39: We must hurry

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May 17th

"Any news?" Peter all but whispered, staring up at Orious with hope in his eyes.

The centaur shook his head. "I'm afraid not your majesty." He sighed. "But I promise we will find him... eventually."

May 18th

"This isn't fair." Peter choked. "They have to find him! They have to!"

"They are trying their hardest." Orious reassured him. "Believe me I'm with them all the time. They don't want to get on the wrong end of you trust me."

May 19th

"You look exhausted."

Peter glanced up and sighed when he spotted Philip, who came and sat in the grass beside him. "I feel it." He whispered.

"Take it theres no news?" Philip asked, sounding upset.

Peter shook his head. "Nothing." He muttered. "I'm half thinking of just going to look for him myself."

"I don't blame you." Philip agreed. "But traipsing around Calormen alone with no idea where you're going isn't the best of ideas."

"Orious said that the other day." Peter muttered. "And I know it's not a great idea, but I miss him. I miss him so, so much."

Philip was silent for a while before nodding. "So do I."

May 20th

Edmund cried out in pain as the guard grabbed his arm and twisted it in a way it definitely shouldn't go.

He was thrown to the floor a moment later, his head hitting the hard ground with a thud.

He lay there, taking deep breaths before his arm was grabbed and his shoulder roughly put back into place again.

He screamed as it happened, but this only earned a kick to the stomach before the guard walked away.

Edmund coughed harshly a few times as he curled himself into a ball, squeezing his eyes shut and forcing back his tears as best he could.

He didn't know how much more he could take, he was exhausted, hungry, tired, in pain, weak, thirsty, and he missed his family so much it physically hurt him.

He was pretty sure it had been at least a month since he was kidnapped, and his heart ached at the thought of it being that long since he'd been with his siblings.

Swallowing hard and gripping his arm close to his chest, he managed to pull himself into a sitting position, knowing he needed to get back to his work before he was caught laying on the floor doing nothing.

It had been three days roughly since that man had left with the promise that he'd find Peter, and he was actually starting to give up all hope.

Sure it had only been three days, but with the month he'd had, Edmund didn't have much hope left at all.

But he still wished and prayed to Aslan that he would he found soon, because he would do anything to be able to hug his siblings again, and he meant... anything.

May 21st

Peter sighed as his eyes flickered open, and he frowned at the fact that he'd actually managed to get a decent night's sleep. But he was really tired, so maybe that was why.

With a sigh he sat up and ran a hand through his hair, tears stinging his eyes as he wondered if they'd found his brother yet.

But there was only one way to find out.

With a sigh he got out of bed, got changed and left the room, placing his crown on his head just so everyone knew exactly who he was.

He soon came across Orious, who looked like he'd been on his way to find him, and hesitantly glanced up at him. "Let me guess." He muttered. "No news?"

Orious smiled. "Actually..." He said slowly.

Peter's heart skipped a beat, and his eyes went wide. "You've found him?" He choked.

Orious nodded. "There's someone here who wishes to speak to you." He said. "He says he borrows horses from the place King Edmund is working, found him three days ago and found us as soon as he could."

Peter felt faint, but he quickly steadied himself and ordered Orious to take him to see the man, which he immediately did.

"King Peter." He said, bowing his head.

"You - you know where my brother is?" Peter said quickly, not wanting to waste a second.

The man nodded. "He's about a days ride from here." He answered. "In a place similar to this but a lot more strict. He hasn't been treated well sir."

Peter swallowed hard. "Orious said you found him three days ago?" He questioned.

The man nodded again. "It took me a while to find you." He said. "But your brother knows I went looking for you, so he's probably expecting you to rescue him any day now."

Peter took a deep breath. "And that's exactly what I'm going to do." He muttered. "Orious?"

"Yes your majesty?"

"Get Philip and Amir, we leave as soon as possible." Peter said. "Can you take us to him?" He asked the man. "I'll do anything."

The man shook his head. "You don't need to do anything but follow me." He said kindly. "I know how you feel right now, and if I can spare you from that feeling then I will."

Peter stared at the man, and after figuring out he shouldn't ask questions he gave him a grateful nod. "Thank you." He murmured. "Truly."

The man only smiled at him. "It's my pleasure your majesty." He said with a bow. "But we must hurry. King Edmund is a day away at least, and goodness knows what could happen to him in that time. Goodness knows what's happened to him since I left."

Peter swallowed hard, not liking the sound of that at all, which is why the second everyone was ready, they set off, determined to reach Edmund before anything worse happened to him.


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