Amaimons pov

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"Are you going to listen to me or not?" Mephisto holds the bridge of his nose while I toss a lollipop stick on the floor.
"I find this pointless," I tilt my head not understanding his annoyance.
"Y/n would just like you to do it," he sits back down at his desk watching me pace his office.
"Why?" I stop at the window looking down on the campus. Where is y/n? Being with her would be more fun than this.
"Because it's how a wedding would go in a normal relationship," he hissed the words at me I've clearly pressed his patience, as I usually do. If only he knew it was on purpose.
I keep my gaze focused outside letting his words lay heavy in the stretching silence. Normal? I think our relationship has gone beyond normal, for me at least. I'm not one to commit to things very easily.
"Alright what do I have to do?" I sigh with mock annoyance digging through my pockets for another candy.
My brother stands up a wide grin spreading across his features. "First things first you need a suit," he snaps his fingers putting me into something that feels too tight and too new.
He walks a circle around me while I yank on sleeves and tug on buttons, one rips off hitting Mephisto in the back.
"Woops," I stick my tongue out like y/n would when she drops something.
Mephisto shakes his head ignoring my fidgets, "now kneel like this." He bends down on one knee waiting for me to mimic him. I do as I'm told to get this over with as soon as I can.
"Good good," he stands up leaving me kneeling. "Now a ring I have to get her a ring."
"Shouldn't I do that?" I raise an eyebrow as I watch him tap his chin. "She is my queen not yours."
"Well yes, but I don't expect you to know anything about rings," he smirks when my expression falls blank. As usual he is correct about my lack of care in trivial things. I have had no purpose for rings, until this point.
"Can I help?" I stand up at his request as he poofs me back into my normal clothes, I'm grateful for my coat.
"I suppose I could let you assist me, I'll have to have her friend send me her ring size," he taps his phone quickly before looking me over once more. "I suppose you can get away without a suit for now, she obviously likes you as you are poor girl."
I narrow my eyes at him, I don't prefer most of my family and sometimes I wonder why I bother with him, "can I go now? Is y/n home yet?"
"Do you even know what to say?" Brother rolls his eyes at my impatience.
"No," I shove my hands deep in my coat pockets starting towards the door. "I'll make it up."
"Make it up!" Mephisto poofs in front of me, I stop staring up at him. "You will get down on one knee and as her to be your queen."
"And what if I don't?" I push him just a little, just enough to get him out of my way.
"Then she won't stay with you," he grunts returning to his desk clearly done with me. "If I had my soul mate I would not act so carelessly."
I take his words in consideration as I leave his office, for once I take the door rather than the window. He'll appreciate it in the long run.

I knock on y/no's window of her room, I don't think she's here. Where did she go? She didn't tell me. Annoyance pricks at me she should tell me where she's going, this isn't fair. I walk around to
the front of the dorm building she said she was staying here a little longer, did she take her things already?
I'm about to leave when I catch her laughter drifting from the academy center. I walk back around the building, finally I catch a glimpse of her and her friend Miyuki.
"Y/n!" I shout when they get a little closer.
"Amaimon?" She frowns as they come to a stop a few feet from me.
"Are you not happy to see me?" I mumble tapping my foot on the ground.
"I just thought you'd still be with Mephisto," she shrugs nudging her friends shoulder, "we going later?"
Miyuki nods ruffling y/n's hair before spinning on her heels, "I'll take this to Mephisto and do our run down give you love birds a moment." She waves a credit in the air as she goes towards the main office.
"Where are you going later?" I close the gap between us, she looks at her feet.
"Can't tell you yet," she sighs before making an attempt to walk past me.
"Why not?" It comes out harsher than I anticipated I make to grab her arm, but she dodges me.
"Cause it's a surprise," she spins around to look at me again. She's acting weird, I do not care for it. I narrow my eyes watching her fidget with her hands for a second.
"Y/n?" I tilt my head letting my annoyance fade for now. "Is it true you won't stay with me if I don't propose?"
Her eyes widen for the briefest of seconds before she scrunches her eyebrows, "is that what he told you?"
The hints of a smile cross her lips when I nod, I take a few steps until I can reach her hands. I take both of them, I'm not kneeling I find it pointless clearly brother lied.
"Y/n will you be my queen?" I look at her hands they look bare with bo pictures on them.
"Yes, I guess I will," she squeezes my hands in hers before letting go.
"Mephisto wanted me to do it right, but I see no point," I shrug walking towards the dorms only when I'm certain she is following. "Is that ok?"
"Yes I guess that's ok too," she tugs on my coat attempting to keep up, though she still looks down.
"Y/n?" I stop as we get to her room, "why are you acting strange?"
"Strange?" She mumbles opening the door, "I guess I might be a little scared Amaimon."
She goes inside I follow shutting the door behind me, she only makes it a few steps before I tackle her onto the couch. A small yelp escapes her when I hug her tight.
She wiggles until she can sit up I let her shift around until I rest my head on her shoulder and me legs are wrapped around her waist so she can't get up.
"Is this really necessary?" She giggles almost back to normal I relax a little.
"Scared of what? Of me?" I grumble into her hair hoping I'm not the one who sounds scared.
"Oh yeah right," she nudges my head until she can kiss my check. "So scared."
My smile is almost involuntary, "then of what?"
"I think Mephisto is making things a little too fancy for both of us," she sighs shifting more until we are laying down. I stretch out releasing her this is comfier.
"And you are worried?"
"Mmm I do not understand," I pop a lollipop in my mouth putting an arm around her when she nudges closer to me. "You will be with me and you will be my queen, the rest doesn't matter."
She shakes her head closing her eyes, "if only I could think like that."
At least I'm good at lying. She doesn't need to know my nerves are pricking with the thought of having to deal with father and the Vatican. I'm not a fan favorite as brother says. I can't lose her now.

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