22: False hope

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"We've searched all of Archenland and still haven't found him." Peter sighed and he leant against a nearby tree, running a hand through his hair like he always did when he was worried or frustrated.

Susan sighed sadly, placing a hand on Lucy's shoulder and giving her a small smile before turning to Peter. "I'm sure we'll find him soon." She reassured her brother.

"You said that the day after my birthday." Peter sighed sadly, letting his head fall back against the trunk of the tree.

Susan gave him a sympathetic look. "I know I did." She mumbled. "But he'll be back before you know it."

"I really hope you're right." Peter choked out with a small nod.

There was silence for a short while before Orious stepped forward. "I will have some soldiers come to Archenland to re search it your majesty." He said with a bow. "And we can head to the desert. But what you've also got to remember is there is still Ettensmoor to search on the other side of Narnia.

Peter sighed. "Yeah I know." He mumbled. "But by this point we've literally got everyone out searching for him."

"Which is why we'll find him eventually." Susan stepped in, moving her hand to Peter's shoulder instead.

"Your sister is right." Orious said. "But I am afraid we cant head into the desert today, a group of soldiers are gonna meet us here tomorrow morning with more supplies, we're almost out of water, and whilst we're in the desert, there will be no water for at least three days."

Peter didnt look at all happy with this but he knew they had no choice. "So we just sit here and wait?" He mumbled.

Orious hesitantly nodded. "I'm afraid so." He said quietly. "But as soon as we're stocked up on water tomorrow, we'll leave."

Peter was silent for rather a long time before eventually nodding his head. "Okay."


Edmund sighed as he sat against the stables wall that evening eating dinner, the lashes on his back stinging badly, causing tears to prick his eyes every now and then, but he forced them back, for fear of someone coming in and seeing them.

Someone did come in eventually, but it was only Asher, Edmund giving him a small smile.

"I saw what happened earlier." Asher mumbled, walking over and sitting in front of him, he had a bowl of water and a cloth in his hand and a gentle smile on his face. "I thought I could maybe help? Because the last thing you want is to have to work with infected wounds."

"They'd make someone do that?" Edmund asked, sounding shocked.

"They make you work until you physically cant stand." Asher muttered, sounding angry but trying to stay calm. "But what you did today wasnt the best of ideas."

Edmund sighed. "I know." He mumbled. "But I - I have a quick tongue and I say what I'm thinking."

"I think it's best to break out of that habit." Asher warned him, even as Edmund shuffled away from the wall and lifted the back of his shirt up. "Its gonna get you into a lot of trouble."

"I kinda guessed that." Edmund mumbled, hissing at the cold water.

"Sorry." Asher sighed. "I couldn't get any warm water."

Edmund shook his head, bracing himself as the cloth was brushed over the lashes. "It's fine." He choked. "I'd be surprised if you did."

Asher smiled a little before sighing. "I heard you're being moved to somewhere else." He mumbled as he finished up.

Edmund swallowed hard. "Yeah." He all but whispered, before sighing. "I don't want to work anywhere else though, the stables is actually okay, it's in the shade most of the time, I'm good with horses-"

"They wont care." Asher told him. "Its your punishment."

"Where do you reckon I'll be working?" Edmund asked hesitantly.

"I'd say either the gardens or in the fields." Asher replied.

"So definitely outside." Edmund muttered. "That's great."

"I'd say just from now on keep your head down and keep your mouth shut." Asher warned him gently as he lowered Edmund's shirt.

Edmund gave him a nod and a grateful smile as he leant back against the wall, hiding a wince and sighing. "I'll try." He mumbled.

"They'll probably move you tomorrow." Asher explained. "But until then, make sure you get all your work done tonight, it wont end well for you if you don't."

"I will." Edmund whispered.

Asher stared at him for a while before sighing. "I'm sure you'll get back home soon." He mumbled, before standing and leaving the stables.

Edmund swallowed hard. He knew Asher hadn't meant that, and it made him scared if anything, false hope wasn't something he needed right now.

After five minutes he stood and grabbed the rake, only to look up when Amir was led into the stables, the guard leaving only two seconds later.

"I heard about what happened." The horse said gently. "Are you okay?"

Edmund nodded a little. "I'll live." He murmered. "Asher came to treat my wounds, so they won't get infected."

"That was a big risk he took." Amir told him. "He could get into serious trouble if someone finds out, you should be very grateful."

Edmund managed a small smile. "I really am." He whispered, before going back to his work.

He worked for the rest of the evening and into the night before he was eventually allowed to go to sleep, and by that time he was exhausting.

He yawned and rubbed at his eyes, practically falling asleep as he finished up.

He sighed slightly as he leant the rake he'd had against the wall, and after saying a quick goodnight to Amir, he made his way out of the stables and back to where he slept.

But what he didn't realise, was he had forgotten to lock the stables doors.

He was too tired to remember to do it, he didn't even think about it, and the second he collapsed onto his bed, despite how uncomfortable it was, he fell straight into a deep sleep, unprepared for what would happen to him tomorrow.


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