Amaimon's pov

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Y/n is asleep, yet she has managed to grasp my hand between hers. It's a rather uncomfortable position, yet I can't bring myself to wake her and move.
I glance around the train car curious as to what the others are doing, Rin is snoring also asleep, most everyone else is reading or playing on phones. Rin's brother has been walking up and down the aisle, each time he casts angry glances at us more specifically me. I fear he has called Mephisto, though I'm pretty sure Y/n could talk him into letting me stay, he will still be angered that I disobeyed him.
As if on cue Y/n's phone rings, I highly expect it to be Mephisto but it's not. The screen says mother, I use my free hand to grab the phone from her pocket as gently as I can. She stirs and mumbles something, but otherwise she stays asleep. I answer the phone more out of curiosity than anything else.
"Hello y/n, are you enjoying you're freak show school?" it's a woman, she sounds as if she's trying hard to make a joke, though her annoyance is evident.
"Are you her mother?" I hear the words leave my mouth before I even think them over.
"Who is this!" She yells angrily.
"Are you or aren't you?"
"Yes I am and who the hell is this!" She demands once again.
I quickly hang up the phone, I shove into one of her bags hoping that lady doesn't call back and just in case my brother were to call I turn the phone off.
Y/n is going to be angry at me again now too, I do not understand when she is genuinely mad and when she's joking. She doesn't like to be mad I don't think, she always apologizes afterwards, well most times at least, or she buys me something.
The train comes to a stop at a small station, the town looks rather old and nearly abandoned.
I wake y/n up, at first she just stares her eyes having a far away look, then she sees what is outside and life seems to flood through her as she grabs all of her stuff.
Yukio stands at the front of the train making some announcement, "first we are going to find a place to stay, after we will discuss more details of the mission."
We are the last people off the train, y/n looks like she's going to burst with delight, "This place is so neat!"
The others start walking towards a building that appears to be a small hotel of sorts, she quickly follows them. Yukio is checking everyone in, he hands y/n a room key and points her where to go.
She grins as she heads to the room, it's nothing like the dorm we share. It's much smaller, there's a dresser, a window showing the town streets and a large bed in the corner. She tosses her bags on the floor before running and jumping around on the bed, I tilt my head watching her.
She stops and looks at me, "oh come on you know you want to!" She jumps from the bed and comes over to me, "at least pretend you're going to have fun."
"Is that what you're doing?" I raise an eyebrow at her.
"No, I'm like a three year old when you get to know me just ask Miyuki," she giggles. "Soooo that means you're going to have fun," She attempts to push me, when that doesn't work she tries to pull me, after a few moments I just give in and let her amused by her efforts.
She steps back up onto the bed, she holds her hand out like she's greeting someone at something much more formal than inviting someone to go jumping on a bed.
I'm assuming however, she wants me to accept it, so I do.
She starts to bounce around me like a hyper child, when I just watch her she grabs both my hands in hers and jumps. I decide to amuse her and jump with her, I don't understand how something so simple makes her so happy. She does this for what seems like hours, in reality though it's been around five minutes.
"I should check my phone, I told Miyuki I'd text her," she seems to have a sudden realization.
I feel myself tense up, I know she's going to be extremely angry at me. "Can't you wait till later I want to explore," I whine hoping I can distract her for now.
"It'll take me five seconds," she frowns when she realizes her phone isn't in her pockets. She kneels down and starts digging through her bags. "Aha there you are!" She pulls it out after emptying half the clothes she brought from her backpack onto the floor.
I could break it.... but I believe that would only upset her more.
She frowns as she gets a bunch of notifications as soon as the phone is turned on, she sits on the beds edge scrolling through them.
"My mother is insane!" She growls under her breath, "she thinks I got kidnapped or something jeez!"
"She called you while we were on the train...."
Her attention immediately snaps to me, "you didn't answer it did you?!"
I nod in reply, she quickly dials her mothers number and walks outside instructing me to stay here. I can't hear what she's saying, she's moving her hands around in the air though.
I look at the ceiling, now I'll be in more trouble with Mephisto...... I don't want to be sent home.
She walks back in the room her phone clenched tightly in my hand, she lets out a heavy sigh as she falls onto the bed.
"You just had to answer the phone didn't you?"
"I was curious," I shrug trying to determine if she is mad.
"You're lucky I'm good at getting out of things, for now at least." She jabs my side with her finger, "you're brother is having a fit too you know."
"That's your fault, you wanted me here," I smile slightly realizing she's not mad at me at all.
"Remind me again why I begged you to come?" She smiles a little bit, "My mother was fuming mad, so I told her what she wanted to hear and shut her up for now, as for Mephisto well that was easy."
"How so?" I eye her suspiciously, a part of me thinks she betrayed me and is sending me home, yet I don't think she would even if she hated me for something I had done.
"He said he wouldn't interfere with my decisions so I said I told you to come, he thinks I made a mistake though so you better prove him wrong."
I don't understand why but the way she looks at me makes me want to prove my brother wrong and make her proud of me...
Is that what I want?
Do I want her to think better of me...?

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