Chapter 14: By The Sea

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with Fruits Basket.

What does it take to set the Sohmas free after Akito's death?

The Puppet Master's Last Testament

Chapter Fourteen:

By the Sea

Tohru turned away from the open window. She remembered that she still had a five-thousand word paper to write for her class. She didn't want to wait till the last second, and decided that she could sit in bed and plan out the report. Topic: Look at the advertisements around the city. How do they draw the audience? Using what techniques (logos, ethos, pathos) and how?

Tohru thought for a bit. She had noticed lots of advertisements on the streets, but she hadn't really paid much attention. Stupid hormones!

Shigure was on her mind all the time now.

Smiling, frowning, giggling… he was opening up to her in a way she never expected.

She moved to her tote bag near the bedroom door, and look out the homework sheet. She moved to her bed, and sat against the headboard, the pencil, her chin resting on her knuckles, thinking.

She beginning writing an outline. She always did one before writing an essay.

Shigure rose from his bed. He couldn't sleep. He kept on thinking about the day at the lake. Everything had been so simple, pure, and at ease.

If Tohru knew that it was all a pretense, she wouldn't be so willing. Or would she? Would she be just as willing if she knew of its intentions? She had always said she was willing to do anything to bring happiness back to the Juunishi animals.

He thought about it and told him, all in due time. After this 'game', he'd tell her and everything would be back to normal.

He got up from his bed and walked to the kitchen. With the light filtering in through the window, he had enough light to pour himself a cup of hot water, and add in shredded tea leaves.

He heard something upstairs. He listened closely.

He heard muffled words and the bed springs.

He forgot his cup, and immediate went up the stairs, two steps at a time. Her door was ajar. Shigure peeked in. He saw her silhouette, twisting/turning/thrashing like someone possessed.

He wanted so badly to get into bed and comfort her, but knew that was out of his place. He listened.

"No, no stop, please don't, I'm sorry, please…"

What was she taking about?

Her breathing became labored and uneven. "I can't! I can't!"

It hit him. He opened the door and moved to her bedside. Some papers blew onto her bed. The window was open, cold air blowing into the room. He closed it. Then, he knelt down beside, and moved his hand to her cheek and stroked the soft skin. "Tohru, it's me, tell me what's going on."

She was still asleep, but she said, "He's g-going to ra-rape me."



That night at the beach, when she ran away from him. He found her later, pinned to the ground by a heavy man, just as he was removing his pants.

That night scared the heck out of him. Thank goodness he had got to her in time.

Was she having repercussions now? What was he supposed to do?

Her cheeks were stained with tears. He brushed them away with the pad of his thumb. He ached.

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