Amaimon pov

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"Brother!" I holler for him as I crawl through the window, he jumps out of his chair barely holding in a scream. When his eyes fall on me he wears his usual annoyed expression.
Why does everyone look at me like that? I guess y/n doesn't... most of the time.
"What do you want?" He sighs rubbing his forehead and sitting back down, "I thought you would be all over y/n and leave me alone."
"She wants to marry me brother," I pop a lollipop in my mouth walking over to his desk, "I'm going to have a queen."
"Before me too, I would've never though," he rolls his eyes. I barely remember the women he's courted none of them lasted very long, but maybe he was just bored. I don't really understand things like that.
"She wants to know if I'll stay out of jail?" I glance at him, his expressions tell me more than his words.
"Perhaps dear brother, depends how well you behave really..." he's watching me now, I can not read the emotion in his eyes. "How soon did she say? And why isn't she here with you?"
"We stayed up watching silly movies and then she took me to the park, so she fell asleep," I tilt my head at him, "I got bored waiting for her to wake up."
"I see..." he frowns looking down at his desk. "I'll talk to the Vatican tomorrow, I shall arrange a wedding if all goes well. And if not I suppose we'll be taking a trip to see father."
"Father?" I raise my eyebrows, meetings with Satan usually do not end well for us.
"If the humans won't arrange a wedding I'm sure father will be overjoyed to see a new female join our family," Mephisto waves off my question with a flick of his hand.
"She's my queen," I stick my tongue out at him sitting on the floor. He took his chairs out after I broke one.
"I'm aware, but you know how he is. He enjoys any type of excitement since world domination didn't work out," My brother grins his wicked grin. Usually that means I have to do something I don't care too.
"Mmm okay," I shrug, there is no point in arguing if he's mind is made up. I have learned that.
"When y/n wakes up come see me, I want her approval in the matter because I have some doubts.." he squints down at me like I'm lying, he does that a lot since I "played" with Rin.
"She'll say the same thing, she said she loves me."
"Ah but humans are silly creatures little brother, you often forget that."
"Not y/n she's nice to me, she's gonna be my queen. She wouldn't lie," I say it flatly, yet I know she would not. She smiles too much when she's with me, it's still weird, but I want to keep her.
"Then we'll have no problems..."

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