Chapter Thirty-Nine: Supergirl

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My heart sank as I watched half of the team disappear before my eyes.  I let out a weak breath, as if I had gotten the wind kicked out of me.  I could see it replaying all over in my head again: the screams of my people, the crumbling of cities back on Krypton.  I shook my head as tears rushed to my eyes.  No, this couldn't be happening.  I blinked rapidly, hoping they would show up, that this was all just my imagination playing some cruel joke on me.  When I stopped, they still weren't back.  My body felt hollow as I fell onto my knees.  Despite our united strength, it would be impossible to defeat a world killer.

In the background, I could hear the others.

"How do we get in?" I could hear Kate ask.  There was an urgency in her voice that I barely made out.

"I could fly us in," Jessica suggested, "use my ring to cut a hole through the ship."

Before I knew it, their discussion seemed to fade into something I couldn't hear.  I could feel my heart pounding against my chest.  Tears blurred my vision.  I closed my eyes, only for those tears to spill out onto my cheeks.  This was it.  Maybe Kal was right after all.  If I couldn't even handle a low-level enemy like Silver Banshee, how could I ever go up against someone as powerful as Brainiac?

I felt a soft hand rest on my shoulder.  I turned my head and opened my eyes into Mon-El's.  There was a slight frown on his face as he looked into my eyes.

I shook my head.  "I..."  My voice choked up.  "I can't do this."  More tears rolled down my cheeks.

He frowned at this, but didn't respond.

"Brainiac...he..."  I could feel a lump in the back of my throat.  "He took my home, my family, my friends back on Krypton.  He wiped out any customs and culture we had, with me being the only person who can remember.  Not like Kal can remember; he was just a baby.  And Brainiac took my home and collected it like it it was some twisted hunting trophy.  We were nothing but prey to him."  I paused for a moment.  "Now, he's doing the same thing here.  He's tearing Earth apart, city by city.  He's hurting the people I care about in my life.  He has the other half of the team captive."  A shaky sigh escaped my lips.  "Who's to say that Brainiac isn't doing the same with Earth?"

Mon-El nodded.  "I get that, Kara."

I held my breath for a second.  " do?"

"Brainiac killed my home, too.  Just because he didn't bottle Daxam doesn't mean he didn't hurt my home, too.  His bottling Krypton didn't preserve the whole planet.  That's why Krypton's destruction ruined Daxam, too."

"Then you know I'm up against a world killer," I said.

"All the more reason you of all of us should be fighting like hell to save your new home."

A small smile drew on my face.  There was a hope in his eyes that slowly revived mine.  Suddenly, I could feel his soft hands cupping my face.

"You can do this, Kara.  I've seen you fight.  You are strong enough."

Without thinking, I lean over and press his soft lips onto mine.  His breath is warm, but it's comforting.  There is a pit in my stomach, but I try not to focus on it.  All I have is now with Mon-El, whether fighting Brainiac kills me or not.  I just pray to Rao that this isn't my last kiss with him.  I place my hands on his face.  His stubble softly scratches the palms of my hands.

After a moment, I pulled away.  I looked into his eyes.  "We've got a god to kill."  I walked over to the rest of the group.  I could hear them continue their conversation.

"So you think drilling a hole in the back of the ship is the most efficient way of getting the others?" Kate asked.

Jessica shrugged.  "I wouldn't see why not.  We're going to be fighting Brainiac, regardless of if he hears us break in or not."

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