Chapter Eight: Wonder Woman

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I knocked Cheetah back with the side of my shield. She flew back, slamming back into a wall.

"Look," a child's voice cried in the distance, "it's Wonder Woman!"

I glanced over to see a crowd starting to form, all varying in age. A handful of young people were recording with their smartphones.

I faced them. "Everybody," I announced it, "you need to leave. It's not safe here."

"Watch out!" the same child's voice cried out.

I turned around to see Cheetah leap on me. I tumbled to the asphalt ground. My gauntlets scratched against the asphalt, making a sharp, grating sound. I gritted my teeth at that. "Suffering Sappho."

Cheetah snarled at me. "You know, I've been wondering what Amazon blood tastes like."

I glared at her. "Over my dead body you will."

Right before I could attack, Cheetah hissed in pain. She pulled away, revealing a familiar figure floating high above us.

"Supergirl!" I shouted, "this isn't your fight."

"But Cheetah was kicking your butt," she said as she flew down and looked to me. "I figured you may need my help."

"Not now, Supergirl," I said, "later. Promise."

Cheetah pounced at Supergirl. Instantly, her face was scratched with a single line across her cheek. The line filled with crimson blood. A snicker escaped Cheetah. "Stupid kryptonian. Don't you know you're vulnerable to magic?"

Supergirl whimpered in pain.

Cheetah sighed with a grin on her face. "I guess Kryptonian blood could make up for the lack of Wonder Woman's." She let out a quiet laugh.

Swiftly, I intervened, clashing my gauntlets together. "He-YA!" The second the gauntlets made contact, a strong, concussive wave shot out at Cheetah, sending her flying into the side of a car. Instantly, Cheetah was stunned.

"Is she down?" Supergirl asked.

I nodded. "Indubitably."

Soon, the police arrived. I looked at the officers. "Prison won't hold her," I warned them, "I suggest some place with maximum security."

"Like where?" a male officer asked before coughing.

"Belle Reve should do the trick."

The officer nodded before him and the police officers hauled Cheetah away.

I turned to Supergirl. I placed my hands at my hips. "National City is pretty far from here, you know."

"I flew from Gotham," Supergirl said, "we need your help, Wonder Woman."

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound. I looked down at my stomach. "I guess I've worked up an appetite." I smiled lightly before looking back up. "You already eat?"

Supergirl shook her head.

"Change into your civilian clothes and we can talk about what you need help with over dinner," I suggested, "sound fair?"

Supergirl nodded. "Fair."

I slipped out some blue kryptonite. "Here. I give it to Superman to help him heal faster."

"I thought it only worked to subdue Bizarro," Supergirl said.

"Blue kryptonite can do more than you think." I leaned into Supergirl. "Meet me downtown in twenty." I pulled back to watch her nod before she flew off. I couldn't help but smile.

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