Prologue: Supergirl

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I remember it all too well. Like it was yesterday. The screams of my people as the ground shook. Towers that graced Argo City's skyline crumbled to the ground. I witnessed all of this through the window of my home. My jaw fell open and tears rolled down my face.

I remember how my father tugged on my wrist. "We have to get going, Kara," he said in a strong Kryptonese accent.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "To where?"

But there was no time for an answer. He gripped my wrist harder and ran me out of the living room and down to the basement: my father's study.

It was dimly lit, the light hitting the steel walls creating a blue hue. His discoveries lined the area. Before us stood a large space pod. The metal was a silver-blue color. The windshield had the same color, but with a glossy look to it.

I turned to my father. "What is this?"

"A way to keep you safe, Kara." His gray eyes looked directly into mine. "Krypton only has minutes before it ceases to exist."

"What about Kal?" I asked.

"Your cousin has already been sent off," my father said, "now you must go and protect him."

I nodded, holding back tears. "For Kal." I let out a sigh as I entered the pod. "Will I ever see you or Mother ever again?"

My father shook his head. "It is unlikely, my dear Kara. But when you go to Earth, you will be able to do incredible things that you could never do here because of Earth's yellow sun."

"Wait, Father!"

"I love you, Kara Zor-El."

The pod locked shut before blasting out of the study and off into the atmosphere. Through my tears, I could barely make out the rest of Argo City under me. The rest of Argo had fallen into ruins. The ground was still shaking as I soared above the red and brown skies.

"Initiating suspended animation," a voice said through the pod's piloting system.

As tears continued to stream out of my eyes, I remember feeling a light feeling take over me. My eyes closed with little struggle. I didn't know that I would sleep throughout my journey.

I would eventually wake up once I landed on Earth. When my pod opened, I remember being surrounded by cold. Why was it so cold? Where was I? Where was my baby cousin? As I tried to warm myself, I blew on my hands, but instead, air colder than the air around me blew out of my mouth. I remember gritting my teeth so hard at this that beam of heat shot out of my eyes and onto my hands, instantly warming them, but quickly burning them. I jumped back. How did I manage to do this?

After a couple of days, trying to find my way, I did find my cousin, but not as I knew him.

I remember before I left Krypton, I would watch over my baby cousin often. I would help Aunt Lara with feeding him, changing his diaper, and changing him.

Now, it was different. Kal towered over me. His baby-blue eyes had stayed the same, but his jet-black hair was fuller. His face was shaped.

I remember standing back when I met him. "Who are you? Why are you wearing my family's crest."

"Kara," he said, "it's me, Kal."

I shook my head. "He's a baby! I held him just a few days ago!"

Kal took my hand and flew me to his old home. I remember him showing me relics of this new world: books, movies, pictures.

"Here," he said. Kal passed me a picture.

I took it, holding it between my fingers gently. My eyes widened as I further examined the picture. In it, I stood beside my Uncle Jor-El and Aunt Lara. In her arms, a baby swaddled in a red and blue blanket laid in her arms: Kal-El.

"Just like me, Kara," Kal said, "you can do things that people from Earth can't do."

"Like how I froze and burnt my hands not too long ago?" I asked.

Kal chuckled. "With your arctic-breath and heat-vision?" He nodded. "That sounds about right."

I sighed. If only Kal and I could do these things, there was no way I could be anywhere else. "What about Krypton? Why did I come here so late?"

"Krypton was destroyed," Kal explained, "and when you were heading here, the debris knocked your pod into the Phantom Zone."

"But that's where we send the worst of Krypton's criminals," I replied, "no one can ever escape."

"You did," Kal added, "but it took you twenty-four years."

My eyes widened. "Twenty-four years?!"

He nodded. "That's why you're still twelve years old, but I've aged."

I bit my lip. It was clear to see that Kal was all grown up. He didn't need my protection. "If I can't go back to Krypton, where can I stay?"

Kal introduced me to Eliza and Jeremiah Danvers. They were agents from the Department of Extranormal Operations, an agency that at one point helped Kal when he became what Earth knows him as best: Superman.

I remember seeing Eliza's warm smile. "I know I'm not your mom, sweetie, she said in a light voice, "but Jeremiah and I are willing to help you adapt to Earth. We know it won't be easy, but we will always be by your side."

I couldn't help but smile back at her. Within a few days, I officially became Kara Danvers.

While Kal was Clark Kent, the award-winning journalist from the Daily Planet, as well as Superman in secret, I stayed on the ground. Eliza and Jeremiah gave me glasses to dull out my x-ray and heat-vision. I was enrolled in school like the other kids my age. I had to learn how to conceal my powers so no one would be suspicious. They told me it would keep me safe.

Three years later, the three of us moved to National City, where I would go to school at the local technical high school. Eliza and Jeremiah promised that this would be the closest I could ever get to Krypton's technology. While they were correct, the technology on Earth was ancient compared to the technology on Krypton.

I had heard about Kal's work as Superman. He was treated like a celebrity in Metropolis. No, a god. But the thing was, I knew he wasn't this god. He was a person, a good one at that. Every time I heard of what Kal did, I couldn't help but smile. Whether he stopped criminals, saved civilians from disasters, or in the rarest of cases, fought the strongest of monsters, it reminded me that there is hope for life on Earth. If he could bring joy to people in Metropolis, I could do it here in National City.

Behind Eliza and Jeremiah's back, I donned the House of El coat of arms on my chest, the same big "S" that my cousin wears.

I am Supergirl and I will fight to protect Earth from Krypton's fate.

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