Chapter Five: Wonder Woman

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A couple of hours passed before I had come back. Steve was in the living room. A cyan-colored fleece blanket was wrapped around him. His face was pale and looked moist. He looked up at me. "How did the 'superheroing' go, angel?"

I shrugged. "Petty robbery from a bank. You know how it is." I leaned down next to him.

Steve let out a weak chuckle. "That's what they always think. Hell, even in war, your enemies think they can get away with committing war crimes." He let out a rough cough.

I furrowed my eyebrows at this.

"I remember the last time I was out on a mission," Steve recounted, "that Andres Cadulo guy is a good example. He abducts women and force them to be servants to this mystical god back in Urzkartaga. Hell, he got me at one point."

I nodded. "I remember that one, Steve."

"He really thought he could get away with it. That's not even mentioning how he thought what he was doing was right." He sighed. "Lord only knows what else he was coercing his hostages to do."

I nodded at that. I pressed my palm up against his forehead. It was as cold as ice. I recoiled my hand as I felt myself cringe.

"How bad is it?" Steve asked.

"Cold," I answered. I stood back up and went to get a purple blanket from a linen closet in the bathroom. When I came back over to Steve, I wrapped the blanket around him. "Snow could barely be colder."

Steve chuckled. "And yet I'm still sweating." Another cough escaped him. Thick, yellow-green phlegm shot out of his mouth.

"You need to rest," I told him, "that and see the doctor."

"As soon as I can, Diana," he said.

I sighed. "I am concerned for you."

"I know you are." He chuckled. "Ever since we left Themyscira."

"Ever since your plane crash," I explained. I thought back on it for a moment. "I left them to bring you back here," I added, "it's my duty to look out for you." I smiled. "But it hasn't ever been an obligation."

"I'm happy it hasn't been," Steve commented.

Suddenly, there was a loud scream, a group of piercing screams, but all far away. I shot up and looked to the outside of the house.

"No rest for the wicked, huh?" Steve teased.

"Or for the hero," I replied. I paced to the door. "I should be back before too late." I looked back at Steve. "Please, honey, rest."

Steve gave me a small nod. "Was planning on it." He gave me a small smile. "Stay safe, angel," he said in a hoarse voice.

I couldn't help but smile back at him. With that, I opened the door and flew off.

I remember how my mother stood before the Amazons the night of the contest to see who would bring Steve back to what we considered "Man's World" on Themyscira.

"Amazons," my mother announced, "behold..."

I walked out of the arena to red flower petals thr0wn like confetti. Lit torches were raised above me as I made my way out.

"Our gift to the world," my mother added, "our champion!"

The cheers were deafening as I walked toward my mother and Steve. In her hands, I noticed she was holding the Lasso of Truth. As I approached her, she handed the Lasso of Truth to me.

"This was forged by the gods," my mother explained, "given to Amazons as a symbol their trust in us and our duty to them. Since we were given it, we have upheld it as a treasure of Themyscira. It is as strong as the soul who wields it. Now, the Amazons, as well as I, entrust it to you, Diana."

I took the Lasso of Truth from my mother's hands. "For my sisters," I said, "I shall use it with wisdom and love, Queen Hippolyta."

My mother's teal-colored eyes started to well up with tears. The water seemed to make the color of her irises more vivid. "Princess Diana."

My lips quivered at this. "Mother."

My mother swiftly pulled me into a strong embrace. "Daughter," she replied as her voice cracked back.

It felt like eons before we pulled away. "I promise you, I will return."

My mother shook her head. "Do not make such promises."

"I will," I assured her, "I love you, Mother. I will make us proud." With that, I walked away from her. "Steve, it is time."

I found myself above a city square. Small shops lined the quiet street. On the green, there was a trailer set up for what would have been a band to play. However, people were running away from the makeshift stage. I flew down to see people racing from me, eyes filled with fear. For a second, it startled me. Then, I turned behind me. There was a large, feline-human hybrid with orange, black, and beige fur. Cheetah prints were scattered along its body. The creature's light auburn mane was mangled. An orange and black striped tail swung from behind it. The creature's amber eyes glared at me.

"Diana," the creature growled.

"Cheetah," I replied as I glared back, "why are you causing chaos? These people have done nothing to you!"

"The band's music was like nails on a chalkboard," she shot back.

I shook my head at this as I approached her. "You and I both know that wasn't the case."

Cheetah let out a snicker. "Maybe, Amazon," she responded, "but you did." She gritted her teeth. "You didn't save me! And now, I'm cursed to roam the world like this." She let out a low growl. "You made me this way, and will pay!" Cheetah lept at me, her sharp claws, about to pierce my skin.

I guarded myself with my golden shield. This knocked her over to the green. "Your anger is displaced."

Cheetah stumbled up and glared at me. "But you care about this area. Isn't targeting them just targeting you?"

I shook my head. "That's no way to deal with your rage, Barbara Ann. You are better than this."

She lept onto me. I tried to block the attack, but she pushed my arm back. I fell back.

"If you really were the 'Wonder Woman' those mortals look to you as," Cheetah spat, "then maybe you could've saved me from becoming this."

I frowned at this. My eyebrows knitted together. "Cheetah--"

With that, Cheetah slashed my cheek. It stung as a line of blood trickled down. I saw her smirk at my pain. Not even thinking, I bent my legs and pushed her off of me. Surprisingly, her grasp was weaker than I had thought. I jumped back onto my feet. I whipped my Lasso of Truth around before aiming and throwing it. It tied around Cheetah's waist. With that, I pulled Cheetah toward me. "This must stop, Cheetah."

Cheetah growled again. "Not on my watch." She jumped and spun around, kicking my cheek.

I landed on the asphalt of the street. My metal gauntlets scratched against it. I glared back up at Cheetah.

She smirked. "Aww, did I destroy your precious gauntlets, Wonder Woman?" Cheetah snickered. "Is your suit next?"

I swiftly sweep-kicked her down as I got up. I let out a few pants. "This must end, Cheetah!"

A smirk rolled across her face.

I showed off my sword. This was her last warning.

She panted before she let out an indistinguishable shout before she pounced on me.

My heart raced as I ran toward her, my sword and Lass of Truth in hand.   

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