Chapter Thirteen: Batgirl

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The door to the Batcave opened, revealing the dimly-lit arsenal Bruce kept here. The air was still damp and cold. Vibe stood by my side as we entered.

"So this is the place?" he asked.

I nodded as I led him in. "This is it."

"Wow," Vibe replied under his breath. He looked around, as if he was taking in the view. "And for the longest time, I always heard it was a myth."

I shook my head. "It's real alright."

"How long has he had this place?" Vibe asked. His goggles were still surveying the area. An excited smile graced his face.

"As long as he's been Batman," I answered.

"I mean, like, how did he manage to get this place to the way it is now?" Vibe added.

"He's Batman, Vibe," I replied, "whatever he wants, he'll always find a way to get."

He nodded his head, the same smile on his face. "That's insane."

I shrugged. "I guess you could say that."

I looked over to see Batwoman over at the control center. She turned her head and looked at us. When her eyes landed on Vibe, she shot up. "The hell is this guy doing in here, Batgirl?" She pulled out a black and red Batarang from her red utility belt. "The Batcave is for personnel only!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Vibe put up his hands. "I come in peace." He paused for a second to get a better look at her. His jaw dropped. "Oh my God, are you Batwoman?"

Batwoman glared at me. "You seriously brought a cosplayer in because you thought he was cute?"

I rose an eyebrow and shook my head. "No. Why the hell would I do that?"

"We both know you have a history of falling for boys in superhero costumes."

I rolled my eyes as I sighed. She really had to dig at me for the time I dated Dick Grayson, the first Robin. "Batwoman, this is not like that." I turned to Vibe. "This is Vibe. He's a superhero like us, and he's on our side."

Batwoman smirked. "A likely story."

"You seriously never heard of Vibe?" Vibe asked.

"Oh, I have," Batwoman replied, "but I can't take my chances." Her eyes carefully examined Vibe. "Especially if he's not sick by now."

Vibe shrugged. "Luck, maybe?"

"Oh, cut the shit," Batwoman shot back.

My eyes widened. "Do you think he's a suspect?"

"Most of the men are sick by now. Only the shut-ins wouldn't be sick unless he was behind it all."

"Besides, I thought we pinned it on Joker."

"No one is cut out except for the sick."

"Then for all you know a female could've easily done it!" I shot back.

Vibe chuckled a bit. "I'll admit, I have some brains, but I'm not smart enough to create an illness out of thin air. My powers wouldn't even allow me to do it."

Batwoman rose an eyebrow, but it was a little harder to see because of her mask. "What are your powers, Vibe?"

"Oh, uh," Vibe muttered, "okay." He cleared his throat. He pointed his palm down at the floor. A light blue breach formed below his feet and fell through. He popped up behind Batwoman from a breach.

Batwoman turned around, her eyes slightly wide. Her face was still straight. "So you can teleport?"

He shook his head. "Not just teleport." Vibe put up his hand to the ceiling. Suddenly, a blue vibe blast shot out of his palm. It bounced around the front of the Batcave, ricocheting off the lights before striking the arsenal of some of the gadgets. He gritted his teeth at that as he sucked in his breath. "Did not factor the ricochet ability."

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