Can I do this?

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Yukio is waiting for my class in the lobby of the hotel, I made sure Amaimon would be occupied with snacks while I'm away for the day. I kinda awkwardly hide behind everyone as I wait for instructions, Rin makes his way over to me. I'm thankful to him, now I don't stand out by being alone while everyone else is huddled in groups of friends.
"Why don't you come over with us, we have a few minutes before Yukio gives instructions," he smiles pointing to his friends.
"Uh, I uh...." I mumble trying to think of an excuse, before I can though Rin is gently shoving me toward them. They turn their attention to me, most with smiles except a few.
"You guys know y/n right? She's kinda shy," Rin chuckles patting my head.
I slowly put my hand up to wave a little, "Hi."
"She's the one with the snake right?" One of the boys asks.
"Yeah, she's in my room," I smile, "are you a tamer."
"No, I'm training to be an aria actually."
"Oooh neat."
He nods looking me over, "you're in two of my classes aren't you? Yukio's and my second period?"
"I think so, maybe I don't really pay attention," I admit rather quietly, "I'm always kinda spaced out."
"Me too!" Rin grins, "Except usually I'm falling asleep."
I giggle, "sometimes I fall asleep in Yukio's class too."
Our talk is cut short by Yukio clearing his throat, quite loudly I might add.
"Can I have your attention please," he sighs.
We all turn to face him, "we're going to the old monastery today. There have been recent reports of a demon infestation there."
Rin pokes my shoulder, "this'll be an easy one."
"At the moment it seems there are various species inhabiting the area, we must be prepared for anything understood?"
"Yes," we all reply with certainty.
"Good, let's be on our way then." Yukio leads us from the hotel out into the streets, "it's a decent walk from here, we should reach it in about thirty minutes or so."
Mostly everyone is walking in their groups of friends, I make an effort to talk with Rin's friends a little bit. I just feel so nervous around new people or people I just don't know well. It took Miyuki almost a year to get me to stay at her place, not to mention show her my drawings.
We reach the monastery at about the time Yukio expected, a little bit later but not much.
There's a group of exorcists waiting for us, Shura is there too. They give us instructions and point us in different directions to check for demons. Yukio pairs us up before we start, thankfully I'm with Rin, we are sent to examine the back of the building.
It's a complete wreck back here, there's trees growing practically through the building. Roots stick up everywhere and the buildings side is covered in vine. Rin and I stop to take it all in, some of the stairs out back have crumbled to pieces with age.
"So think we'll find anything?" Rin says as he looks around.
"Uh I'm not sure."
He nods and walks closer to the building, I follow him careful not to trip. I hear a weird gurgling noise, it sounds like someone drowning. I share a confused glance with Rin, we head towards the sound. This huge naberius  is running towards us, I realize I'm practically defenseless without Amber. How did I not think of that before!
I pick up the nearest branch, it's rather blunt but it's better than nothing. Rin pulls out his sword, I watch in awe as he's consumed by blue flames. The naberius splits into two very equally horrifying smaller naberius. One attacks Rin while the other turns it's attention to me, I feel my blood practically freeze in my veins. I panic and start to run completely ignoring the rubble around me, it's really close behind me I can smell it's rotting stench strong enough to make me gag.
I risk a glance behind me, Rin is struggling with his own demon right now. In that split second I feel my foot get caught in a tree root, I hit the ground with a large thud. Something cracks near me, a cold chill runs up my spine at the thought of it being from my bones. I try to pull my foot free, the adrenaline rush from running is making it hard to focus. I look up, the naberius is getting way too close, I look down my foot is still tangled. The naberius is closing in on me, I feel it grab my free leg,
I pick up the closest thing to me, it just so happens to be a rock. I slam it down on the creatures hands repeatedly, as hard as I can.
It let's out an ear splitting screech, I hurl the rock at its head willing it to make contact.
I don't waste time, I gather more rocks that are around me and a few large sharp sticks as it tries to refocus.
I start throwing the rocks at it, my arms are burning with the effort. I'm making it angry, I pick up the sharpest of the sticks and plunge it into the naberius's stomach, before it can make another move I spot Rin plunging his sword deep into its back.
It disappears right before my eyes in a weird cloud, I sigh with relief, "Rin can you help me please? My foot is stuck in the roots."
He puts away his sword, he comes over to where I'm sitting at an awkward angle. He examines the roots before beginning to untangle me from them.
He offers me a hand once I'm free, I grab it and try to haul myself to my feet. A lightning bolt of pain shots up my leg as weight is put on it, I hold in a scream that comes out as a squeak through my clenched teeth.
Rin's eyes go wide, "woah y/n are you okay?"
I shake my head and slowly lower myself back to the ground. Hot tears threaten to spill from my eyes, I don't like to cry in fact I hate crying, so I hold them in by wiping my eyes.
"Come on I'll take you to Yukio, he can get you looked at. You'll be good as new in no time," He looks at me worry is vividly present in his eyes.
"I can't walk," I manage to mumble out.
"You don't need to," He picks me up. He has his one arm supporting my legs and his other holding my back, this is so embarrassing. He starts to head back to where Yukio last was, I fear I'm going to fail this mission.
He's discussing something with Shura, she nudges him and points in our direction. Suddenly all I can think of is how I hid my face in Amaimon's coat on the train, I wish I could do that now.
"Y/n what happened to you?" Yukio runs over to us.
"We were jumped by two naberius, she tried to escape it before it could injure her," Rin thank the skies answers for me, "she got tangled up in a bunch of tree roots, but she did keep the naberius away and almost killed it."
Yukio frowns eyeing me oddly, "why didn't you fight? You are a tamer."
"I uh.... I let Amber stay with Amaimon for company and forgot my summoning papers...." Shame burns through me, what kind of exorcist forgets their supplies?
Yukio shakes his head and instructs Rin to set me down so he can examine my wounds. Only now do I realized how much I actually got injured. My foot is starting to swell and turn a very ugly purple-black color, where the naberius grabbed me there's long deep cuts around my leg and my arms are scrapped and bloody from my fall.
Yukio carefully takes my shoe off, he examines my foot carefully moving it. I have to clench my teeth to insure I don't let out a shriek of pain, I end up biting my tongue instead.
"It's not broken, a very bad sprain however. You will need to have it wrapped and taken care of when we return to the hotel, you'll need crutches for a few days."
I sigh, "so I guess I failed huh?"
"No one is receiving scores until we return to the school, but you will be sitting the rest of the mission out."
I don't acknowledge him, instead I let the sadness and shame that's been welling up inside me seep out. I feel the hot tears running down my face, it makes me ashamed to even be here.
"Y/n I'll bring some bookwork for you to do," Yukio tells me before he walks back to Shura.
Rin places an arm around me, I'm grateful for his company I really am. I try to calm myself, but I can't seem to find my breath I just keep sobbing.
"You'll be fine y/n, you won't fail. Your foot will be better in no time too!" Rin tries to comfort me, "hey I've failed like all my tests and I'm still here."
I laugh a little bit through my tears, "that's true."
He smiles at me, suddenly I wish he was Amaimon, I shake the thought from my head. Honestly what has gotten into me today? Maybe I need more sleep. "Thank you Rin I appreciate this," I utter after I've finished my little episode.
He nods a grin on his face, "that's what friends are for y/n."
I smile, I'm feeling a bit better. He assures me that even if I mess up, at least I won't be doing it alone. I'll have friends to help me, I feel my shyness towards my small class disperse inside me to be replaced with gratitude.
These people, they're my friends I know that now....

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