Chapter 53: Picking up the Shattered Pieces

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with Fruits Basket.

What does it take to set the Sohmas free after Akito's death?

The Puppet Master's Last Testament

Chapter Fifty-Three: Picking Up the Shattered Pieces

Riding the bus, Tohru finally arrived at the lake in the city. Walking through the school-children-filled park, she got over to the lake. The rental boat booth was closed.

Tohru would have loved to paddle around the lake alone. Instead she walked to the shore of the lake and looked into the clear water. She saw her own sullen reflection, before focusing her attention on the fish and seaweed floating around.

Tohru drew her shaking fingers to her left wrist. She felt around for the clasp of the silver bracelet, and opened it. She slid the bracelet off slowly. She looked at it once in her palm, before closing her palm. She couldn't bear to look at something that once meant so much to her, a symbol of something that was now long gone. Amor et melle et felle est fecundissmismus. Whatever that meant.

She got closer to the edge of the lake, her toes peeking over the edge of the small dock.

She let the bracelet slip through her fingers. It sailed through the air, and landed as light as a feather on the surface of the water, forming ripples in the water. It didn't even break the surface. Tohru sighed to herself. She crouched down, and retrieved the necklace.

Next, she found a large rock in the nearby bushes. She tied the bracelet around the object. Then, she dropped it swiftly into the water. She watched it touch the bottom of the lake, making the sand around it swirl like a small storm.

Tohru saw the silver shimmer in the water, and a tear slid down her cheeks.

Shigure rode his bike over to the campus. The traffic was low. He stormed into the main administration office like a character out of Ghostbuster's, and nearly shouted at the secretary to find where Tohru's dorm. After telling her that he was her brother, and that their father was in the hospital, she clicked away on her computer and told him.

"The big blue building past the reflecting pool on the corner of this building. She is in dorm C-34 on the third floor. Here, you will need this card to get in."

He took the card, thanked the woman, and zoomed ofut. In a few strides, he was at the 'big blue building'. He shoved his entrance card in and went to the elevator.

He heard the slow churning of the cranks and such, and deciding that it was too slow, ran up stairs, two at a time.

He found the door and knocked. "Tohru?"

No answer. He tried the door, it was open. The room was simple and clean, Tohru's taste. He heard the shower running and immediately let out a sigh of relief.

Tohru's feet seemed stuck in place. She couldn't move. Only the silent tears trailing their way down her cheeks.

She finally built up all her energy to move her lead feet back to the bench behind her. She sat down and closed her eyes, laying her head on the back of the bench. She remembered their first day in the city together.

She would never forget that day. It had so many emoftions attached to it—sadness, hope, fear, happiness, enjoyment, excitement, love.

He leaned against the wall next to the bathroom door and listened to the soft pitter-patter of the water against the tiles. Soothing. His heart started to pound for forcefully. More evenly.

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