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We're back on the train, only this ride is a lot different than the one which brought us here, it's a lot quieter for the most part anyway. Almost everyone is either nodding off to sleep or reading through our new homework assignment, I have my homework done for the next three days since I couldn't finish the mission that's what Yukio had me do instead.
I glance at Amaimon who's staring out the window beside me, yesterday is still fresh in my mind. It was so nice to just be alone with him and do nothing, I lean forward a bit and realize he's actually asleep too. He doesn't sleep much so that's rather odd, I shrug it off and pull my markers from under my seat.
I've been dying to draw something to surprise him, I just couldn't find time alone or have any ideas of what until now.
I quickly search up a picture and start sketching, I keep checking to see if he wakes up but he doesn't. I put a good amount of effort in this drawing just well because it has a meaning, I make a little henna tattoo around my wrist for my own enjoyment too.
I smile looking at my finished work, it's a silhouette of people holding hands under a sunset, I'm not sure if he'll like it, but I really do. I throw my markers in my bag and pull my phone out, I need to call my mom and actually talk to her, not like I did the other day when I ended up hanging up on her.
I dial the number and wait listening to the ringing kinda hoping no one answers.
"Oh how nice you decided to call me," my mother hisses into the phone.
"Listen I'm sorry, I'm busy and honestly you were acting ridiculous!"
"I'm ridiculous for assuming you were kidnapped when a strange guy answered the phone?"
"Yes! I have friends maybe I asked him to answer it!"
"Come on y/n he is not your friend."
I suddenly feel anger well up inside me, "and how would you know that!"
"You don't hang around with people that's how I know," I hear the pleasure in her voice. She knows she hit a weak spot of mine.
"Well I hate to break it to you, but maybe we're soulmates how would you know."
"Like you would talk to him if he was you're so caught up in your dumb little pictures to notice."
I feel the phone being taken from my hand before I have a chance to react, I glance at Amaimon there's anger burning in his eyes, he must have heard her through the phone...
"Her pictures are not dumb!" He growls into the phone.
I don't hear what my mother replies with I just listen to what Amaimon says, "you don't know anything about her or me, she's mine!" He snaps my six hundred dollar smart phone right in two, I watch kinda horrified as he drops the pieces to the floor.
"Amaimon!" I shout shocked, how am I going to pay for another one of those!
He seems to realize what he did, but he doesn't seem to care about it, "I don't like her."
I sigh picking up my phone pieces, "sometimes I don't either, but you didn't have to do that to prove it."
"She made me mad," he looks down at the pieces of phone in my hand.
I lean back in my seat and sigh, "it's okay you know it's just a phone. It's replaceable."
He tilts his head at me, "you were just angry weren't you?"
"Yeah maybe, but you stood up for me in a way and some things are more important than a phone," I smile a little bit.
"Like what?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Just some things," I smile wider and look around the train ignoring his confused gaze that doesn't leave me.
I see the school from the train station as we get off, thankfully I'm getting better with crutches. Yukio thinks I'll be able to ditch them in about a week and just use a brace, I really hope he's right.
Mephisto is standing outside the station, he frowns when he sees me.
"Y/n what ever happened to you?"
"I just fell no big deal," I giggle hoping he doesn't ask more questions about it.
"Did he behave for you?" He looks at Amaimon now who's expression is unreadable.
"Of course he did, no troubles at all," I stick my tongue out at Amaimon for a second a small smirk appears on his lips.
Mephisto ushers us all into his fancy limo to get back to the school, it's kinda cramped inside but we all fit. I'm squished between Amaimon and Izumo, she is eyeing my crutches in a rather intimidating way as if saying I failed. It bothers me, but I'm still determined to prove I can be valuable even with a nearly broken ankle.
As soon as we get to the school we're dismissed by Mephisto to go rest at our dorms, unbeknownst to me he decides to come with us to my dorm. I struggle with my backpack on the crutches, it takes more effort to make bigger steps and it makes my back ache. Mephisto opens the door for me, I let my bag fall from my back to the floor. I hop my way over to my bed and fall back on it, a sigh of relief escapes my tired body.
Mephisto chuckles a bit watching me, "did you pass the mission?"
"Yukio hasn't told us yet, I did more paper work than everyone else though so I'm pretty sure I'll be fine," I put my arms under my head, "He said what work he gave me should make up for it."
"That is good news indeed, I received a call from your family earlier today."
My fave flushes of color as I bolt upright, "what!?"
"They wish to come visit you, I assume to check your progress."
"No! They can't come here!" I wail, "please don't let them!"
Mephisto frowns, "why I must ask?"
"They'll make me leave Mephisto," I mumble all my joy at being home melting away to despair.
"Whys that? You are doing fabulously."
"My mom thinks I was kidnapped, and she thinks this place is stupid."
"It's my fault," Amaimon glances between Mephisto and I.
"No it's not his fault," I jump to put myself at blame, all I need is for him to get in trouble, " I didn't call them and I hung up on them, he was trying to help...."
"Y/n, trying to save Amaimon from getting into trouble is not going to improve your current ordeal," Mephisto smirks as if he sees right through me, which I suppose sometimes he does, "though I must say I'm amused by your efforts."
"I answered her phone, her mother was annoying so I hung up," he shrugs as if it is no big deal, "Y/n called her today on our way home, her mother was yelling at her, so I broke her phone," Amaimon tells Mephisto pretty much everything that happened. My heart sinks even further than it already had, it's one thing I have my parents to worry about I don't want to have Amaimon being kicked out to worry about too...
Mephisto frowns thinking things over, "interesting, tell me y/n is your family aware you two are soulmates?"
"No?" I raise an eyebrow.
"That solves our problem then wouldn't you say?" He grins with the slyness of a Cheshire Cat.
"How?" Amaimon tilts his head.
"If I recall correctly your parents put soulmates as a top priority don't they my dear?"
I nod realizing what he intends for us to do, "I don't know if I'm ready for that...."
"Unless you want to be taken away from your training," a teasing note arises in his voice, "and if you don't want to lose your soulmate you don't have much choice."
"I can think of something...."
"There's also your injury to worry about don't forget."
"I can pretend I'm not hurt, that's easy I'll just have to lean on a lot of stuff."
"Or have a certain someone's help."
"Mephisto I'm not doing that!" I snap at him immediately regretting it afterwards, "I'm sorry just stall them for a few days please i can't have them here right now."
"I'll do what I can," Mephisto sighs looking a little bit concerned, he makes his way slowly to the door, "Brother make sure she gets rest, she's going to need it."
With that he leaves us alone, I glance at Amaimon who is as usual studying me with his almost dead stare. I roll over so I don't have to look at him, I suddenly remember the drawing I made, how much of a better mood I was in only a bit ago.
"Y/n?" He sits beside me, I feel him poking my back.
"You need a piece of candy," he drops a candy bar in front of my face. I don't move I just close my eyes, I try to picture a time when me and my family got along. Not just family meals on holidays, but playing board games and laughing over smashed dishes blaming fairies.
When I open my eyes, Amaimon is kneeling in front of my face. I shove him and jump,
I shift around until I'm sitting, my heart pounds in my chest.
"What was that for!" He grumbles brushing himself off as he gets up from the floor.
"You scared me," I mutter trying to hide my smile.
He looks at me, amusement gleaming in his eyes. If I wasn't unable to jump and run I would tackle him, it would be pointless and stupid because he is so much stronger than me and I would end up losing a mock battle, but to me that's all the more reason to do it. Instead I throw the pillows off my bed at him, when I run out of ammo I start throwing blankets. The blankets land over his head, I burst out laughing as they drape down over him. He starts throwing things back at me, I spot Amber soaring through the air I quickly catch her and let her slither quickly under the bed.
I've started an all out pillow/whatever I can grab that won't hurt either of us war, things like pens and the couch cushions are soon being tossed around. My worries are momentarily forgotten, my mind flashes back to Miyuki and I making pillow forts and tents in her living room to pretend like we were camping and how our forts always ended up being used in mock battles.
I don't know how long the fight lasts, but when it ends we're both laying on a pile of pillows, and laughing like small children. I've never seen Amaimon laugh like this, my mood which has improved since Mephisto left gets even better. I almost feel giddy like I could run around for hours on end and not tire.
We look at each other, grins are plastered on both of our faces.
I feel warmth spread through me, like the first warm day after a long cold winter, this is almost perfect.

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