3. No matter what

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Peter swallowed hard as he paced back and forth in his room, running a hand continuously through his hair (having earlier removed his crown) so that it was now practically stood up on end. He was hoping and praying that at any minute Edmund would walk through the bedroom door, safe and unharmed, coming up with a very Edmund-like excuse to why he was so late.

But as 11pm slowly arrived, Peter just knew that Edmund wasn't coming back that night. He knew something had happened to his brother, he didn't know how, he just did, and it made him worry.

His head snapped up when the door burst open and Lucy ran in, in her dressing gown and panting as she tried to catch her breath. "Lu?" He asked, walking over and placing a hand gently on her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Lucy took a few moments to catch her breath before looking up at Peter and finally speaking. "Philip's back." She said quickly.

Peter's eyes went wide in hope. "And Ed?" He asked. Lucy hesitated. "Is Edmund with him Lucy?!" Peter reapted, sounding desperate.

Lucy sighed, slowly shaking her head. "No." She mumbled. "Edmund's not with him."

Peter stared at her for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Where's Philip?" He asked quickly and quietly.

"Main entrance." Lucy said simply.

Peter didn't even hesitate as he dashed out of the room, his heart pounding. He ran the whole way down to the main entrance, where he saw a rather panick stricken Philip, Susan trying to calm him down, and Orious trying to ask what had happened. "Philip." He said quickly, running up and stopping beside him.

"King Peter!" Philip exclaimed, his eyes wide.

"Philip, where's Ed?" Peter asked quickly, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down.

"We - We were surrounded your majesty!" Philip said quickly. "There were too many of them, they made us surrender!"

"Who Philip!?" Peter asked quickly, panicking.

"I don't know." Philip said. "I dont know who they were, but they took Edmund!"

Peter's heart skipped a beat. He swallowed hard before taking a deep breath. "Did they give any clues to where they were taking him?" He asked quickly.

Philip shook his head. "Not one your majesty." He said.

"What did the people look like?" Peter asked, thinking that Philip should atleast know that, but Philip didn't say anything. "Philip what did they look like?"

Philip shook his head. "I was too worried your majesty." He said, an apologetic tone to his voice. "I can't remember, I was panicking too much."

Peter took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair again.

"Peter?" Susan asked hesitantly, looking rather upset.

Peter swallowed hard. "We - We have to find him." He said, in barely more than a whisper.


But Peter cut her off. "We have to find him!" He shouted.

"Peter it's gone 11!" Susan told him, trying to keep her voice as gentle as she could. "Its pitch black outside. Going searching for him now just wouldn't be a very good idea."

"But by tomorrow-" Peter paused. "Aslan knows where those people could've taken him! They could've hurt him by then Susan, or worse, they could've killed him!"

Susan swallowed hard. "I just didn't think it was a really good idea." She mumbled. "But when you say that-"

Peter nodded. "I don't care how late it is." He snapped. "I need to find him, before anything happens."

There was a long while of silence before Lucy frowned. "Hang on." She said slowly. "Whoever it was that took him, how did they not know he was a king?"

Susan frowned and nodded. "Lucy's got a point." She said. "I mean, even if they didn't know he was, surely he would've told them?"

Peter frowned. "Come with me." He said, and with that he turned around and headed up the main staircase.

He ran all the way up to Edmund's room, hearing Susan and Lucy following. Opening the door he stepped inside, quickly scanning the rather tidy room, which was typical of Edmund.

The only part that wasn't tidy, was his bed, which wasn't made, duvet dumped at the end, and his desk, which was covered in scattered papers and pencils.

Walking over to the desk he moved a few of the papers and revealed Edmund's crown. "I'm gonna kill him." He muttered.

"What?" Susan asked as she and Lucy stepped into the room.

Peter turned to face them. "He didnt wear his crown." He muttered, sighing and holding it up to show them. After Susan had sighed Peter made his way over to the wardrobe, swinging the doors open before, ten seconds later, sighing. "He dressed normally too." He explained to his sisters. "Those people would never of believed him even if he did say he was a King."

"What do we do?" Lucy asked, sounding rather worried.

Peter took a deep breath, slowly closing the wardrobe door before speaking. "Susan, organise a search party." He said. "Tell them we're leaving as soon as possible, and tell them that I don't care if it's the middle of the night."

Susan hesitantly nodded before quietly leaving the room.

"I'll go pack some food and drink for you." Lucy offered. "You'll probably need it."

Peter nodded slowly. "Thank you Lucy." He breathed. "I'll be in my room getting ready, come and get me when everyone's ready to leave?"

Lucy nodded. "I will Peter." She said. "I promise." And with that, she too left the room.

With that Peter was left alone, stood in the middle of his brothers room, taking deep breaths to try and calm his pounding heart.

He couldn't believe he'd let this happen, he'd let Edmund go out on a ride that late at night, he didnt even stop to make sure he was wearing his crown, or stop to look at how he was dressed, of course no one would think he was a king wearing what he'd worn.

He also knew that Edmund had gone too far from Cair, and he wasn't sure if it was on purpose, or if it was an accident.

Running a hand through his hair once again, he took a deep breath and headed out the room, walking down the corridors to his.

He would find his brother, no matter what.


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