9. Because I couldn't find him

471 12 2

24th April


Peter's eyes snapped open as he let out a loud gasp. He frowned for a moment, that voice, he recognized that voice!


Five seconds later, Peter's face fell. "Ed." He whispered, before setting off at a run in the direction of the voice.


"Ed!" Peter panted as he ran, wanting nothing more than to find his brother.

He stopped dead when he saw him, kneeling on the floor with two men holding his arms, preventing him from getting away.

"Peter!" Edmund exclaimed when he saw his older brother, and Peter's heart broke at the tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Ed." Peter choked, running towards Edmund, but he stopped when one of the men pulled out a dagger.

"One more move and I'll slit his throat." He growled, placing the knife to the side of Edmund's neck.

"Let him go." Peter pleaded, staring at the man with the knife.

"And why would I do that?" The man laughed.

"Please." Peter practically begged. "He's my brother!"

Both men laughed. "Oh we know." They both said at the same time.

Peter swallowed hard. "Please." He whispered. "I'll do anything. I'll-"

He was cut off though when he felt someone grab him from behind, forcing a surprised yell from him.

He glanced around, his eyes widening when he saw a minotaur, gripping his arms so tightly that he was in danger of breaking the bones.

"Let him go!" Edmund's scream caused Peter to turn back around, struggling slightly against the minotaur, although he knew it was pointless.

"Ed." He said quickly. "Its okay, I'll get us both out of here."

Edmund stared at him for a moment before something behind Peter caught his attention.

Peter frowned as he watched all the colour drain from Edmund's face, watched as he began trembling, shaking his head back and forth. "No." He choked.

Peter hardly even dared turn his head, but he knew he had too.

He held his breath as he did, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw the white witch walking towards them.

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