My first day

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I wake up at a pretty decent time, I have an hour before my first class. I take a shower thinking about what I'll learn, and if I'll be able to make friends. I have gone almost three days without drawing on myself, only because I want to wear a t-shirt today not my hoodie. I put on the school uniform, not really my style, but it works I guess. I wonder if I'll run into Amaimon today.....
He didn't want to leave last night until I bribed him with a trip to the candy store, I gave him money and off he went. It kinda sucked for me because now I can't buy myself any snacks. I'll have to wait until my folks send me my allowance, oh well I'll live.
I grab my books heading out the door, I look around at the other kids scrambling to classes over the campus. I head towards the main building and use my key that takes me right to the cram school hall way.
I glance at my schedule trying to find the room number, A112. I end up just following three boys to it, they don't notice me thank the lord. I take a seat in the back of the room away from the others, I'm by the window so I'll have a nice breeze to keep me awake if this class drags. The teacher walks in, Yukio Okumura. He's actually the same age as all of us who are taking this class, Rin Okumura's younger twin. Mephisto told me about them, Rin is Satan's son.
Yukio announces my arrival making me want to sink into the floor, the others turn to look at me. I'm shocked by their smiling faces and welcoming hello's, I smile weakly at them feeling a bit overwhelmed.
The class starts shortly after, I can barely pay attention after the first ten minutes or so. I end up sketching all over my note paper, I hope Yukio doesn't notice.
I was told I have to be tested to see if I'm a tamer, Yukio holds me after class for that. He hands me a paper and instructs me to prick my finger and let blood drip into the summoning star. I do as he says, hoping it works. A chant forms on my lips and pours from somewhere inside me that I'm unaware of, I watch in awe as a Naga appears. It slithers around my feet and hisses looking up at me, "it's so cute!"
"Very good, I'm impressed y/n. Not many are gifted with the talent of taming," he smiles.
"Can I keep her with me? I think it would be rude to send her away."
"Um if you wish I suppose you may," he frowns.
"Yay thank you!" I grin, my shyness has faded away entirely by now. I think it's been replaced with excitement. The rest of the day seems to fly by me, my naga has taken to curling up around my neck. I'm going to name her, I'm thinking about Amber since her scales are about that color. Right now I'm heading to lunch, then I must go to my last class. I'm kinda nervous since I'm probably going to sit alone.
I get a small meal, I look for a place to sit but I'm not really brave enough to just outright go sit with my classmates. I end up sitting on the fountain edge outside, it's nice I get to watch the clouds roll by.
"You look bored," I'm startled by the voice.
I look around, Amaimon is standing atop the fountain, "what do you want now..?"
"Well sorry but you have to go look somewhere else."
He drops down beside me, "I don't want to."
I shake my head silently willing him to leave, I know it's pointless though. Amber hisses at him, she slithers off my neck towards him.
"You are a tamer then since you have a naga," he picks her up and lets her slither around his arm.
"Yeah I am," I can't help but smile.
"Have you named her?" He sets her back onto my shoulders.
"Hmmm fitting I suppose," he looks at my stuff and grabs my sketch book. I've been carrying it around all day, I used it in my third class. I made a castle drawing with a dragon flying over it. I go to snatch it from him, but he jumps away from me and starts to flip through it's pages. He stops flipping the pages, a frown showing up on his face. I'm afraid I know what page he's on.
"Why am I in here?" He looks up at me.
"Um I uh....." I stammer trying to form a sentence that just dies on my tongue.
"Hmm how odd," he throws the sketchbook back at me. I try to catch it but it falls into the fountain water, I feel like I'm going to choke. All of my drawings were in there..... Some that me and Miyuki worked on together for hours. I grab it from the water as quickly as I can, it's dripping wet the pages are soggy and tear when I try to flip them. I let it fall to the ground, I guess I'll have to redo all of those.....
Amaimon just is staring at me, I don't think he understands that those were important. He moves to sit next to me, I don't bother moving.
"Can we play again today?"
"Why not?"
"I have class and homework and I just don't want to," I look at my feet. A part of me is angry. I want to hit him with my schoolbook another part of me is finding the whole thing funny because he looked so confused at my displeasure. I know they're just pictures on paper that I can redo, I guess it's the time I've put into them that bothers me most. So many lost hours.
"What about when you finish?"
"I said no."
"What if I come over?"
"I'll ignore you," I sigh as I grab my things and run to my next class. More importantly away from him, he is my only semi-friend right now but he's hard to handle. If I want to be actual friends with him, it's gonna take a lot of work, and more patience than I have. He's got to learn as much as me.

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