Chapter 43: A Thousand Words

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with Fruits Basket.

What does it take to set the Sohmas free after Akito's death?


I read once that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand and the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love, but all that comes to mind is the way you move against me while you sleep and there are no words for that. - Brian Andreas, Story People (credit for the title) … How pretty is that quotation?

The Puppet Master's Last Testament

Chapter Forty-Three: A Thousand Words

The next several weeks were uneventful. Tohru studied for exams. The school year was drawing to an end. While she was happy that she would be able to spend more time with Shigure, she was also afraid that being to close to him would make her dependent or needy. Or that spending too much time with her, Shigure might get frustrated with her, or tired of her. She did not want it to be that way. She wanted to go on living her comfortable life. Though he had never said that he loved her, she liked the illusion that he did. And the motivation to wake each morning with the hope that he would say the words to her.

On the last day of school, she hugged Hanajima, who was going to the United States for the summer. Hanajima promised to send her letters from New York City, and call her at least twice a week. Tohru visited the supermarket. She had a list of items needed for her to prepare a special dinner.

While she searched for the specific bottle of herbs, a hand with long, bony fingers grasped her wrist. At first she thought it was Kyo, but this boy had dark hair.

"Manabe!" Tohru jumped in joy. He was Yuki's good friend, and therefore, a friend of hers. He was smart, funny, and unpredictable.

"What are you doing here? I thought you went to Tokyo to study."

"Well, I'm back, only to discover that my parents left for Europe and that they plan to stay there for two weeks. And that they sold our apartment."

"Uh oh." Tohru said. She paused before adding, "You can stay with us. You can stay in Yuki's room. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."


"That's great. Are you sure Shigure Sohma would approve of that?"

"I think so."

"When should I come over, and I ensure you I will not be annoying. I will be invisible." He said, zipping his mouth.

"I doubt that." Shigure said, appearing behind Tohru. He did not look pleased, a scowl on his perfect face.

He looked suspicious. He circled Manabe. "I smell a lie."

He wanted to be right. He did not want another man in the house, vying for Tohru's attention.

"Shigure are you okay with Manabe staying over?" Tohru asked, her eyes filled with innocence. Shigure just couldn't say no to her.

"Fine. But I'm not ecstatic about it, and I except you to do work. It's not free. And not bringing random people over to my sanctuary. It is not a brothel."

"Yes sir."

Manabe gave Tohru a nod. "Is it okay if I come over around dinner?"

"Sure." Tohru said, looking at Shigure. She did not want to upset him. They were just beginning to grow close.

After Manabe left, Shigure mocked the boy. "'Is it okay if I come over around dinner.' You just want free dinner; but don't think you can just strut in like a peacock and get whatever you want. My little flower is not going to cater to you. She only caters to me." His hot breath hit the side of her neck.

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