Chapter Fourteen: Wonder Woman

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Black Canary and I stood by the entrance as Zatanna floated over. She secured her top hat on her head. She smirked at me. "So this is the place?"

"Where else would the Batcave be?" Black Canary asked.

Zatanna nodded at that before landing back on the ground. "Looks about right, considering the dankness of the place. Bruce really wanted to go for that cave aspect, huh?"

I shrugged slightly. "I suppose."

Soon, the door opened up. I led Zatanna and Black Canary in.

She scrunched up her nose. "Really? This is what Bruce ends up doing with the Batcave?"

"You say that like something's wrong."

"For him being Bruce Wayne, you'd think this design was too simplistic for him."

Suddenly, there was a loud gasp. I turned to see Batgirl at the control center with who looked like a boy with goggles over his eyes and shaggy hair. He had a wide grin on his face. His body was bouncing by the balls of his feet. "Oh my God!" he squealed, "you're her!" The boy ran over to me. He looked to be about Batgirl's age, maybe a year older at most.

"If I'm being honest," I said, "I was not expecting another person to join us."

Zatanna rose an eyebrow. "Or a guy for that matter."

The boy looked down at my lasso. "Oh my God! Is that your Lasso of Truth."

I couldn't help but feel a smile form on my face. "Yes it is."

He looked back up at me. "And your tiara!"

"Yes," I replied, "that's my tiara."

"Can you actually throw it like a boomerang?"

A chuckle escaped from me. "I haven't dealt with many fanboys before. They always want to see Superman or Batman. Usually, I get little girls." Another chuckle escaped me. "I guess I could use the change, though."

The boy turned to Zatanna. "And is it true?

She knitted her eyebrows together. "Is what true?"

"That your spells are said backwards?"

Her deep blue eyes widened. "Oh, uh, I mean, yeah."

"Wow!" He smiled at this. "You have literally any spell at your disposal."

Zatanna nodded slowly. "I do.."

"You're probably more powerful than Constantine!"

Her eyes lit up at that. "I like this guy already." A smile appeared on her face. "Nice job to whoever got ahold of him."

The boy turned to Black Canary. "And you''re the Black Canary!"

She smirked. "The one and only."

His jaw dropped before he covered his mouth. He erupted into laughter. "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!"

Black Canary snickered. "Wait 'til I tell Ollie about this one."

Vibe uncovered his mouth. "You fight crime and you're a part of that Ashes on Sunday band! You are, like, so talented!"

She sighed. "Okay, you can calm down, fanboy."

He clasped his hands together and looked Black Canary in the eyes. " you."

Her eyes widened. She blinked and shook her head. "Never heard that one from a fan before."

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