The distraction

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Mephisto was quite taken aback by our plan, mostly because of the consequences it would have it we get caught. Luckily Shura told me before hand where all the cameras were, at least the ones she knew about.
I've placed all of the lint balls I had hid in my skirt, there's only a few in my bag, I think it'll be enough once Shura does her part.
I head back up from the dungeon determined to get my bag back before I leave, a few exorcists notice me on my way to Angel's office. They point and whisper quietly, everyone here thinks I'm a pretty big weirdo considering everything that's occurred. A couple actually say hello to me though, Angel's office door is open so I stroll on in.
He sits at a large desk covered in paperwork, "what do you want?"
"Just came for my bag, I'm leaving so I get it back remember?" I lean on the desk staring him down.
"Oh right your bag of lint," he snorts disgusted, he reaches under his desk to grab it then proceeds to throw it at me.
I catch it and stick my tongue out at him, "good day then."
He says nothing to me as I leave the office, can it really be this easy?
I make my way back towards the main doors, Shura said she'd find a way to watch the cameras and finish the job once I was out.
I just hope she's doing everything without much hassle. I make it outside, not so much as a second glance from the exorcists watching the door, once I make it out of their view I run. I don't go far, just far enough that I can't possibly get blamed for anything that occurs now. I have no idea how long it will take, I just have to have hope.

A/n this chapter is rather short I apologize but I didn't want to run too many things together

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