Chapter Seven: Batgirl

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"So is this where she last was?" Black Canary asked as we looked down on the city.

I nodded.  "Should be.  Knowing her, she's most likely working here."

We stood on the roof of one of the buildings.  I had my black binoculars in hand.  Through the lens, I could see it: The Club of Hearts, Gotham's new cabaret club.  The cursive sign was lit up in a bright, neon-red light.  If it wasn't the traffic or the buildings lighting up the skyline this early in the evening, it was this club's neon sign.

"You think her 'Mistah J' is gonna be okay with her working there?" Black Canary snickered.

"They broke up."

She was still lightly laughing.  "Yeah, right, Babs.  And I'm Wonder Woman."  She went back to her laughing.

"I'm being for real," I shot back, "you seriously didn't hear about her setting Joker up for the GCPD?"

"When I'm not in Gotham," Black Canary said, "I'm back at home in Star City with Ollie or at a gig for Ashes on Sunday."  She paused for a second.  "Can you fill me in, then?"

I sighed.  "About two months back, we were having a music festival.  I guess Joker decided it be funny to replace the band's pyrotechnics with actual bombs.  When he tried to detonante the place, it didn't work."

"Because Harley messed with it?"

"That's what we think," I adeed, "anyways, so Joker was furious, so instead, he decided to keep them hostage.  Kill anyone who was running.  I guess what he didn't know was that Harley took his actual gun and replaced it with his gag gun."

"The one with the stupid 'BANG!' flag that pops out?"

I nodded.  "And then Harley armed the pyrotechnics so that the fireworks would shoot right at Joker."

Black Canary chuckled.  "That's one way to end a relationship alright."

Suddenly, there was a whoosh.  I put down my binoculars and turned around.  Supergirl stood there in her blue top and red skirt with the gold belt around her.  The "S" symbol in the center of her top was facing right at me.  Her long, blonde hair waved in the wind, as did her red cape.  Her blue eyes seemed to light up as she looked back at me.

I smiled.  "You came."

Supergirl smiled.  "They don't call me 'Supergirl' for nothing."

I ran up to her and hugged her tightly.  "I missed you, Kara."

"I missed you, too, Babs."

After a moment, we pulled back from each other. 

"So why did you call me here?" Supergirl asked.

"We have our suspicions on Harley," Black Canary said, "that she's with the Joker."

Supergirl furrowed her eyebrows.  "I thought Harley Quinn left Joker to be caught by the Gotham City police?"

Black Canary's eyes widened at Supergirl.  "You knew, too?"

"I have super-hearing, remember?" Supergirl replied, "but Miss Grant would kill me if I wasn't on top of the news."

Black Canary sighed.  "That's right, I forgot about Kara Danvers, the CatCo intern."

"Shh!" I put a finger to my lips.  "You really want to give her identity away?"

"Like anyone can hear us from all the way up here," Black Canary replied, "I doubt even Bruce can hear us."

"You'd be surprised about him.  He's got eyes all around the city."  I slipped the binoculars over my eyes again.  I peered back at the Club of Hearts.  "Maybe he knows as much as we do.  Bruce is Batman after all."

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