Skip day

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Miyuki shakes me awake, I slap her hands away sleepily still half dreaming.
"Y/n! I have an idea!" She whispers loudly.
"What?" I mumble looking at a clock, it's only three in the morning! Why is she waking me up at three in the freaking morning!
"Why don't we skip school? Both of us, we can have a day all to ourselves!"
"Miyuki I've only been here a couple days! I can't just skip!" I glance at Amaimon, he's sleeping so I make sure to keep my voice low.
"Oh come on we do it every once in awhile! We haven't skipped a day in forever please! How many times will I get a chance to stay anyway! I'll even pay for us to go to breakfast!" She pleads holding my hands in hers, she makes puppy dog eyes at me.
I sigh, I'm going to regret this, "fine okay I'll skip with you." I know I'll have loads of work to make up, but I just, I know Miyuki is more important to me than class cause she's my best friend and well one of those annoying squids that will stick to your face.
"Yes!" She squeals in excitement, I feel Amaimon stir beside me.
I quickly cover her mouth with my hand, "shhhh!"
"Sorry," she mouths silently.
"Well since you woke me up for that, I'm going to bed. My actual bed," I sigh.
"Can I have the guest bed?" She glances at Amaimon, "you two can share right?"
"I doubt he'll wake up, so yeah the beds all yours," I cover Amaimon with the blanket I used as me and Miyuki go to the beds. I toss her another blanket and a pillow leaving my bed almost bare, not that I care.
I feel guilty leaving Amaimon on the couch, so I inch my way back over to him once I'm sure Miyuki is asleep. I tap on his shoulder, "hey."
His eyes flutter open, it takes him a moment to realize I'm the one who woke him. It's dark, almost pitch black, but it's easy for me to make out Amaimon's features. His eyes are almost glowing, I think that might be from me staring at them just a little to long. I quickly remember why I woke him and find my words, "Miyuki is using your bed, so uh if you want to you can share mine or just sleep there okay? I wanted to tell you.."
He nods slowly, "And you will not care?"
"No I won't," I assure him even if my brain is telling me otherwise. I make my way back to my bed, casting a glance back to see if he is coming too. So far he hasn't moved, maybe he'll stay on the couch, I can't get that lucky I know it. I pull the blanket I have left around me and lay on my side, I shut my morning alarm off so I'm not awoken early for school.
I shut my phone off and set it on the floor by the wall, as I look up I see Amaimon. I guess he did decide to join me after all. He throws the blanket from the couch over me, before sitting on the bed.
"Thank you," I smile a little surprised that he is sharing anything.
He lays beside me, I inch over making a gap between us. I make sure there's enough blanket for him, and I give him the pillow. I turn so I'm facing the wall rather than having to look at him, "goodnight."
"Night," he mumbles shifting around.
I let myself fall back at asleep, looking forward to sleeping in.


I wake up late, but I'm still somehow the first one up. I realize Amaimon and I are facing each other, the space I made sure was between us last night has vanished. We're almost touching, well actually our foreheads are touching. I let myself look at his features, he looks so peaceful when he is sleeping. I carefully move away from him to grab my phone off the floor, it's a little after ten in the morning. I hear Miyuki's soft snores from her bed, she most likely won't wake up for a while yet. I turn back to Amaimon, he's staring at me.
He blinks seeing I'm awake, "y/n."
"Good morning Amaimon," I smile a little ignoring the fact he was watching me.
"How long have you been awake?"
"Not very long," I shrug.
"I was awake before you were," he yawns.
"No you weren't," I frown tilting my head slightly.
"I went back to sleep."
"Oh," I nod. "I was going to do that now at least for a little bit, Miyuki won't be up for awhile."
"I might go for a walk then," he mumbled seemingly distracted.
"Don't leave me here alone, she's won't wake up for who knows how long!" I whine.
"You want me with you?" He frowns slightly surprised.
"I mean you don't have to, I just.... I probably won't be able to go back to sleep anyway."
"Come with me then," he sits up pulling his boots on.
"Okay, I'll write Miyuki a note if she gets up before we're back."
"Alright," he waits for me by the door. I quickly throw on shoes and scribble a quick note for Miyuki. I leave it on the nightstand, I follow Amaimon out the door soon after.
The sun is so bright I have to squint until my eyes adjust to the light, everyone is in classes right now so the campus is almost barren of people.
"Where are we walking to?"
"Up there," Amaimon points to the roof of the academy.
"We can't exactly walk up there you know."
"Yes we can," he glances at me as if I'm dumb.
"Show me how then," I say sarcastically.
He wraps his arms around my waist, suddenly he jumps high into the air. The next time I feel my feet hit ground we're on the roof, so I guess he can get up here.
"Okay fine I'm wrong, but that wasn't walking," I tease him.
He glances at me a small smile pricking at his lips, "but we are up here."
I laugh going to the edge of the roof, "it's so high...."
"Are you afraid of heights?" He tilts his head walking up beside me.
"No," I sit down letting my legs dangling off the side.
"Oh," he sits beside me.
"So what do you think about Miyuki?"
"She's odd."
"She is isn't she? But she is my oddball." I giggle turning my head to look at him rather than the ground.
He frowns, though he stays silent as if thinking that over. Suddenly he asks, "Does she have a mate?"
"Yeah, she lives far away from here though."
"Hmm shouldn't they find each other?"
"They know each other, but you don't really have to go out and find each other, though it is nice too. Like they know each other and talk everyday, they just aren't ready to be together." I frown the words sound strange coming from me, never have I said finding a soul mate is nice before...
"I do not understand the concept of mates, my brother seems to think it's important," he shrugs biting one of his nails gently between his teeth. 
I sigh looking away from him instead staring at my swinging feet, "well most people do think it's important so that's not really surprising."
He stares at me, "explain it."
"I don't know how to," I laugh.
"Mates are supposed to love each other aren't they?"
"Well yeah that's the point, they are your true love that's why they're called soulmates. They're like you're other half."
"So if you are my mate does that mean you love me?" His eyebrows raise as he continues to watch me.
I feel suddenly anxious, I need to change the subject right now or I'm going to just freak out because I don't know what to say. I suddenly stand up, "Miyuki should be awake by now. Let's go back."
"Fine," he grumbles. "You do know I don't like being ignored though," he jumps from the roof leaving me up here.
"Amaimon!" I shout. "How am I supposed to get down!" If he can hear me he's ignoring me, I groan and start to pace the roof. I know there has to be a door up here somewhere, I'll probably have to break it open because I'm sure it would be locked. If not Miyuki will make him come get me, I know it. I just hope they come get me before one of the teachers or Mephisto.....

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