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It's been three days, my parents were released and refuse to even acknowledge my existence now, not that it's an issue.
They've cut me out of their lives for the time being, or so Mephisto has told me, he spoke with them yesterday. He said they would disown me if they were able to, they want me to drop out of the exorcist school and move back into regular school, they want me to cut Amaimon and all my exorcists friends from my life and act like this never happened, only then can I go home, and even then I would not be treated like a daughter.
As always I can't bring myself to follow in their trail of bait they've lead out for me, even if this school is challenging and threatens to break me at time, it's my school, and it's a better life than anything they could offer me.
Mephisto, despite being a weirdo has been helpful and understanding through this whole mess, he convinced my parents not to press charges, I have no idea how....
The good news for me though, I don't need my crutches to walk as of this mornings check up, I just need to wear a brace, and I am forbidden to do any running for awhile, none the less I have been wandering the streets all day looking for Amaimon, he still hasn't come home.
He hasn't even wrote anything to me, I'm scared he isn't going to come back at this point. My ankle is aching, I refuse to give up though. I've looked just about everywhere he loved to go; candy stores, parks, amusement parks, but he isn't there.
He isn't anywhere!
I have yet to get a new phone, I would try calling him if I had one. I'm startled as Mephisto poofs up in front of me, he startled me and I almost fall, his expression tells me he hasn't made any more progress than I have.
"I'm beginning to question if he has gone back to Gehenna...." he sighs rubbing his neck.
"He hates it there remember!" I groan frustration making me edgier than usual.
"We have looked everywhere else y/n, we have yet to look there however," he shrugs looking at the ground.
"Well I can't exactly stroll on down there can I," I snap at feeling bad immediately after, "sorry, I'm just so worried..."
"It is quite alright, I'm growing impatient as well," he admits looking up at me a little.
"Can you send me to Gehenna?" I blurt out the question before I have time to even think it over.
He frowns, "I suppose it could be done though it would be highly unheard of for a human, and put you at extreme danger to befalling possession."
"I'll do it anyway, send me," I do not give myself time to think over what I'm saying, if I can find Amaimon it's worth it, "Can I have an hour or two to prepare myself?"
"My dear do you have any idea what you would be risking?" He raises an eyebrow at me though a smirk plays on his lips.
"My life right? Going to heaven? All that jazz?" I shrug to me it's nothing important.
"You are willing to risk that?" He smiles a bit, "all of that for my childish brother?"
"Yeah I know it's dumb, it's reckless and completely insane," I laugh running my hands through my hair, "but who else is going to do it if not me? If you go and he's there he won't listen to you."
"That is very true, and I won't stop you," He snickers crossing his arms, "I don't believe even I would be able to."
"Why do you have to do to get me there?"
"I would suspect opening a small door to Gehenna would be easiest, however you could encounter my father," he looks at me curiously, "still willing to go?"
A twinge of uncertainty and fear pulses through me, "I can handle it."
"If you insist, there is a chance you won't come back you know?"
"I know...." I smile slightly, "I'll meet you in your office in like twenty minutes, I need to do something real quick."
"Very well," Mephisto smiles at me as I take off towards my dorm in a sprint.
I must be out of my mind! I'm going to hell, I am literally going to hell by choice....
Who in their right mind does that?!
Amber is laying on my bed, I pick her up carefully and let her curl around my neck. She has to come with me, there's a chance she could track him.
I pull out a plain black marker and quickly scribble on my palm, Hey if you're in Gehenna heads up I'm coming to get you, just me so don't run away.
I throw on a hoodie careful not to disturb Amber in the process. I don't exactly know what I need for a trip to hell so I only grab a few pieces of candy to hopefully bribe Amaimon with, and a marker. I take my time getting to Mephisto's, I can't lie I'm a little terrified, well more than a little.
"Are you ready y/n?" He looks at me as if he's second guessing this whole idea as much as I am.
I nod, and look around the office while he makes a doorway. I see a pentagram shape of sorts and watch him drip what looks to be blood around it as he mumbles some weird chant.
"Couldn't you just poof me there?" I tilt my head a bit.
"Well yes, however you would have no way back without contacting me and you still have no cell phone to do so," he steps back as a strange gate covered in what looks to be eyes appears. It's surrounded in blue flames, I take a deep shaky breath.
"I will try to keep it open for you, it would be best to make this quick," Mephisto mumbles concerned.
"Right, just gotta find him and bring him back....." I close my eyes as I take my first step through the gateway expecting to be burnt by the flames, "easy peasy..."
I'm shocked to find the flames to be warm, I cautiously take a few steps forward before I realize I can no longer see daylight streaming from Mephisto's office windows. I open my eyes stunned to find the gate gone, I look around me to take in my new surroundings.
It's not as bad as I would expect hell to be, in fact it's almost pretty in a wild sort of way. It's nearly pitch black in some areas, but the area above me is a purple color giving off very little light but enough to lighten the near blackness. There's also spurts of flames dancing around here and there, blue flames, flames just like Rin has.
Amber slithers off of me to the ground, she seems more at ease here than in my dorm. I see some demons scurrying around, none seem to pay us much attention though much to my relief.
If I said I knew where I was going, I'd be bluntly lying, I really have no idea where to even start looking, and the only thought I have is to look for Satan to ask if he knows. Not my best plan, but it's a starting point, it gives me a goal. I start walking in a random direction, hoping it will take me to at least somewhere closer to Amaimon or his father.
Amber suddenly hisses and starts coiling up as if ready to strike, I freeze to the spot chills crawl up my spine, I suddenly have the overwhelming feeling that someone is watching me.
"My my a little human? All the way down here?" A boy steps out of the shadows, interest filling his cold icy eyes, "What an odd occurrence this is."
I look him over, his hair looks like a blue wave straight from the ocean, he has odd lines on his cheeks, they almost look like gills. He is wearing ripped up shorts and a faded graphic t-shirt, it's obvious he's a demon, I mean I am in hell, that's a dead giveaway even without the pointy ears and tail.
I glance at Amber who has wrapped her tail around my leg protectively, I don't know if I'm in danger but she seems to think so.
"Tell me little girl, how did you end up so far from Assiah?" He slides up next to me showing off his fangs in a mocking grin, "a human like you won't last long in a place like this."
"Wouldn't you just love to know," My sarcasm surprises me as much as is does the demon boy, but he may have information so I have to ask, "I'm looking for Amaimon have you seen him recently?"
He stares at me any trace of mockery gone, he narrows his eyes, "wouldn't you like to know."
I sigh no longer feeling afraid, if he wanted to kill me by now I'd already be dead and he wouldn't keep teasing me, "please tell me if you have I've literally looked almost everywhere else."
"What business does a human girl like yourself have with my younger brother?" He raises his eyebrows.
"I uh...." I don't really want to tell him the truth I rake my brain trying to think of something convincing, I end up with only blanks. "I'm looking for him that's all...."
"Humans do not just pop into Gehenna to merely look for demons let alone a demon king," there's a hint of hostility in his voice now, his eyes narrow slightly.
I suppose I have little other choice than to explain why I am here now, leave it to me to already have a knife to my throat theoretically speaking.
"Mephisto sent me, rather I had him send me." I glance at the boy, his expressions shifts until it's unreadable, "my brother sent you here?"
"I really am looking for Amaimon, I swear he's been missing for a few days, I just want to find him."
"Who are you?" He looks at me interest burning in his eyes.
"I'm Amaimon's soulmate," I look to the ground, it feels weird to just say that, to just openly admit I'm bound to someone like I have no control over it at all.
"Well this is turning out to be quite an entertaining day," he starts to laugh, "A human is my brothers mate!"
I can't help but smile at just how crazy it sounds hearing it from someone else, "so will you help me?"
"I suppose I could offer you a hand yes," he holds his hand out to me, "only because you have the potential to be family, and you are pretty cool, by the way names Egyn."
I shake his hand relived I'm not being killed just yet, and also kinda ecstatic I found one of Amaimon's brothers, a nice one.
"My names y/n," I offer a small smile.
"A beautiful name indeed," he grins exposing his fangs again.
"Where should we start looking?"
"You're an eager one aren't you?" He chuckles, "I think you should check the gardens to start, he usually sulks around there if he gets bored enough."
"The gardens?" I frown trying to think.
"Of Amahara."
"That's real!" I grin in wonderment trying to imagine what they must look like.
"Never thought I'd say this, but I'll take you to them," he shrugs nonchalantly.
"Thank you Egyn," I smile.
He nods a silly smile spreading across his features, he starts walking further into the odd dark area motioning for me to follow.
Amber slithers off out of my view, I'm not worried I know she'll come back to me when she wants to. The further we go the more my eyes adjust allowing me to see how truly beautiful this place is despite well some horrifying details. I see an area that has more of a green tint than the land around it, I just know that's where we're going. I speed up until I'm in step with Egyn, he leads me through the green area and I start to notice rocks and earthly features. The farther we go the more nervous and amazed I become, there's small flowers and vines and rock piles all over the place, but what if Amaimon isn't here?
Then what will I do?
Egyn stops looking around for a minute before continuing on in a different direction, I don't question it I just follow, he knows his way here much better than I.
Our surroundings get lighter, I see an odd spot of light ahead. Egyn glances at me, "that's the gardens right up there."
"You're coming with me right?" I raise an eyebrow.
"I suppose my curiosity is pulling for me to follow so alright, I want to see how this plays out," with that together we step into the gardens.
I freeze to the spot to just look around, it's the most gorgeous place I've ever seen. It's every type of flower an tree and plant I've ever seen and more! It's amazing the ground is alive with colors, the trees are tall and look as if they've come right out of a painting. I feel like I stepped into a painting, or another world all together.
Egyn waves his hand in front of my face snapping me back to reality, "sorry..."
"I did the same thing first time I saw it too," he grins.
"It's so pretty! And huge!"
He nods laughing a little, "and you have a lot of area to cover."
"I guess I should start looking then huh?" I nod the vastness seeming a little intimidating now.
"I'll help ya, I'll take left of the stream, you take the right," he suggests.
"There's a stream?" My eyes widen slightly.
"Yep," he's already walking away from me his arms behind his head.
I head in the direction opposite of him, hoping it's the right way.
I find the stream after only a few minutes, it's small but wide enough you can't just jump over it. I slowly let myself step into the cold water and make my way to the opposite bank, goosebumps crawl up my arms from the chilled water.
I kept walking, with no idea where I'm going just that I need to search all the space around me.
I do not know how long it will take me, or how much space I have to cover, I just know I have to keep going.

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