eyes seemed to twinkle for a moment.

Suddenly, there was a shrill scream, far off from where Steve and I were. I turned my head at the direction of the sound. I focused on the direction before grabbing my sword.

"Off to save the day again?" Steve asked.

I smirked. "As an Amazon," I answered, "it's what I do best."

I faced away from Steve and ran to grab my shield. I pecked a kiss on Steve's cheek before running out of the shed. I jumped into the air and flew toward the scream.

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