Chapter Forty: Batgirl

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"Kara!" Mon-El shouted. He ran over to her, reaching her just in time to catch her in his arms.

My blood went cold as I ran over. I could feel my heart racing.

"Kara, wake up!" I could see his arms tremble as he held her. "Kara!" His voice cracked. "Please."

Once I got over, I placed my palm over her emblem. Her heart beated, but faintly. I turned to face Cisco and Caitlin. "We need a breach to the Batcave, now!"

Cisco furrowed his eyebrows as a bright blue breach formed. Mon-El raced through using what seemed to be super-speed with Kara in his arms.

I looked back at Diana. "Secure Brainiac, look for a possible antidote, and find a way to undo the bottling process." Before she could even say anything, I ran toward the breach and jumped through.

I tumbled into the dimly-lit main cortex of the Batcave, landing on my right bicep. The metallic floor was cold against my suit. After a second, I jumped onto my feet. I looked up to see Mon-El and Caitlin rushing Kara to the Batcave's medbay. Not even thinking, I followed them in. When I entered, Kara was already put on one of the beds. I ran past them, grabbing a tall sun lamp that was further back. I dashed back and placed it above Kara.

Caitlin stood over her. "I need someone to give her CPR now!"

Mon-El jumped into action, compressing her chest at a steady pace.

Caitlin quickly hooked it up to Kara, rolling down her suit while Mon-El kept giving her compressions. She applied a clear gel over the paddles before she cranked a dial. Suddenly, there was a high-pitched beep. "Clear!" she shouted

Mon-El jumped back as Caitlin pressed the paddles on Kara's chest. I could see her should twitch, but nothing more. Caitlin frowned as she removed the paddles. She cranked the dial of the defibrillator again. "Clear!" Once again, she pressed down on her chest. This time, I didn't see a reaction.

My heart raced. I could feel my hands shake. In a moment, I could see a vignette from our friendship with my mind's eye:

It was only a year ago when I met her, but it felt like I had known Kara for eons. The desert was lit by the starry night sky. I had chased a criminal from Gotham into National City. In a stroke of luck, Kara appeared and helped me apprehend him before she asked for my help. There was another alien that telepathically connected to her and she asked for my help to break into a Cadmus black site. While we could barely figure out what the alien, Gayle, wanted at the time, we were able to save a young metahuman boy who could manipulate ice. After a few hours, we'd be out in a desert some distance away from the site. While the boy was asleep, Kara and I were still up, looking into the starry beyond above us.

"Have you ever been in space?" I asked.

She turned to me and raised an eyebrow. "You're kidding me, right?"

I remember rolling my eyes as a smile spread across my face. "I meant have you ever, like, flown into space. Not travelled through it via an escape pod."

A chuckle escaped Kara. "A few times," she answered, "usually it was when I was on some mission I was on." She furrowed her eyebrows. "But there was this one time I went on my own, just to clear my head from all the heightened senses I have on Earth." She smiled at the thought. "It was so calm. In that moment, I could just, well, be who I was without any pressure. Off of Earth, I wasn't Supergirl. I was just me. Something I hadn't felt in what felt like forever." She pursed her lips together for a moment. "Maybe I wouldn't have been able to do it on Krypton, but when I was in space that time, it was the closest I think I had ever come to inner peace. No danger to face, no emergency to respond to; just being able to just focus on myself."

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