Chapter 5: Behind Closed Doors

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with Fruits Basket.

What does it take to set the Sohmas free after Akito's death?

The Puppet Master's Last Testament

Chapter Five:

Behind Closed Doors

Shigure had his hand clamped to his heart, his eyelashes fluttering at full speed, when Tohru finished the questionnaire. Kyo waved his hand in front of Shigure's face and said, "Are you okay?"

"Of course, my dear boy."

"I have homework," Kyo muttered as he shuffled out of the dining area. Yuki lingered behind. "You answered the questions almost word-for-word, Miss Honda."

Tohru blushed. "Really?"


Shigure snapped out of his reverie and put his arm around Tohru's shoulder. "Let's go to bed."

Yuki looked at them suspiciously. "Shigure, what are you planning? You can't sleep with Tohru."

All in due time, Shigure thought. Love involved sex, right?

"You perverse little boy. How can you think of me such a light? I meant it's late and we should all be heading to our separate beds."

"Good night children."

Shigure saunted to his room and closed the door behind him. Time to call Hatori.

Hatori stayed awake all night.

Shigure had found 'love'.

He would be freed soon.

Then why did he feel so dreadful?

Hatori's heart throbbed. Could he really let Tohru into this game of deception? What would be the outcome? Would she be hurt? Was this the price they had to pay for freedom? Wasn't this a little too malicious, Akito? He asked, looking up at the ceiling as the dark claw shadows of the trees outside swayed in his vision.

He had reminded Shigure, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." He hoped Shigure would follow through. Otherwise his next checkup wouldn't be painless.

Hatori's mind buzzed before he finally decided.

The game would continue.

If there was any chance of Tohru getting hurt. He would pull her out.

Tomorrow, he would call Mr. Kitano.

Shigure met Mr. Kitano at a café nearby.

"Good morning, Mr. Ki-tan-o," Shigure said in his sing-songy voice.

"Good morning, Mr. Sohma. Here is the next parcel from Akito-san," he responded monotonously.

Shigure received the black envelope, quickly finished his tea and pastry, said his good-byes, and was out the door.

He strolled into the park between two roads (almost getting hit by jaywalking) and found a bench.

Heart thumping in his chest, he opened the envelope and read the next rule aloud.

Step Two: Congratulations my pawn. The quest begins. Tonight will be easy. You must cook her dinner. Make it romantic. Then, find out her deepest fear.

Don't try anything nonconsensual.

Best wishes. And remember, you must finish five steps within two weeks.

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