18: First punishment

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Edmund sighed a little as he ate the little food he'd been given for lunch, leaning against the wooden wall of the stable, and although it wasn't exactly comfortable, he couldn't do anything about it.

The horses he'd met yesterday wasn't there at the moment, and he was feeling rather lonely, especially with the thought of his siblings constantly on his mind.

He would do anything to be home with his siblings at that moment, especially Peter seeming as it was his birthday. All he wanted to do was wish his brother a happy birthday, but he couldn't even do that.

With a sad sigh he finished off his lunch and pushed himself to his feet, wincing as he did. He definitely hadn't healed from the kicks and punches he'd received on the way here, and it was extremely annoying him.

He brushed down his trousers, and grabbed the rake that leant against the wall, setting about tidying up a little, and then after that he had to go and fill the water bucket for the horses, which was gonna be a task and a half seeming as the well was probably a three minute walk away, and then he had to carry the bucket back in the scorching hot sun.

At least working in the stables he was protected from the sun, and even though it was too hot anyway, it was still better than being stuck outside in direct sunlight, and for this he was extremely grateful.

Once he'd finished cleaning up he reluctantly grabbed the bucket and headed to the well, walking at a reasonable pace and glancing around at everyone else hard at work, working in the garden.


Edmund's head snapped to his left, frowning as a guard marched up to him, and it was only then that he realised he'd slowed his pace.

"Get a move on." The guard spat, shoving Edmund's shoulder roughly to push him along.

Edmund stumbled a few steps but managed to stay standing, before hurrying away and to the well, rubbing at his shoulder as he did.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead Edmund retrieved the water, sighing at the weight of the bucket as he began the short walk back.

The weight wouldn't be so bad, but he was extremely hot at this point, plus if he spilt any he'd probably get punished. Of course he didn't know this for sure, but he could take a good guess.

He managed to reach the stables again without spilling much, and dumped the bucket on the floor, once again running a hand along his forehead and taking a deep breath... it really was extremely warm, and it was only April!

He leant against the wall for only a few seconds, but stood up straight when someone whispered his name. "Asher?" He mumbled as the boy popped his head around the door.

"Don't let the guards catch you lazing around." Asher whispered, bending down to check out the flower bed just to the side of the door. "It won't end well."

Edmund sighed. "I know." He muttered. "I'm just getting used to this heat."

Asher nodded in understanding. "I know." He breathed. "But you better get back to work, and if you're gonna take a short break like that just be careful, they won't be as understanding if they catch you."

Edmund nodded and gave him a grateful nod. "Thanks." He sighed, before turning towards the bucket, only to kick it, spilling all the water all over the floor.

Edmund froze for a moment, hoping no one had heard anything, before slowly turning to Asher, who looked horrified.

"Go and get more water." He said quickly. "Keep your head down and don't get noticed, that water should dry in no time."

"But they already know I've been to get water!" Edmund whispered, heart actually pounding.

"I-" He swallowed hard. "I'd help you, but I'm not in charge of getting water, they'd get suspicious. Listen though, the punishment for letting the horses dehydrate will be a lot worse than you just spilling the water."

"I don't want to get punished anyway." Edmund muttered.

"Then keep your head down, walk fast and get back here as soon as you can." Asher replied. "But I really have to go now, if they catch us talking we'll both be in trouble." And with that he was gone.

Edmund stood there for at least ten seconds before he hesitantly picked up the bucket, leaving the stables and heading back to the well, his head down and heart beating so fast and hard he was sure everyone could hear it.

He made it to the well without being asked any questions, and quickly filled the bucket again, carrying it quickly back towards the stables.

He was beginning to think he'd made it, and was just about to step through the stables doors when he stopped dead. "Haven't you already been to get water?"

Edmund slowly placed the bucket on the floor, this time in a place where he couldn't spill it, and hesitantly turned to face the guard who'd shoved him earlier. "I-" He stopped, swallowing hard.

"Well?" The guard snapped, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I - I-" Edmund had no idea what to say, and his heart dropped when the guard looked passed him and to the damp patch on the floor.

"You spilt the water?" He said, voice quiet but dangerous.

Edmund forced back his fear and hesitantly nodded his head. "I promise it was an accident." He said quickly, voice almost pleading.

"You wasted the water?" The guard said, taking a step closer to Edmund, who took a hesitant step back.

He nodded slowly, knowing there was no point in denying it.

The guard glared at him before raising his hand and back handing Edmund across the face, so hard it sent him crashing the the hard floor, his head hitting the stone as he did.

He lay there, gasping and seeing stars, before everything went black.


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