Punishments and Teasing

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Mephisto talks the entire way to Miyuki's, he keeps reminding me not to draw on myself too, which is getting rather annoying. I just nod not even really paying attention anymore.
The car pulls to a stop in front of her house after what seems like forever, I sigh as i get out, I have to get my things from the trunk.
"One more thing y/n," Mephisto grins at me a playful look about him.
"I got you something," he pulls a smallish box from his pocket, "Please do wait till you're inside to open it."
"Uh alright, thank you," I frown slightly confused as to why I'm getting a present from him of all people. I glance at Behemoth who's curled up sleeping on one of the seats, "can I bring him along?"
He sighs, "I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Go ahead."
"Thanks Mephisto you're the best," I smile a bit as I shut his door. Once I pull my luggage from the small trunk, I tell him goodbye one more time before heading into the house, Behemoth quickly jumps from the car window and chases after me, I forgot to wake him up....
I'm immediately greeted by Miyuki as I step inside who throws her arms around me gleefully, "Y/n!"
"Hey Miyuki," I laugh a little dropping my things to hug her.
"How dare you not answer my calls!" She starts snapping at me more teasingly than actually angrily, "I've been worried sick! My best friend just dropped off the planet!"
"I'm sorry, Amaimon he uh..." I particularly don't want to share that story again so I go with the first thing that pops in my head, "my phone broke." I could slap myself for how generic that excuse sounds.
"And why didn't you buy a new one?" She puts her hands on her hips eyeing me up and down.
"Because I'm broke!" I laugh.
Her attention is suddenly drawn to the little box I have tucked in the top pocket of my bag, the shiny wrapping paper shining through the little opening.
"What's that?"
"I don't know honestly," I pull it out and turn it over it my hands trying to guess what it is.
"Just open it already!" Miyuki grabs it from me more excited than I am, she really has no patience. She tears the wrapping paper off and opens up the small box.
"So what is it?" I peek over her shoulder shocked to find a new smart phone.
"Who gave you this?" She mumbles somewhat with wonder.
"Uh the headmaster actually," I rub the back of my neck somewhat embarrassed.
"Dude I need to come to that school!" She laughs handing me the phone.
"It definitely has its perks, but I brought tons of homework with me too, " Behemoth catches my attention as he scratches at the floor curiously before hopping off around the house, Miyuki has no idea he's even there.
"Oh cool maybe you can teach me something," she nudges me playfully.
"Yeah right, I have to figure out how to teach myself first," I smile.
She giggles, "so you never did say why you have to stay her for so long y/n?"
"It's a long story...."
"Didn't get kicked out did ya?"
"Oh yes because I'd have homework if I got kicked out, come on Miyuki."
"Had to ask," she shrugs.
She grabs my hand, and leads me into the kitchen.
"Alright now start talking while I whip us up a snack," she starts digging through the cupboards looking for who knows what.
"Well ya see Amaimon kinda attacked my parents and they ended up in the hospital...."
She bangs her head on the cupboard turning to look at me with wide shocked eyes, "are you serious?!"
"Yeah, they came to visit...."
"Did he hurt you...?" She suddenly looks as if she would kill him if he had.
"No, he was mad because they were being well they were being jerks," I sigh looking at the table.
"So your here because of that?"
"Not exactly, see he ran away and I had to go to Gehenna to bring him back so being away from me is his punishment."
A sly smirk spreads across her face, "so what your saying is you and lover boy actually hit it off?"
"No!" I stammer already knowing my face is turning red.
"Liar," She points a finger at me laughing.
"I...no... you... don't," I can't bring myself to form a sentence which makes me heat up with embarrassment even worse.
"Amaimon and y/n sitting in a tree," she starts to dance around me cooing mockingly, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
"Shut up!" I shove her away from me.
"Oh no, this is too good," she rebounds singing the song even louder.
I groan in exasperation, I sprint from the room,  she chases after me still singing.
I grab pillows off her couch and whip them at her, she dives for me grabbing my feet. I fall with a heavy thud onto the hard wood floor, a small pain shoots through my elbow upon impact. She pulls me back to my feet moments later, we both just start laughing.
Within the next half hour she's made grilled cheeses and hot chocolate, were sitting in the living room, she is watching tv while I work on my schoolwork. My first assignment is to write a two to three page essay on demon rankings and pick a specific high level demon to go in depth on.
Miyuki's listening to me ramble on about the different demons, I tell her about Behemoth who's laying at my feet, she frowns trying to see him.
"He's literally right here," I point at him which to her must just be blank space.
"I'm just not seeing him," she sighs a little disappointed.
"If you had a temptaint you would be able too."
"Well how do I get one of them?"
"You have to be hurt by a demon basically," I shrug thinking back.
"Could ya get him to scratch me or somethin?"
"No I'm not telling him to hurt you," I shake my head laughing a bit.
"Ugh you're no fun," She groans shifting around, "Anyway, how's that paper coming? I'm getting bored just sitting here you know."
"I'm like close to halfway done with it," I shut my school books turning my attention to her. "Do tell what you want to do?"
"Ooooo hmmm," She smirks wickedly.
"I don't like that face," I sigh to myself knowing I should just do my paper.
"Let's go shopping," She hops up and down on the couch.
"At this hour?" I glance out the window seeing the moon high up in the sky.
"The stores are still open come on please?" She begs getting down on her knees.
"Fine," I cant say no to her, even if shopping is my least favorite activity.
She grabs her purse and drags me out the door, Behemoth doesn't even bother following. We take turns picking shops to go in, she usually picks game and toy stores while I tend to pick out anime shops and sweet shops.
By the end of our spree it's nearly morning and each of us are carrying armfuls of bags, I made sure to buy the familiars and Amaimon something too.
When we actually get back to her house both of us are dead tired, we throw our bags down and crash on the couches to sleep.
Is this what my life would be like, if I wasn't able to see demons?
If I hadn't bumped into Amaimon.....

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