The Puppet Master's Last Testament (Fruits Basket FanFiction)

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with Fruits Basket.

What does it take to set the Sohmas free after Akito's death?

The Puppet Master's Last Testament

Chapter One: Mission Impossible

She was gone.

Dressed in black, the Sohmas watched as Akito's coffin was lowered into ground; a very messy ordeal—mud included. The rain ran small rivulets down the sides of the grave, creating a shallow pool at the bottom. But Akito wanted to be buried within three days of her death.

Or else she said she'd send down 'bad vibrations' down to the Sohma family.

So she got what she wanted.

It took seven hefty men to dig through the old fibrous roots to fulfill her last wish, to be buried under the old warped oak tree. She had once said she wanted the roots to grow around the coffin, so that she could return to her maker. To become a part of nature. Probably the one philosophical thing she ever said.

Faces were lowered and ashen. Not because they mourned her death, but because each Sohma Juunishi descendent didn't know what to make of the situation, not the tiger, nor the rat, nor the cow. No one had thought she would die so young, at the age of twenty-three, even though the curse had promised that she wouldn't live past thirty. No one had thought they would be free of their puppet master and her strings of destruction anytime soon.

But, it happened.

Three days ago, Hatori had informed everyone that Akito had died in her bed. He went to her room after lunch to check her blood pressure, and she was out cold. He checked her pulse. Nothing. Her immune system had finally collapsed on her, allowing the common cold to take her life.

Everyone was shocked.

And three days later, they still were.

The rain poured onto the umbrellas, making a distinct melancholy cadence. Pitter patter. Pitter patter.

No one made a eulogy. No one knew what to say. They just stood their like sentinels—stiff and motionless.

Everyone was gathered around in a circle, watching the scene unfold before them. There hands by their sides, grave, looking like schoolchildren caught stealing pencils from the teacher's drawer. No one cried, except Tohru, the only member outside the Sohma clan to witness such a sight.

After the final white rose was thrown into the pit, people shuffled away, leaving the portly family attorney, Mr. Kitano and Hatori alone to discuss the final procession.

"Mr. Sohma, I'm sorry about Akito-san's untimely death. I never thought he would die so young."

Hatori nodded, thinking Mr. Kitano doesn't know he is a she.

Mr Kitano continued, "Akito-san left me something that he wanted me to give you after her death. His will."

Creases formed on Hatori's forehead. A will?

Mr. Kitano took a large manila envelope out of his briefcase and gave it to Hatori.

Mr Kitano said, "Please read everything and do as told. He told me that it would be beneficial for the Sohma family. I didn't understand, but he told me that after you read the documents, you would."

Hatori said grimly, "Thank you Mr. Kitano."

Even after Akito was gone, she still had her puppets coupled to her. She was the puppet master, and the Sohma clan members were her puppets. Hatori didn't have a good feeling about this will.

Hatori stood in the rain until everyone was gone.

He walked to the edge of the grave and said, "You will continue to have your way, won't you?"

Hatori strode across the large property to his office. He leaned his umbrella against the porch railing and entered.

He removed his black suit jacket and hung it in his coat closet. He sat down at his desk and opened the parcel.

Out came a single piece of parchment with Akito's distinctive spidery scrawl on it.


I'm dead, so let's get to the point. You have always been after the way to end the curse.

So here it is.

The day Shigure sheds a tear, will be the day everyone is set free from the curse. It must be a tear of love. He must first fall in love. And he must follow a series of guidelines, unerringly, that Mr. Kitano will give you as soon as you tell Shigure, and only him. No one else must know of this, or attempts to free the Juunishi will be futile.

You must continue your duty. Keep everyone in line, my pawn.


Hatori looked at the letter, stunned. Shigure?

Fall in love?


Even he, Hatori Sohma, the stoic doctor, had a better chance than the dog. At least Hatori had a heart.

That was going to be an impossible feat. No one could capture Shigure's heart. He used women like he drank sake. Frequent and fast. He didn't care that he left they depressed and down, he only cared that he had satisfied his sexual urges and his lizard brain. He had an impenetrable lump of black coal for his heart. He loved no one, except himself.

Plus, Shigure never cried.

Not a single tear, except for his feigned, theatrical, melodramatic pleas.

Hatori sighed, brushing the damp hair out of his eyes. He had 'real' work to do.

Plus, this was probably one of Akito's torments.

At eleven that night, after reviewing all his patient's daily check-ups, Hatori went into his bedroom, connected to his office.

He went into the adjacent bathroom, peeled off his clothing, and took a quick shower.

He brushed his teeth, and went to bed.

He laid awake, in the dark, for the remainder of the night, twisting and turning. He couldn't get the will out of his mind.

Was it for real?

He had longed, no, desired, for so long to be free of the curse, maybe this was be his final chance.

But how?

How was Shigure going to fall in love?

Who would free them all?

A/N: Hmm. This leaves lots of questions open. I will attempt to resolve all of them, and ultimately match Shigure with the love of his life. All you have to do is review. Who do you want to see Shigure with? What do you what to see happen?

This is a slow story revolving around Tohru and Shigure. Updates will be frequent.  I encourage you to read on and review!

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